Are Cockroaches Harmful? A Springtime Pest Dilemma

  • Thread starter N_Quire
  • Start date
In summary, cockroaches can be found in many places, including homes and even some exotic recipes. They can carry diseases and contaminate food, making them harmful to humans. They are difficult to get rid of, even with proper cleaning and pest control. However, in some areas of the Western United States, cockroaches are not a common problem.
  • #1
It's spring, warm and humid and the place is crawling with huge brown cockroaches. They are disgusting looking things but they don't make a lot of noise, unlike crickets. I have noticed they can go anywhere, including up walls and across the ceiling. I try to keep my place spotless but it does not deter the creatures. They come in through vents and under doors and are really bugging me (sorry!). How harmful are they? I don't like the idea of them crawling across anything I might eat but is their awfulness most aesthetic?
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  • #2
Cockroaches can carry diseases, not inside of them like mosquitoes, but on the outside, they then walk across your food (eating it sometimes) and contaminate it, it is also estimated that 10-15 million Americans are allergic to cockroaches.

The thing is, they aren't good for anything, for human's that can crush them up and put them on wounds though, it relieves pain:wink:
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  • #3
They look completely good for nothing too.
  • #4
Everyone must live with them, they are everywhere and impossible to stop. I know some friends in florida that keep everything in tuperware.

Cockroaches are known to secrete a fluid that can irritate humans and overall they are a sign off filth.
  • #5
yes they are disgusting, unfortunately once they have infested a place it doesn't matter how clean you keep things, they manage to survive regardless. i am a pacifist to the point to where i catch spiders and take them out side when i find one on my house, but roaches are pretty much stuck there unless you kill them all. i rented this really neat place back in collage that turned out to have silverbacks running rampant, basically just little cockroaches but none the less disgusting things. best thing to do is just get an exterminator and if you are renting the financial responsibility is that of your landlord, don't let them try to tell you otherwise either.
  • #6
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
Everyone must live with them, they are everywhere and impossible to stop.
Haha, not everyone must live with them. Come to Utah or Idaho and you will never see another cockroach again (probably colorado, montana, wyoming, too but i have never lived there soo...). Its wonderful to not have to live with these disgusting things that everyone talks about, seriously one of the best parts of living in the west. Allthough you do have to put up with other things like box elder bugs, but they aren't nearly as bad as cockroaches.
  • #7
Does the pest control man come to your house and spray for them? We don't have a roach problem in our house because the bugman comes out and sprays, but I've been in other buidlings around louisiana where it is very bad.
  • #8
Originally posted by climbhi
Haha, not everyone must live with them. Come to Utah or Idaho and you will never see another cockroach again (probably colorado, montana, wyoming, too but i have never lived there soo...). Its wonderful to not have to live with these disgusting things that everyone talks about, seriously one of the best parts of living in the west. Allthough you do have to put up with other things like box elder bugs, but they aren't nearly as bad as cockroaches.

I'm lucky enough to live in Illinois, we get cockroaches and box elder bugs, worst of both worlds!
  • #9
The fact that they have survived for more than 300 million years shows how resistant these things are. Almost in any old building which had either coal kitchen or heating systems they are present. But since they usually come out at night, they are not excessively disgusting, up you find them in a really unpleasant place.
But think that in some places in Asia some kinds of cockroaches are considered an exquisite speciality.
  • #10
If you are a poor and starving student, you mught be tempted by these cockroach recipes. A word of warning: don't eat cockroach sushi or roaches that you haven't killed yourself.
  • #11
Originally posted by rutwig
...up you find them in a really unpleasant place.

They can show up in weird places, my friend was camping a couple years ago and he woke up in excruciating pain, screaming and such, from a pain in his ear. He went to the hospital and the doctor's ended up pulling a cockroach out of his ear, it had 'burrowed' down into his ear and was scraping against his ear drum. Everytime I think of cockroaches I think of that story
  • #12
it had 'burrowed' down into his ear and was scraping against his ear drum
I'm sure to get some sleep tonight
  • #13
Originally posted by N_Quire
If you are a poor and starving student, you mught be tempted by these cockroach recipes. A word of warning: don't eat cockroach sushi or roaches that you haven't killed yourself.

I seriously doubt that students will be tempted by these recipes.
On the other hand, some years ago grasshoppers in chocolate were a boom. Diversity makes the world interesting...

FAQ: Are Cockroaches Harmful? A Springtime Pest Dilemma

Are Cockroaches Harmful?

Cockroaches are common household pests that can elicit various reactions from people. While they might not be welcome guests in homes, understanding their potential harm is important. Let's address some common questions about the potential harm associated with cockroaches:

Q1: Are Cockroaches Harmful to Humans?

Yes, cockroaches can be harmful to humans. They are known carriers of pathogens and can transmit diseases to humans. Cockroaches often come into contact with unsanitary environments, including sewage and garbage, which can lead to contamination.

Q2: What Diseases Can Cockroaches Transmit?

Cockroaches can transmit various diseases, including:

  • Foodborne Illnesses: Cockroaches can contaminate food and food preparation surfaces with disease-causing bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.
  • Allergies: Cockroach droppings, saliva, and shed skin contain allergens that can trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms in some individuals.
  • Pathogens: Cockroaches can carry pathogens on their bodies, which can be transferred to surfaces they come into contact with, posing a risk of disease transmission.

Q3: Can Cockroach Bites Be Harmful?

Cockroaches are not typically known for biting humans. However, in rare cases, they may bite if they feel threatened. Cockroach bites are usually harmless, but they can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in some individuals.

Q4: How Can Cockroach Infestations Be Harmful?

Infestations of cockroaches in homes or businesses can be harmful in several ways:

  • Health Risks: Cockroach infestations can increase the risk of disease transmission and exacerbate allergies and asthma in susceptible individuals.
  • Contamination: Cockroaches can contaminate food, surfaces, and living spaces with bacteria, allergens, and droppings.
  • Property Damage: Cockroaches can damage paper products, fabrics, and some materials by feeding on them.

Q5: How Can Cockroach Infestations Be Managed?

To manage cockroach infestations and minimize potential harm:

  • Cleanliness: Maintain a clean living environment by regularly cleaning and removing food crumbs, securing food containers, and fixing any water leaks.
  • Sealing Entry Points: Seal cracks, gaps, and entry points that cockroaches can use to enter your home or property.
  • Pest Control: If infestations are severe, consider professional pest control services to safely and effectively eliminate the problem.

In summary, cockroaches can be harmful to humans by transmitting diseases, triggering allergies, and contaminating living spaces. While they are not typically aggressive, the potential health risks associated with cockroaches make it important to manage and prevent infestations.

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