Are Electric and Magnetic Fields Essentially the Same?

In summary: I have not gone into quantum mechanics so I can't say for certain. There's Another similarity between the Gauss' And Amperean lawsThere's Another similarity between the Gauss' And Amperean lawsYes, the Gauss' and Amperean laws are similar in that they are both expressions of the charge on an object multiplied by the distance between the object and the observer.Yes, the Gauss' and Amperean laws are similar in that they are both expressions of the charge on an object multiplied by the distance between the object and the observer.
  • #1

I was simply wondering this for some time now... I am constantly seeing similarities between electric (E) fields and magnetic (B) fields.

A few examples, Coulomb's law and Biot-Savart's law:
[tex]dE = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \frac{dQ}{r^2}[/tex]
[tex]dB = \frac{\mu_0}{4 \pi} \frac{I dl}{r^2}[/tex]

They are nearly the same... Especially the constants [itex]\mu_0[/itex] and [itex]epsilon_0[/itex], they always seem to be taking each other's place, where [itex]epsilon_0[/itex] is always replaced with [itex](\mu_0)^{-1}[/itex] (not just in this example but everything I have ever come across, like in EM-waves etc...)

Also in the case of time-varrying E or B fields they seem to be related, you can't only look at one without considering the other anymore (maxwell equations etc)...

I have heard / read a bit about this and it seems to be that E and B fields are essentially the same, in quantum mechanics, or in (general?) relativity (or both? I dunno..)...
Is this true?

If anyone has some information on this that would be great, I'm very interested in this...

I don't know if it's the same with you guys but for some reason I cannot see the latex images in my post... Seems to be something wrong...
Physics news on
  • #2
The electric and magnetic fields are unified in special relativity.

It is possible to derive the Biot-Savart law using a thought experiment with Coloumb's law and a moving observer. When we use the Lorentz transformations of special relativity to transform coordinates, the Biot-Savart law is the result.
  • #3
Is this transformation difficult to actually calculate? Could you perhaps show an example?
  • #4
Nick89 said:
Is this transformation difficult to actually calculate? Could you perhaps show an example?

The transformation is not too difficult, but it could take some time to reproduce it here on the forum. I suggest trying google first, or checking out Chapter 12 of Griffth's "Introduction to Electrodynamics" if available.

For instance, here is a talk given by Daniel Shroeder from Weber State on this topic:
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  • #5
Thanks that seems like an interesting read!
  • #6
G01 said:
The transformation is not too difficult, but it could take some time to reproduce it here on the forum. I suggest trying google first, or checking out Chapter 12 of Griffth's "Introduction to Electrodynamics" if available.

For instance, here is a talk given by Daniel Shroeder from Weber State on this topic:

I don't happen to have a Griffith. I do, however understand the vacuum gauge symmetry of E and B. Does Griffith discuss any non-vacuum symmetry? just curious...
  • #7
Electricity and magnetism are two extremes of the same phenomenon (electromagnetism). If you were to approach this quantum mechanically, with the addition of a few things, Maxwell's equations will show them to be practically identical. So then why is there a magnetic force and electric force...actually...I don't know and I have not gone into quantum mechanics...but it has something to do with charges moving, so I would assume magnetic fields occur due to moving Electric Fields...and if electric fields move, they are not always constant in a fixed frame of reference...and so magnetic fields occur essentially when there is a changing electric field...and electric fields occur with changing magnetic fields, which is apparently symmetric.
  • #8
Phrak said:
I don't happen to have a Griffith. I do, however understand the vacuum gauge symmetry of E and B. Does Griffith discuss any non-vacuum symmetry? just curious...

Yes, we are not talking about the vacuum gauge symmetry, but rather a process of deriving the magnetic field of a infinite line of current using the lorentz transformations and coloumb's law.
  • #9
Crosson said:
Yes, we are not talking about the vacuum gauge symmetry, but rather a process of deriving the magnetic field of a infinite line of current using the lorentz transformations and coloumb's law.

Yes, of course. My mistake. Checking my notes, the gauge doesn't enter into it, apparently. It seems however, that if
[tex]dE = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \frac{dQ}{r^2}[/tex]
is expressed in a coordinate independent form using
[tex]d*F=-*J[/tex] where J is a 1-from,
[tex]dB = \frac{\mu_0}{4 \pi} \frac{I dl}{r^2}[/tex]
will be included in the same equation, where the Lorentz transform is implicit. I can't simply tell by looking as these two equations if that would be the case.
  • #10
Another one

There's Another similarity between the Gauss' And Amperean laws

Integral(closed surface) E.ds = q(enclosed)/Epsilon nought

Integral(closed loop) B.dl= I(enclosed)/Mu nought
  • #11
I know, there are loads, and it's obvious from the maxwell equations that time-varying E and B fields are physically connected. However it is not directly obvious that they would be the same thing (if you look at it in the right way)...

FAQ: Are Electric and Magnetic Fields Essentially the Same?

1. What is the difference between E and B fields?

The E field, or electric field, is a measure of the force exerted on a charged particle by an electric field. It is a vector quantity and is created by electric charges. The B field, or magnetic field, is a measure of the force exerted on a moving charged particle by a magnetic field. It is also a vector quantity and is created by moving charges or changing electric fields.

2. How are E and B fields related?

In a vacuum, E and B fields are related through the Maxwell's equations, which describe the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism. Specifically, the equations show that a changing electric field can create a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field can create an electric field. This relationship is known as electromagnetic induction.

3. Can E and B fields exist separately?

No, E and B fields are always present together. This is because changing electric fields create magnetic fields, and changing magnetic fields create electric fields. In other words, they are interconnected and cannot exist without each other.

4. What is the analogy between E and B fields?

The analogy between E and B fields is often described using the "right-hand rule." This rule states that if you point your right thumb in the direction of the electric field, and your fingers in the direction of the magnetic field, then your palm will point in the direction of the force on a positive charge. This analogy helps to visualize the relationship between E and B fields.

5. How do E and B fields affect charged particles?

E and B fields can exert a force on charged particles, causing them to accelerate or change direction. This is the basis for many technologies, such as electric motors and generators, which use the interaction between E and B fields to produce motion. E and B fields are also responsible for the behavior of charged particles in matter, such as the deflection of electrons in a cathode ray tube.
