Are Non-Degenerate Extrema Isolated in Functions of One Variable?

  • Thread starter Apteronotus
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In summary, a nondegenerate critical point is one where the Hessian matrix is nonsingular, and a nondegenerate extremum is a nondegenerate critical point that is also an extremum. The geometrical significance of a non-singular Hessian matrix in the context of a one-variable function is that it guarantees the critical point is isolated. This means that there is a gap between the critical point and any other points where the derivative is zero. Additionally, if the derivative exists at the critical point, the second derivative must also exist and be zero. However, if the derivative does not exist at other critical points, the second derivative cannot exist at the nondegenerate critical point either.
  • #1
If it is said that a function has nondegenerate extrema does this simply mean that the extrema are isolated?

(The function in question is of one variable.)

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
A nondegenerate critical point is one in which the hessian matrix (the matrix of partial second derivatives) is nonsingular. A nondegenerate extremum then is just a nondegenerate critical point which is an extremum
  • #3
thank you for your reply. Before posting I searched online for the definition and came across the definition you posted.

Hence let me rephrase my question:
What is the geometrical significance of a non-singular Hessian matrix (in the context stated above)?
-- Is an extremum point whose Hessian is non-singular an isolated extrema?
  • #4
Looking back that was a dumb reply since you said that your function only has one variable.

The critical point is nondegenerate if the second derivative at the critical point is non-zero. There are certainly degenerate critical points that are isolated: for example the point 0 for the function x4. If your definition of critical point allows for points where the derivative does not exist, then 0 for the function |x| also counts.

If a critical point is nondegenerate, say it's called x0, then it has to be isolated. If there is a sequence of points xi converging to our critical point x0 such that f'(xi)=0 for all i, then if the second derivative exists, it must be zero (in the difference quotient, looking at just choices of h such that x+h=xi shows that). If we're in the case where derivatives don't exist for the other critical points, but the derivative of x0 does exist, then the second derivative can't exist because we have a sequence of points xi such that f'(xi) does not exist converging to x0, which means that f''(x0) can't exist either
  • #5
I'm grateful. Thank you.

FAQ: Are Non-Degenerate Extrema Isolated in Functions of One Variable?

What is a non-degenerate extremum?

A non-degenerate extremum is a point on a function where the derivative is equal to zero and the second derivative is not equal to zero. This means that the function is neither concave nor convex at this point, and the curvature changes from positive to negative or vice versa.

How is a non-degenerate extremum different from a degenerate extremum?

A degenerate extremum is a point on a function where the derivative is equal to zero, but the second derivative is also equal to zero. This means that the function is flat at this point and has no curvature. In contrast, a non-degenerate extremum has a change in curvature at the point.

What is the significance of non-degenerate extrema in mathematics?

Non-degenerate extrema are important in mathematics because they indicate a change in the shape of a function. They can also be used to identify critical points, which are points where the derivative is equal to zero, and can be used to optimize functions in optimization problems.

Can a function have multiple non-degenerate extrema?

Yes, a function can have multiple non-degenerate extrema. These points can be local extrema, where the function has a maximum or minimum value within a specific interval, or global extrema, where the function has the highest or lowest value in its entire domain.

How can non-degenerate extrema be identified in a function?

To identify non-degenerate extrema in a function, you can take the derivative of the function and set it equal to zero. Then, solve for the variable to find the critical points. Next, take the second derivative of the function and plug in the critical points. If the second derivative is positive, the point is a local minimum, and if it is negative, the point is a local maximum. If the second derivative is zero, the point is a saddle point, which is a non-degenerate extremum.

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