Are Modifications Needed for Escape Velocity in Elliptical Orbits?

In summary, the escape velocity for a satellite in a circular orbit around a large body is determined by the distance from the body and its mass. However, for an elliptical orbit, the optimal point for escape may not necessarily be at the perigee or the apogee. Differentiating the standard escape velocity equation with respect to r may not yield the desired result, but using the orbital equation of motion can provide a more useful solution. Extrema for the escape velocity occur at the apofocus and perifocus, so determining which is best will depend on specific circumstances.
  • #1
The escape velocity of a satellite circularly orbiting a large body comes from conservation of energy. Are there any modifications that must be made for the escape velocity of an elliptical orbit?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
When you look at the formula for escape velocity, you can see that it only depends on the distance from the massive body and that body's mass.
In other words, it doesn't matter what you do around that mass, just where you are.
  • #3
If I trying to find the optimal point for escape in an elliptical orbit, can I just differentiate the standard escape velocity eqn with respect to r? I know it must be either the apogee or the there a better approach?
  • #4
Escape velocity is a speed, not a velocity. The easiest way to attain that velocity is for a vehicle to thrust in the direction it is already going. The minimum delta V needed to escape at some point is the difference between the current velocity at that point and the escape velocity at that point. It is this value you want to minimize, not the escape velocity.
  • #5
So I tried doing precisely that, I minimized a 'thrust' but the expression I arrive at doesn't look like the perigee...
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  • #6
vikasagartha said:
If I trying to find the optimal point for escape in an elliptical orbit, can I just differentiate the standard escape velocity eqn with respect to r?

That depends on your definition of "optimal". For rockets the optimal point is characterized by the highest velocity:
  • #7
vikasagartha said:
So I tried doing precisely that, I minimized a 'thrust' but the expression I arrive at doesn't look like the perigee...View attachment 68288
You used the wrong expression for orbital velocity.

A good place to start is the vis-viva equation. Unfortunately, you'll get no joy here if you differentiate the resulting delta V with respect to r. The problem is there's nothing that constrains r in either the vis-viva equation or the escape velocity equation.

You'll need something such as the orbital equation of motion, ##r=\frac{a (1-e^2)}{1-e\cos\theta}##. Now you should get something useful. In particular, you should find that extrema occur at apofocus and perifocus. So now it's just a matter of determining which is best, which is worst.

FAQ: Are Modifications Needed for Escape Velocity in Elliptical Orbits?

1. What is escape velocity?

Escape velocity is the minimum velocity needed for an object to break free from the gravitational pull of a larger body, such as a planet or moon.

2. How is escape velocity calculated?

Escape velocity can be calculated using the formula v = √(2GM/R), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the larger body, and R is the distance from the center of the larger body to the object.

3. Why is escape velocity important for satellites?

Escape velocity is important for satellites because it determines the minimum speed required for the satellite to stay in orbit around a planet or moon. If a satellite does not reach escape velocity, it will eventually fall back to the surface of the larger body.

4. Can the escape velocity of a satellite change?

Yes, the escape velocity of a satellite can change depending on the mass and distance of the larger body it is orbiting. For example, the escape velocity for a satellite orbiting Earth is different than the escape velocity for a satellite orbiting the moon.

5. How does escape velocity differ from orbital velocity?

Escape velocity is the minimum speed needed to break free from the gravitational pull of a larger body, while orbital velocity is the speed needed to maintain a circular orbit around that body. Orbital velocity is typically lower than escape velocity for a given altitude.
