Are Electron Orbitals Always Spherical in Shape?

In summary, the conversation discusses the probability distribution of the position of an electron in a hydrogen atom, specifically focusing on the shape of the ##2p_x## orbital. It is mentioned that the pictures shown are actually cross-sections of complex spherical harmonics and that the orbital is a real function and not an eigenfunction of ##\hat{L}_z##. The possibility of preparing an atomic sample in a given ##l, m_l## state and the existence of a coordinate system in which the spin is aligned along its z axis is also mentioned. The conversation concludes with the idea that the quantization axes can be chosen according to the direction of the external field.
  • #1
The probability distribution of the position of the electron of a hydrogen atom is related to the following polar plots
Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 5.18.27 pm.png

Suppose the electron is excited from the ##1s## orbital to the ##2p_x## orbital. Does it make sense to talk about the ##2p_x## orbital having a dumbbell shape pointing in the ##x## direction since the ##z## axis can be pointing in any direction? Shouldn't all orbitals be spherical when we consider there is an equal probability for the ##z## axis to point in any direction?
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  • #2
Happiness said:
Does it make sense to talk about the 2px2p_x orbital having a dumbbell shape pointing in the xx direction since the zz axis can be pointing in any direction?
What are shown in the picture above are actually the cross-section of ##|Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)|^2## in the xz plane, so when viewed as a 3D distribution, the ##2p_x## orbital does not have a dumbbell shape.
  • #3
Happiness said:
Suppose the electron is excited from the ##1s## orbital to the ##2p_x## orbital. Does it make sense to talk about the ##2p_x## orbital having a dumbbell shape pointing in the ##x## direction since the ##z## axis can be pointing in any direction?
Be careful that what you posted are pictures of the the spherical harmonics, which are complex functions, while ##p_x## is a real function, linear combination of spherical harmonics, and is not an eigenfunction of ##\hat{L}_z##.

Happiness said:
Shouldn't all orbitals be spherical when we consider there is an equal probability for the ##z## axis to point in any direction?
No, you can have a polarized sample. At equilibrium, you should have on average an isotropic distribution, but one can prepare an atomic sample in a given ##l, m_l## state. Note that the preparation aspect is going to define a laboratory z axis: the choice of axes is no longer arbitrary.
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  • #4
Must the spin angular momentum of an electron have a definite direction or could it be in a superposition of being in manydifferent directions? If so, how can we prepare such a superposition?
  • #5
Happiness said:
Must the spin angular momentum of an electron have a definite direction or could it be in a superposition of being in manydifferent directions? If so, how can we prepare such a superposition?
It is always in some superposition. If it is aligned along z in some coordinate system, it is in a superposition in any coordinate system where z' is not colinear with z.
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  • #6
DrClaude said:
It is always in some superposition. If it is aligned along z in some coordinate system, it is in a superposition in any coordinate system where z' is not colinear with z.

So there must always exist exactly one coordinate system in which the spin is aligned along its z axis?
  • #7
Happiness said:
So there must always exist exactly one coordinate system in which the spin is aligned along its z axis?
Yes. In the presence of an external field, you also have to account for spin precession, so it is possible that that coordinate system is a rotating one.
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  • #8
I just want to add that which orbital gets excited depends on the polarisation of the exciting electromagnetic field. The propagation direction defines one axis and the direction of the em field fixes another one. It is convenient to chose the quantization axes accordingly.

FAQ: Are Electron Orbitals Always Spherical in Shape?

What are the different shapes of electron orbitals?

The four main shapes of electron orbitals are s, p, d, and f. The s orbital is spherical in shape, the p orbital is dumbbell-shaped, the d orbital is clover-shaped, and the f orbital is complex and has multiple lobes.

How are the shapes of electron orbitals determined?

The shapes of electron orbitals are determined by solving the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of electrons in atoms. The solutions to this equation result in the different shapes of orbitals.

What is the significance of the shapes of electron orbitals?

The shapes of electron orbitals determine the spatial distribution of electrons around the nucleus of an atom. This, in turn, affects the chemical and physical properties of elements and molecules.

Can the shapes of electron orbitals change?

No, the shapes of electron orbitals are fixed and cannot change. However, the orientation of the orbitals in space can change as the electron moves to different energy levels.

How do the different shapes of electron orbitals affect bonding?

The different shapes of electron orbitals play a crucial role in chemical bonding. For example, the spherical s orbital is best suited for forming covalent bonds, while the dumbbell-shaped p orbital is better for forming double and triple bonds.

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