Are Physical Laws Truly Reversible?

In summary: The conversation is about whether an initial state always has to be mapped to exactly one final state and vice versa, and if this means that physical laws do not have to be reversible. In summary, the conversation discusses classical laws and how they are time-reversible but may require more information to determine the initial and final states. The example of a slope shaped like a "w" is used to illustrate this concept, with the idea that releasing a ball from either end will result in the same final state where the ball is stationary at the highest point in the middle. However, this example is not a closed system and does not follow the rules of classical mechanics. The conversation also mentions the importance of boundary conditions and how they affect the final state. The concept
  • #1
Must an initial state always be mapped onto exactly one final state and vice versa?

Consider a slope that is shaped like a curvy "w". Releasing a ball from either end will result in the same final state where the ball is stationary at the highest point in the middle. So does it mean that physical laws need not be reversible?
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  • #2
Classical laws are time-reversible: but you may need more information than just the final position and velocity to determine the initial position and velocity (and vice versa): i.e. you need more than the two numbers to describe a state.
... also suggest Susskind's lectures on classical physics on youtube: lecture 1 answers your question in fine detail.

Of course, there is also physics that is not classical.
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  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Classical laws are time-reversible: but you may need more information than just the final position and velocity to determine the initial position and velocity (and vice versa): i.e. you need more than the two numbers to describe a state.
... also suggest Susskind's lectures on classical physics on youtube

The axes of a phase space are position and momentum. So these 2 quantities should be all that is required to specify a state.
  • #4
Those are only the axes of one particular phase space.
A classical state is, by definition, the smallest list of numbers you need to be able to uniquely determine the next state, given the rules for evolution of the states.
In monoatomic gas thermodynamics that is (P,V,T) - 3 numbers. Atomic state usually needs 4 numbers (n,l,m,s), and so on.

Your example specifies a 3-position system - the rules specified are:
1->2, 3->2, 2->2 ... this is not a closed system because how did you get to 1 or 2? So there is information missing.
It is not a classical system either - see lecture 1 above.

You really need at least 2 numbers - yes: position and momentum are OK here, propose maybe: ##x\in\{1,2,3\}## and ##p\in\{-1,0, 1\}## ... and you see you have not specified the rules for the entire phase space, only the points ##(x,p)\in\{(1,1),(2,0),(3,-1)\}## These rules being: ##(1,1)\to (2,0), (3,-1)\to (2,0), (2,0)\to (2,0)##

We can fix that ... say: ##(1,-1)\to (3,-1), (3,1)\to (1,1), (2,1)\to (3,1), (2,-1)\to (1,-1), (1,0)\to(1,0), (3,0)\to(3,0)##
Those would be "periodic boundary conditions" - so going off the left and reappear on the right.
You could choose an "infinite barrier" instead, so, for eg. ##(1,-1)\to (1,1)## etc. a ball traveling too far to the right or left rebounds.
... you should plot the complete rules out in the proposed phase space: actually draw the diagram.

You should see there are three singular states: all the momentum states of x=2. It seems the peak there is particularly "sticky".
Notice that momentum is not a conserved quantity, and there is no way to get to states (2,±1) from within the proposed phase space: so the system is not closed... the model, although quite predictive, is incomplete. (the equation of motion is not finished) - and are there any physical laws here that exist in Nature?

But that is for classical physics: remember, there is always the possibility of a non-classical law of physics.
  • #5
Happiness said:
Must an initial state always be mapped onto exactly one final state and vice versa?

Consider a slope that is shaped like a curvy "w". Releasing a ball from either end will result in the same final state where the ball is stationary at the highest point in the middle. So does it mean that physical laws need not be reversible?
If you want the ball to stop (at the top of the mid point), energy will have to be dissipated.
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  • #6
I imagine @Happiness is thinking: if the centre of the W is a bit lower than the arms, then you can start the ball on a slope at just the right height that it comes to rest exactly on top of the centre, without the need to dissipate energy. (We also need the bottoms of the W to be more rounded...)
But that condition is unstable - and physically not realisable in Nature. In an example of how an idealization leads to a non-physical law.
(There is a similar situation in the phase diagram for a simple rigid rotator... where the rotator could have exactly the energy needed to balance on it's end.)

