Are Not More Than 70 Percent of Triangles Acute-Angled?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Ackbach
  • Start date
In summary, an acute-angled triangle is a triangle with all three angles less than 90 degrees. To determine the percentage of acute-angled triangles, we divide the number of such triangles by the total number of possible triangles and multiply by 100. The limitation of this percentage to 70% is due to certain combinations of the given points always resulting in obtuse or right-angled triangles. Proving this statement helps us understand the limitations and possibilities of triangle formation with the given points. However, it is not applicable to other sets of points as different limitations and possibilities may arise.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is this week's POTW:


Seventy-five coplanar points are given, no three collinear. Prove that, of all the triangles which can be drawn with these points as vertices, not more than seventy percent are acute-angled.


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
I'm going to give another week on this one, as this is a particularly nice problem.
  • #3
Congratulations to castor28 for his correct solution to this POTW, which I note with dismay was THREE WEEKS ago. My excuse is I had company. Anyway, here is his solution to this POTW, which was Problem 453 in the MAA challenges.

We will call an angle "large" if it is right or obtuse, and a triangle "bad" if it contains a large angle. Note that a triangle can contain at most one large angle; distinct large angles define distinct bad triangles. We must show that there are at least 30 percent of bad triangles.

We recall that, in a convex polygon, the sum of the exterior angles is 360°; this implies that there are at most three acute interior angles, and a convex polygon of $n$ sides has at least $(n-3)$ large interior angles.

We will first prove the proposition with 5 points, i.e., we will prove that at least 3 of the $\binom{5}{2} = 10$ triangles are bad.

Case 1 : the convex hull is a triangle ABC. Let P be an interior point. As we have 3 triangles APB, BPC, and CPA, the three angles at P are smaller than 180°; as the sum of these angles is 360°, at most one of these angles is acute, and we have at least two bad triangles containing P. As the same argument applies to the other interior point Q, we have at least 4 bad triangles (these are distinct, because none of these triangles contains both P and Q).

Case 2: the convex hull is a quadrilateral ABCD, and P is the interior point. By the remark above, at least one of the interior angles of the quadrilateral is large, and this defines a bad triangle, for example ABD.

We draw a diagonal, for example AC. Because no three points are collinear, P lies within one of the two triangles thus defined, say ABC. The argument of case 1 shows that there are two bad triangles containing P. Together with the triangle ABD (which does not contain P), this gives three bad triangles.

Case 3: the five points are the vertices of a convex pentagon ABCDE. By the remark above, at least two of the interior angles are large, giving at least two bad triangles.

If there are three large interior angles, we have three bad triangles and we are done.

Otherwise, the two bad triangles have one or two vertices in common (depending on the positions of the two large angles). If A is a common point of these triangles, the convex quadrilateral BCDE contains a large interior angle that defines a bad triangle. That triangle is distinct from the first two bad triangles, because it does not contain the vertex A. We have therefore at least three bad triangles in this case also.

We have shown that each 5-clique contains at least three bad triangles. There are $\binom{75}{5} = 17259390$ 5-cliques, and each triangle belongs to $\binom{72}{2}=2556$ cliques. We have therefore at least:

$$\left\lceil\frac{3\times17259390}{2556}\right\rceil = 20258$$
bad triangles, and this is more than 30 percent of the $\binom{75}{3}=67525$ triangles.

Related to Are Not More Than 70 Percent of Triangles Acute-Angled?

1. What does "acute-angled" mean in this context?

In geometry, an acute-angled triangle is a triangle in which all three angles are less than 90 degrees.

2. How do you determine the percentage of acute-angled triangles?

To determine the percentage of acute-angled triangles, we need to first find the total number of possible triangles that can be formed using the given points as vertices. Then, we need to find the number of those triangles that have all three angles less than 90 degrees. The percentage of acute-angled triangles can then be calculated by dividing the number of acute-angled triangles by the total number of possible triangles and multiplying by 100.

3. Why is the percentage limited to 70%?

This limitation is based on the given points as vertices. It is possible that some combinations of these points will always result in an obtuse or right-angled triangle, thus limiting the number of possible acute-angled triangles to 70%.

4. What is the significance of proving this statement?

Proving this statement helps us understand the limitations and possibilities of triangle formation using the given points as vertices. It also highlights the importance of considering all possible factors in mathematical and scientific investigations.

5. Can this statement be applied to any set of points?

No, this statement is specific to the given set of points and cannot be applied to any other set of points. Other sets of points may have different limitations and possibilities when forming triangles.

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