Are Faithful Representations the Most Interesting Group Representations?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a 'faithful representation' in group theory, which is defined as an injective homomorphism from a group G to the Automorphism group of an object S. The conversation also explores the idea of a 'surjective restriction' of a representation, which is essentially the same as the original representation but with a restricted codomain. It is concluded that for every faithful representation, the surjective restriction is an isomorphism. The conversation also touches upon the idea of whether faithful representations are 'boring' and the relationship between group actions and representations.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Hello everyone!
I've been learning some basic group theory (I'm new to the subject). And I had a (hopefully) fairly simple question. OK, so a 'faithful representation' is defined as an injective homomorphism from some group G to the Automorphism group of some object. Let's call the object S for now. (I'm speaking more generally than just linear representations). So, to use some mathematical notation, we have ##\phi : G \rightarrow Aut(S)## where ##\phi## is the homomorphism.

Now, we can define another representation ##\theta## to be the surjective restriction of ##\phi## (meaning ##\theta## is essentially the same as ##\phi##, but with the codomain restricted to the image of ##\phi##). Therefore, ##\theta## is an injective surjective homomorphism, meaning it is an isomorphism. So I guess now, my question is: does my logic make sense? To summarize: for every faithful representation, the surjective restriction of that representation is an isomorphism.

Also, as a less concrete follow-up question: does this mean that faithful representations are in a sense somewhat 'boring' ? The image of a faithful representation is isomorphic to the original group, so it seems like we haven't done much by using this representation of the group. It seems to me that the interesting and potentially useful representations are the non-faithful ones... Does that sound about right?

Finally, one last question (sorry so many questions). I've seen the term 'group action' used a few times and it looks like it means the same thing as a representation. Have I understood this correctly? Or are they different things?

Many thanks,
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  • #2
BruceW said:
Hello everyone!
I've been learning some basic group theory (I'm new to the subject). And I had a (hopefully) fairly simple question. OK, so a 'faithful representation' is defined as an injective homomorphism from some group G to the Automorphism group of some object. Let's call the object S for now. (I'm speaking more generally than just linear representations). So, to use some mathematical notation, we have ##\phi : G \rightarrow Aut(S)## where ##\phi## is the homomorphism.

Now, we can define another representation ##\theta## to be the surjective restriction of ##\phi## (meaning ##\theta## is essentially the same as ##\phi##, but with the codomain restricted to the image of ##\phi##). Therefore, ##\theta## is an injective surjective homomorphism, meaning it is an isomorphism. So I guess now, my question is: does my logic make sense? To summarize: for every faithful representation, the surjective restriction of that representation is an isomorphism.

Yes, that is correct.

Also, as a less concrete follow-up question: does this mean that faithful representations are in a sense somewhat 'boring' ? The image of a faithful representation is isomorphic to the original group, so it seems like we haven't done much by using this representation of the group. It seems to me that the interesting and potentially useful representations are the non-faithful ones... Does that sound about right?

I don't see why that makes faithful representations boring. For example, if you can find a faithful linear representation of a group, then you can basically represent the group as matrices. I think this is very interesting because you describe your group in other terminology, while you lose no information. Furthermore, that other description (for example as permutations or matrices) could be interesting to compute things about your group.

But in any case, whether a representation is interesting or not depends on the application you have in mind.

Finally, one last question (sorry so many questions). I've seen the term 'group action' used a few times and it looks like it means the same thing as a representation. Have I understood this correctly? Or are they different things?

Usually, it indeed means a representation like you defined, but one where ##S## is a set. So a group is then represented as bijective functions on a set.
  • #3
micromass said:
Yes, that is correct.
woah, super-fast reply. thanks micromass :)

micromass said:
I don't see why that makes faithful representations boring. For example, if you can find a faithful linear representation of a group, then you can basically represent the group as matrices. I think this is very interesting because you describe your group in other terminology, while you lose no information. Furthermore, that other description (for example as permutations or matrices) could be interesting to compute things about your group.
hmm I guess. But you could just choose certain matrices to be your group elements in the first place. Maybe using faithful representation is a nice way to acknowledge that the group of all invertible matrices is a 'natural' group, while your choice of a certain subgroup of these matrices (for example when you have finite cyclic group) is not going to be a nice natural choice (i.e. there are many choices which are different, but effectively do the same thing for our purposes).

