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Homo sapiens:
A cybernetic life-form, native to the third planet from a medium sized star.
Primary food sources:
Petroleum oil
Ferrous metals
Trace amounts of organic material
O.k. so I'm kidding, but only partly.
Consider; how many of us would starve without the technology we use to produce, store, and distribute, the food required to keep the billions of us there are alive?
What do you suppose we consume more of as a species - wheat, or oil? Steel or beef? Water or toilet paper?
I really don't know myself, I don't even know where I'd go to find out, or even how something like that should be counted. But I do strongly suspect that without the massive monocultures of wheat tended and harvested by fairly complex machines, the trucks and highways that form what at this point really could be viewed as a massive circulatory system, without the warehouses, and the telecommunications used to determine what winds up where and when,.. there'd be a hell of a lot fewer of us.
So the question becomes - at what point does making distinctions between ourselves and our technology become a more or less meaningless distinction in classifying our species?
Over the long pull, how many of you believe that it's pretty much inevitable that humanity probably is going to wind up a truly cybernetic life-form?
How many think we're already there?