A simpler, and possibly clearer, example would be to put the object in a U shape, with a dimple in the bottom to catch the object.
If it starts anywhere, but stationary, it ends up in the hole. Is there a classical (i.e. reversible) model for this?
  • #7
Note: Susskind's lectures answer the question.
Lecture 1, at about 22mins in, deals with allowed laws in classical mechanics and fields questions about valid laws which don't follow the rules.
Lecture 2. at about 10mins, deals with an example very similar to the above in the continuous case as part of a discussion of Aristotle's physics.
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
I imagine @Happiness is thinking: if the centre of the W is a bit lower than the arms, then you can start the ball on a slope at just the right height that it comes to rest exactly on top of the centre, without the need to dissipate energy. (We also need the bottoms of the W to be more rounded...)
But that condition is unstable - and physically not realisable in Nature. In an example of how an idealization leads to a non-physical law.

The state in the middle is unstable, but I don't get why it is not realisable.

A simpler, and possibly clearer, example would be to put the object in a U shape, with a dimple in the bottom to catch the object.
If it starts anywhere, but stationary, it ends up in the hole. Is there a classical (i.e. reversible) model for this?

But when the ball falls into the hole, it loses energy.
  • #9
Consider the following potential-energy functions (typical of the intermolecular potentials considered in many kinetic-theory problems)
Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 10.44.54 pm.png

where ##s_3>s_2>s_1>s##

Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 10.45.06 pm.png

According to the above paragraph, a particle with parameters ##E_1## and ##s_1## would spiral inwards until ##r_1## and circle around the centre of force forever. We may launch the particle from the left or the right or from infinitely many different directions and they would all end up in the same final state of circular orbit of radius ##r_1##.

So we have an example where multiple initial states all give rise to the same final state.
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  • #10
Happiness said:
The state in the middle is unstable, but I don't get why it is not realisable.

It would require infinite precision. In classical mechanics this is possible in theory but not in practice.
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  • #11
Happiness said:
Must an initial state always be mapped onto exactly one final state and vice versa?

If there is no dissipation, then yes. If you include dissipation (viscosity, friction, diffusion), then then answer is no. You can't unscramble an egg, for example.
  • #12
Andy Resnick said:
If there is no dissipation, then yes.

In theory there are special cases where the final state is not determined (e.g. if the central maximum in the setup of the OP is shaped like Norton's dome and the ball is replaced with a point mass).
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  • #13
DrStupid said:
In theory there are special cases where the final state is not determined (e.g. if the central maximum in the setup of the OP is shaped like Norton's dome and the ball is replaced with a point mass).

True, I neglected to mention unstable equilibrium states and bifurcating systems.
  • #14
Happiness said:
The state in the middle is unstable, but I don't get why it is not realisable.
Not realisable in Nature ... same reason you cannot balance a pin on it's point even though the geometric pointed cylinder can balance on it's point.

But when the ball falls into the hole, it loses energy.
... it also loses energy when it rolls down the slope: that doesn't seem to be a problem.
Have you watched the lectures yet?

Always bear in mind that I am talking about classical mechanics ... which will be where you have heard that physical laws must be time reversible.
Do watch the lectures, Susskind answers your questions at the about times indicated but the total lecture will help you understand better what you have been told.
  • #15
Simon Bridge said:
Classical laws are time-reversible:
Well, you have to take entropy in consideration. Putting an ice cube in a hot drink will result in a tepid drink and no ice. The reverse is wildly improbable...
  • #16
You also have to take account of the context of the statement made: re Susskind's lectures on classical mechanics (linked to), where these sorts of issues are addressed.
i.e. entropy is an emergent property of underlying processes which are time reversible.
I think he argues that entropic systems, like statistical ones, are not classical mechanics.

