Are My Electric Potential Answers Correct for These 7 Cases?

  • Thread starter gazepdapi1
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In summary, the problem involves 7 different cases where a test charge is placed in an electric field and the direction of the test charge with the electric field and the change in electric potential from point a to b must be determined. There are two sample pictures provided for reference. For a plus charge emitting a field line to the right, with point a closer to the charge, and the test charge moving towards the plus charge, the test charge goes against the electric field and the electric potential increases. For the same electric field, but with a negative test charge moving away from the plus charge, the test charge moves along the electric field and the electric potential decreases. Similarly, for a negative charge emitting a field line from the right towards itself, and
  • #1
I need you guys to check some of my answers for the following problem, which has 7 different cases. Each case has to be answered by stating the direction of the test charge with the electric field and whether the electric potantial decreases from point a to b. Below are two sample pictures of what I'm describing."

here are the different scenarios:

plus charge emitting a field line to the right, point a to b, where a is closser to the charge. test charge is moving towards the plus charge
-I said test charge goes against E, and P. increases

same E field, negative test charge moves away from the plus charge
-I said negative test charge moves along E, and P. decreases

same E field, negative test charge moves toward plus charge
-I said negative test charge moves against E, P. increases

now there is a negative charge emmiting a field line coming from the right toward itself. test charge moves away from the E field
-I said test charge moves against E, P. increases

same E field, test charge moves toward E field.
-I said test charge move along E, P. decreases

same E field, negative test charge moves away from the E filed.
-I said negative test charge goes against E, P. increases

same E field, negative test charge moves toward E field
-I said negative test charge goes along E, P. increases

I hope that's clear
thanks a lot guys
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  • #2
what about +ve test charge moving away from the +ve source charge?
  • #3
mjsd said:
what about +ve test charge moving away from the +ve source charge?

The professor used that as an example, so i don't need it.
good eye though
  • #4
can anyone tell me if these are correct or not please?

FAQ: Are My Electric Potential Answers Correct for These 7 Cases?

What is electric potential?

Electric potential is the amount of electric potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in an electric field.

How is electric potential measured?

Electric potential is measured in units of voltage, typically in volts (V).

What is the difference between electric potential and electric potential energy?

Electric potential is a measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge, while electric potential energy is the amount of work needed to move a charge from one point to another in an electric field.

How does the electric potential change when moving in an electric field?

The electric potential changes as the electric field changes, and it is directly related to the work done in moving a charge against the electric field. It decreases when moving in the direction of the electric field and increases when moving against the electric field.

What are some real-life applications of electric potential?

Electric potential is used in a variety of applications, including measuring the strength of electric fields, determining the direction of electric current, and calculating the potential difference in electrical circuits.
