Are ForceFields a possibility?

  • Thread starter havoc13
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating force fields using zero point energy or Gravitoelectromagnetism. It is mentioned that force fields are currently a reality, but not in the way described in science fiction. The use of antimatter as fuel and the concept of "Quantum energy" as an energy source are also mentioned, along with the idea of building an SF-style deflector shield. Overall, the question of whether force fields are a possibility and if anyone has worked in this field of physics before is brought up. However, it is noted that speculative physics is not a topic discussed on the forum.
  • #1
Hey I'm new here although not to the site and I've seen some of the threads and thought I'd start with a question of my own. Are Forcefields a possibility? Especially with using zero point energy or Gravitoelectromagnetism. Theoretically creating a gravitomagnetic zero point energy field could work. Although consuming large amounts of power you could easily combat with using either an antimatter fuel source or the theoretical controversial energy source known as Quantum energy. So to recap my question is this a possibility and has anyone worked in this field of physics before?
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

I think you're referring to speculative physics. The current understanding is that there a four fundamental forces gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. Of those four only the electromagnetic might be used to construct a force field but it wouldn't repel everything and certainly wouldn't work like the ones described in science fiction today.

Perhaps this talk will help:

Other than that speculative physics topics aren't discussed on this forum and this thread will probably be locked or deleted if we continue to talk about it.
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  • #3
Welcome to PF;
Are Forcefields a possibility?
Force fields are a reality - eg: gravity.

Especially with using zero point energy
That would involved shaped Casimir effect to get energy densities less than zero.

or Gravitoelectromagnetism.

Theoretically creating a gravitomagnetic zero point energy field could work. Although consuming large amounts of power you could easily combat with using either an antimatter fuel source or the theoretical controversial energy source known as Quantum energy.
"easily" use antimatter as fuel?
"controversial" energy source known as "Quantum energy"?
I suspect you have been exposed to some pseudoscience there.

"could work"?
What are you thinking of? The SF-style deflector shields - a kind of invisible wall in space?

So to recap my question is this a possibility and has anyone worked in this field of physics before?
I'm pretty sure Michio Kaku has explored the concept of physically building an SF deflector shield if that's what you have i mind.
Otherwise you will have to be more clear.
  • #4
Closed, pending moderation.


FAQ: Are ForceFields a possibility?

1. What are ForceFields?

ForceFields are hypothetical barriers that can manipulate and control energy, matter, or other forces. They are often portrayed in science fiction as invisible shields that can protect or repel objects.

2. Can ForceFields really exist?

At the moment, ForceFields are still a concept and have not been proven to exist in our physical world. However, scientists are constantly exploring and researching new technologies that may make ForceFields a possibility in the future.

3. How do ForceFields work?

The exact mechanism of how ForceFields would work is still unknown. It would require a deep understanding of physics and advanced technologies to create and control such a force. Some proposed methods include using electromagnetic or gravitational fields.

4. What applications could ForceFields have?

If ForceFields were to become a reality, they would have a wide range of applications. They could be used in defense and military purposes to shield against projectiles or protect important buildings. They could also be used in transportation to create frictionless pathways or in medical treatments to manipulate cells.

5. Are there any real-life examples of ForceFields?

Currently, there are no known examples of ForceFields in existence. However, there are some technologies that use similar principles, such as magnetic levitation and plasma containment, which may serve as a foundation for future ForceField developments.

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