That si why the short answer to the question posed in post #1, initially suggested in post #2 and repeated several times, is "no".
  • #17
Simon Bridge said:
Not realisable in Nature ... same reason you cannot balance a pin on it's point even though the geometric pointed cylinder can balance on it's point.

Your "not realizable in nature" should be phrased as "theoretically realizable but practically not realizable in nature". That clears the confusion right away, avoiding the need for long sentences.

... it also loses energy when it rolls down the slope: that doesn't seem to be a problem.

We consider the ideal case where there is no loss of mechanical energy as a point particle moves (no rolling) down the slope, but if it falls into the hole and stays there, there is such a loss.

Have you watched the lectures yet?

Always bear in mind that I am talking about classical mechanics ... which will be where you have heard that physical laws must be time reversible.
Do watch the lectures, Susskind answers your questions at the about times indicated but the total lecture will help you understand better what you have been told.

Yes, I've watched the lecture. That's how I realized Susskind failed to mention these special cases where classical laws are not reversible.

It is unclear how these special cases should be handled to avoid violating a commonly assumed tenet of science—that in principle complete information about a physical system at one point in time should determine its state at any other time.
  • #18
Simon Bridge said:
I think he argues that entropic systems, like statistical ones, are not classical mechanics.

That's incorrect. Statistical mechanics is still classical, or classical statistical mechanics is still classical.

In principle, in a classical world, a scrambled egg could become unscrambled. The process is reversible in principle. It's just unlikely in practice.
  • #19
That's incorrect. Statistical mechanics is still classical, or classical statistical mechanics is still classical.
It is not incorrect: the law of entropy is not time reversible, but statistical mechanics is.
Susskind is defining what is meant by "classical mechanics" in lecture one.
It is important to agree on the meaning of words in order to communicate.

Your "not realizable in nature" should be phrased as "theoretically realizable but practically not realizable in nature". That clears the confusion right away, avoiding the need for long sentences.
You have misunderstood - ... it is not just impractical, it is not possible because the model we are using to suggest that it is does not describe reality. It is wrong. If we did manage to get a needle to stand on it's point it will not be due to anything in the model involving balancing on a tip.
This does not mean the model is not useful - we just need to understand the limitations.

We consider the ideal case where there is no loss of mechanical energy as a point particle moves (no rolling) down the slope, but if it falls into the hole and stays there, there is such a loss.
Total energy is always conserved though ... when the ball gets stuck in a hole, it's energy had to go someplace just like when it rolls down a slope it's potential energy is converted to kinetic. To model the system, classically, and completely, you need to account for that exchange.
Basically I'm trying to get you to think about a simpler system than the one you set up...

Yes, I've watched the lecture. That's how I realized Susskind failed to mention these special cases where classical laws are not reversible.
... during the lecture a student asks him about these systems, he responds to the question and I have given you the timestamps above (post #7).
It's a brief responce and he says he'll revisit it later on in the course material.

Just to be clear, your original question was:
Must an initial state always be mapped onto exactly one final state and vice versa?
My answer was and still is "no - only in classical mechanics". See posts 2,4,7, and 16.
If the model is not time reversible, then it is not a classical physical law... it may still be a physical law, just not a classical one.
Take care, sometimes the word "classical" is used to refer to physics before Einstein ... i.e. in the sense of being old or "classic".
However, Einstein's theories are classical theories in the technical sense which Susskind is expounding in his lectures.

Perhaps I was giving a too-complete answer.
Where did you hear that physical laws had to be time reversible?
  • #20
A scramble egg could become unscrambled in principle, but it's highly unlikely. I'm pretty sure Susskind said something similar.

Classical models allow a needle to be balanced on its tip. Again, we mean this in principle.

The laws of classical mechanics are time-reversible except for some special cases. About how to handle these cases, no one says a word.
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  • #21
Classical models do not say the real life needle balances on it's tip - they say that a particular mathematical idealisation may, in principle, be balanced on it's tip, given assumptions like no thermal motion ... do not confuse the map with the territory.