micromass said:
But in any case, whether a representation is interesting or not depends on the application you have in mind.
yeah, that's true.

micromass said:
Usually, it indeed means a representation like you defined, but one where ##S## is a set. So a group is then represented as bijective functions on a set.
Ah, right. So a group action is a particular example of a representation. cool.
  • #4
BruceW said:
Hello everyone!
I've been learning some basic group theory (I'm new to the subject). And I had a (hopefully) fairly simple question. OK, so a 'faithful representation' is defined as an injective homomorphism from some group G to the Automorphism group of some object. Let's call the object S for now. (I'm speaking more generally than just linear representations). So, to use some mathematical notation, we have ##\phi : G \rightarrow Aut(S)## where ##\phi## is the homomorphism.

Now, we can define another representation ##\theta## to be the surjective restriction of ##\phi## (meaning ##\theta## is essentially the same as ##\phi##, but with the codomain restricted to the image of ##\phi##). Therefore, ##\theta## is an injective surjective homomorphism, meaning it is an isomorphism. So I guess now, my question is: does my logic make sense? To summarize: for every faithful representation, the surjective restriction of that representation is an isomorphism.

Also, as a less concrete follow-up question: does this mean that faithful representations are in a sense somewhat 'boring' ? The image of a faithful representation is isomorphic to the original group, so it seems like we haven't done much by using this representation of the group. It seems to me that the interesting and potentially useful representations are the non-faithful ones... Does that sound about right?

Finally, one last question (sorry so many questions). I've seen the term 'group action' used a few times and it looks like it means the same thing as a representation. Have I understood this correctly? Or are they different things?

Many thanks,

For the 1st question:

Notice, by the first isomorphism theorem, if you have f: G-->H with trivial kernel {e}, then G/Ker(f)=G/{e}~ G ~ f(G). So you're right that this is an isomorphism into the image. Not a brilliant comment, but helps dot t's and cross-eyes.
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  • #5

I would say that whether faithful representations are the most interesting group representations depends on the specific context and purpose for which they are being used. Faithful representations have the advantage of preserving all the group structure and properties, which can be useful for certain applications. However, non-faithful representations can also be interesting and useful in their own right, as they may reveal different aspects of the group or allow for more flexibility in the mathematical manipulations. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that one type of representation is inherently more interesting than the other.

Regarding your logic, it seems sound, but it would be helpful to see a specific example to fully assess it. As for your follow-up question, it is true that the image of a faithful representation is isomorphic to the original group, but this does not necessarily mean that it is uninteresting. It simply means that the representation is preserving all the group structure, which can be useful for certain purposes.

In terms of group actions, they are closely related to representations but are not exactly the same thing. A group action is a generalization of a representation, where the group acts on a set rather than a mathematical object. However, in many cases, group actions and representations are used interchangeably, so it is important to clarify the specific context in which these terms are being used.

Overall, the concept of faithful representations and their usefulness depends on the specific application and context in which they are being used. It is important to consider both faithful and non-faithful representations in order to fully understand and utilize the group structure.

Related to Are Faithful Representations the Most Interesting Group Representations?

What is faithful representation?

Faithful representation is a concept in accounting and finance that refers to the accurate and unbiased representation of financial information in a company's financial statements. This means that the information presented in the financial statements should reflect the economic reality of the company and be free from any personal biases or misrepresentations.

Why is faithful representation important?

Faithful representation is important because it allows stakeholders, such as investors and creditors, to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable financial information. It also promotes transparency and trust in a company's financial reporting.

How is faithful representation achieved?

Faithful representation is achieved through the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and specific accounting standards, such as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These guidelines ensure that financial information is recorded and presented consistently and accurately.

What are the characteristics of faithful representation?

The characteristics of faithful representation include completeness, neutrality, free from error, substance over form, and prudence. Completeness means that all relevant information is included in the financial statements. Neutrality means that the information is free from bias. Free from error means that the information is accurate and reliable. Substance over form means that the economic substance of a transaction takes precedence over its legal form. Prudence means that conservative estimates and caution are used in financial reporting.

What are some examples of faithful representation?

Examples of faithful representation include accurately recording all financial transactions, disclosing all relevant information in the footnotes of financial statements, and using conservative estimates when recording income and expenses. It also includes presenting the financial statements in a clear and understandable format, without any misleading information or omissions.

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