Are extra dimensions required be compacted?

In summary, this idea suggest the extra dimensions are very large/prehaps infinite where they do not intersect and might be where the "missing mass" or superpartners reside. This general line of thought comes from "Daughter Universe" concept which is being discussed online.
  • #1
Chris Walters
The attached image file shows the extra dimensions might come from overlapping planes with different energy value. In this model the extra dimensions are very small at the point where they intersect at the parent universe event horizon at the Plank Level (10 Minue 39).

This idea suggest the extra dimensions are very large/prehaps infinite where they do not intersect and might be where the "missing mass" or superpartners reside. This general line of thought comes from "Daughter Universe" concept which is being discussed online. If you cannot view the
attached image it is also online:

Thanks for any feedback

Chris Walters


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  • #2
Is it not a matter of convenience and economy? How many dimensions [free floating coordinates are required to locate any object in the universe? 3+1 seems adequate to fix a single point. Add two more similarily fixed points and you can locate any object in the universe. So I see no need for more than six degrees of freedom in a three dimensional universe.
  • #3
strings, branes and extra-dimensions are wonderful beasts in that they help us answer several big problems in physics, hopefully the LHC will give us some indication whether this picture is ultimately correct. regarding compactness of extra-dimensions, I guess it is a matter of "taste" these days, since both models involving compact and non-compact/infinite extra-dimensions exist.

this is just another example of the endless possibilities... and as some call it... a type of mathematical game we theorists like to play :smile:
  • #4
But it is a very interesting game. Ironically, game theory may be our best and only hope of penetrating the veil of ignorance that shrouds modern science. We tend to presume the universe is governed by a timeless, inviolable set of rules, do we not? Perhaps that assumption is unfounded. Pioneer anomaly anyone?
  • #5
Hi Chronos

RE: your comment 03-13-2007 01:42 AM
But it is a very interesting game. Ironically, game theory may be our best and only hope of penetrating the veil of ignorance that shrouds modern science.

1 - Game Theory tends to treat dimensions as strategies which allows for more than just space-time 4D.
For example, the curled-up string dimensions of Randall [large] and Arkani-Gamed [small] might be trajectory dimensions about virtual cylinders.

2 - I have found what appears to be an evolution of Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory, from a mathematical l'ecole de francaise, that might allow:
a - notational modification of -oo and or +oo
b - operators that might be able to deal with the UV problem
c - allows for sources and sinks to be incorporated in graph techniques for nodes [vertices] and arcs [edges] through Petri nets

FAQ: Are extra dimensions required be compacted?

1. Are extra dimensions real or just theoretical?

Extra dimensions are a theoretical concept that is currently being explored in the field of physics. While there is no direct evidence for the existence of extra dimensions, certain theories and mathematical equations suggest their possibility. However, more research and experimentation is needed to confirm their existence.

2. Why do we need to compact extra dimensions?

In order to explain the observed properties and behavior of our universe, certain theories require the existence of extra dimensions. However, these dimensions need to be compacted or hidden in order to be consistent with our observations. This is because if they were not compacted, they would have a significant impact on our everyday lives and would contradict our current understanding of the universe.

3. How many extra dimensions are there?

The number of extra dimensions required for certain theories varies. Some theories suggest the existence of 1 or 2 extra dimensions, while others propose up to 11 dimensions. The exact number of dimensions is still a subject of ongoing research and debate.

4. How do we know that extra dimensions exist?

As mentioned earlier, there is currently no direct evidence for the existence of extra dimensions. However, certain theories and mathematical equations, such as string theory, suggest their possibility. Additionally, experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN are being conducted to search for evidence of extra dimensions.

5. What would happen if extra dimensions were discovered?

If extra dimensions were to be discovered, it would completely revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It would require us to rethink our current theories and models, and would open up new avenues of research and exploration. It could also potentially lead to breakthroughs in technology and advancements in our daily lives.