The cases, and there are many, where a law is not time reversible is well known and there are many ways to handle them that are discussed copiously.
This is the subject of many books and papers - many of them textbooks for physics courses. eg. any work on thermodynamics will show you how to handle systems with entropy. Lossy systems are also well studied as in the damped pendulum and any system with friction... and the entire body of quantum mechanics which comprises the foundation for the standard model of particle physics. The fields of biology and chemistry themselves are mostly concerned with such systems. So "about how to handle these cases, no one says a word" is a bit off.

They are just not laws of classical mechanics.
Classical mechanics does not deal with them except indirectly as in statistical mechanics.
This is the same reason that gravity theory does not deal with electromagnetism.

Though, you are free to reject Susskind's definition of "classical mechanics" if you want.
Whatever, I believe your actual question is answered.
If you have any more questions, feel free to start another thread.
  • #22
Happiness said:
A scramble egg could become unscrambled in principle, but it's highly unlikely.

This is a high-school level of understanding: you also have a non-zero probability of spontaneously tunneling through your floor.

The second law of thermodynamics does not require a statistical interpretation.
  • #23
Andy Resnick said:
The second law of thermodynamics does not require a statistical interpretation.

Could you enlighten us?
  • #25
Andy Resnick said:
What do you mean? Have you no thermodynamics book?

I mean enlighten us with the main idea of the alternative interpretation in a simple and concise manner.

Well, someone else may counter argue that no non-statistical interpretation exist and refer you to some textbooks too.
  • #26
Happiness said:
I mean enlighten us with the main idea of the alternative interpretation in a simple and concise manner.

Well, someone else may counter argue that no non-statistical interpretation exist and refer you to some textbooks too.

I guess the difference is that I would go and educate myself, rather than expect someone else to indulge my indolence.
  • #27
Andy Resnick said:
I guess the difference is that I would go and educate myself, rather than expect someone else to indulge my indolence.

Then what's the point of this forum and the insight articles when you can answer questions with "don't be lazy, read the textbooks"?
  • #28
DrStupid said:
It would require infinite precision. In classical mechanics this is possible in theory but not in practice.

But if it's possible in theory, it would violate Liouville theorem, a contradiction.
  • #29
Happiness said:
Then what's the point of this forum and the insight articles when you can answer questions with "don't be lazy, read the textbooks"?
PF follows the same approach a teacher would. If a student comes to me with a question that shows they didn't read the textbook or work on the assigned problems, I will send them away and tell them to come back with question after they have put in some effort at understanding.
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  • #30
Physicists also discuss the time-reversal in variance of local and/or macroscopic descriptions of physical systems independent of the invariance of the underlying microscopic physical laws. For example, Maxwell's equations with material absorption or Newtonian mechanics with friction are not time-reversal invariant at the macroscopic level where they are normally applied, even if they are invariant at the microscopic level; when one includes the atomic motions, the "lost" energy is translated into heat
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Related to Are Physical Laws Truly Reversible?

1. What is the concept of reversibility in physical laws?

The concept of reversibility in physical laws refers to the idea that the fundamental laws of physics, such as the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy, are reversible. This means that physical processes can occur in both forward and reverse directions, and the laws governing these processes will still hold true.

2. How does the reversibility of physical laws affect our understanding of the universe?

The reversibility of physical laws is a fundamental principle in our understanding of the universe. It allows us to make predictions and understand the behavior of physical systems, and it also provides a basis for the development of new technologies and inventions.

3. Are there any exceptions to the reversibility of physical laws?

While the majority of physical laws are reversible, there are certain phenomena that are irreversible, such as the flow of heat from hot to cold objects. These exceptions are often due to the presence of external factors, such as friction or entropy, that disrupt the reversibility of the process.

4. How does the concept of entropy relate to the reversibility of physical laws?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time, meaning that the reversibility of physical processes decreases as entropy increases.

5. Can the reversibility of physical laws be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the reversibility of physical laws can be observed in many everyday phenomena. For example, the melting and freezing of water, the expansion and compression of gases, and the motion of objects are all reversible processes governed by physical laws. However, in most cases, the reversibility is only apparent on a microscopic scale and becomes less noticeable on a macroscopic scale.

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