Are lightwaves related strings

  • Thread starter Chris Walters
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In summary: Strings manifest. However, this is still an extremely difficult task, and one that may not be achievable for many years to come.
  • #1
Chris Walters
Are lightwaves related "strings"

I am asking if the waves in light could be related to strings
in superstring theory as explained on this website:

I am a layman and not math oriented. Chris w
Physics news on
  • #2
Light is a well understood phenomena. Modern physics understands light better than just about anything else. The current mainstream theory, known as "quantum electrodynamics" defines the particular way that particles with positive or negative charges (like electrons and quarks) exchange photons creating electro-magnetic forces. Visible light is caused by one variety of photons.

String theory is a theory that would provide a larger framework for QED (quantum electrodynamics) and a number of other important theories of physics (such as those that explain the strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force and gravity and describe all the different kinds of particles known to exist).

If string theory is correct, it will likely explain photons as some form of string which will have all of the properties described in current theory (which quite frankly, is already close to perfect at explaining light).
  • #3
How does it explain lights momentum but non-mass?
  • #4
Hello ohwilleke and Pengwuino thanks for the support for the idea that mass and energy might be related because both are composed of "strings" after some fashion or another. E=Mc2 suggest mass equals energy at speed of light squared.
  • #5
Pengwuino. As I understand it, many models, including the "Standard Model" see mass as a characteristic of a particle that arises from its interaction with a "Higgs field". Hence, one way you could have a string that is non-massive would be to have a string which interacts with the Higgs field only in certain modes.
  • #6
Hello ohwilleke and Pengwuino if we accept the idea that particles and energy might be made to strings then who or what would set up an experiment to see if a machine
could cause enough vibration to upset a higgs field or particle. What type of machine generating what cycle of vibration would separate the strings in a particle?
  • #7
Chris Walters said:
Hello ohwilleke and Pengwuino if we accept the idea that particles and energy might be made to strings then who or what would set up an experiment to see if a machine
could cause enough vibration to upset a higgs field or particle. What type of machine generating what cycle of vibration would separate the strings in a particle?

The energy required to do that is far, far above anything we can hope to generate in the foreseeable future. In quantum mechanics, the smaller the arena of your physical action, the higher the energy required to do anything. And strings are really tiny, many powers of ten smaller than a proton. This is the main reason string theory isn't testable. The other reason is that it doesn't make any clear predictions.
  • #8
The energy required to do that is far, far above anything we can hope to generate in the foreseeable future. In quantum mechanics, the smaller the arena of your physical action, the higher the energy required to do anything. And strings are really tiny, many powers of ten smaller than a proton. This is the main reason string theory isn't testable. The other reason is that it doesn't make any clear predictions.

I think Hawking estimates it would take a particle accelerator larger than the size of our solar system to probe the Planck length. That is, assuming we don't find a more effective way of creating high energy collisions.

However, some are optimisitic that CERN's energies will be high enough to disturb the Higgs field in some manner. This wouldn't constitute proof for string theory, but would support the speculation of the existence of a Higgs field that creates mass.

Finally, note that not only does string theory not make any clear predictions, but in general, it can't even be proven false, since it's current construction can be adapted to any experimental result that is found. Even if extra dimensions weren't found by the latest and greatest particle accelerator, it is easy to explain it away by saying you simply need more energy to find them. Hopefully string theory can pull itself out of this hole, but it's not surprising to see some have started looking elsewhere.
  • #9
Measurement of Separation v. Influence on Strings

Chris Walters said:
Hello ohwilleke and Pengwuino if we accept the idea that particles and energy might be made to strings then who or what would set up an experiment to see if a machine
could cause enough vibration to upset a higgs field or particle. What type of machine generating what cycle of vibration would separate the strings in a particle?

Perhaps the effect upon Strings that we may quantify sooner may be that of "an influence effect." Here, scientists would need only measure the existence of the Strings, and through study of various forces of energy stimulation, successfully identify measurable change. There likely exists a vast number of yet discovered energy fields amongst the many dimensions, that when used appropriately as stimuli, could have vast potential to influence matter in a manner much different than what we comprehend as energy today.

For instance, we are able to measure music's vibratory and sound waves upon large particle matter. Would it be plausible to suspect that there are other yet discovered effects and dimensions through which music might impart some form of energy upon vibrating strings?

Related to Are lightwaves related strings

What are lightwaves?

Lightwaves are electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye. They are made up of particles called photons that travel through space at the speed of light.

What are strings in relation to lightwaves?

In physics, strings refer to the theoretical concept of tiny, vibrating strings that make up the fabric of the universe. Some theories suggest that these strings are responsible for the properties and behavior of particles, including lightwaves.

How are lightwaves related to strings?

The relationship between lightwaves and strings is still a topic of research and debate in the field of physics. Some theories propose that lightwaves are made up of vibrating strings, while others suggest that strings influence the behavior of lightwaves.

Can strings be used to explain the behavior of lightwaves?

While strings are a popular concept in theoretical physics, they have not yet been proven or observed in experiments. While some theories suggest that strings may help explain the behavior of lightwaves, more research is needed to confirm this relationship.

Why is the relationship between lightwaves and strings important?

The relationship between lightwaves and strings is important because it could potentially help scientists better understand the fundamental nature of the universe. It could also lead to advancements in technology and our understanding of how light and matter interact.

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