Are Similar Matrices Always Similar to Their Transpose?

In summary: But in summary, two matrices A, B are similar if and only if they share a Jordan canonical form. Similarity is an equivalence relation, and the direct implication of your original question also shows the "hardest" part of that :smile:.
  • #1
1. Show that two matrices A,B ∈ Mn(C) are similar if and only if they share a Jordan canonical form.

2. Prove or disprove: A square matrix A ∈ Mn (F) is similar to its transpose AT. If the statement is false, find a condition which makes it true.
(I'm pretty sure that this is true and can be proven using the above by showing that A and AT share a Jordan form.)

I have a basic understanding of what Jordan blocks are and what JCF matrices look like, but I don't know what the identifying characteristics of a specific JCF are or how to show that two arbitrary matrices share the same form. I know in both questions that the two matrices have the same characteristic polynomial and spectrum, but I don't know where to go from there.
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  • #2
So let's start with the direct implication. Suppose that two matrices A and B share the same JNF. What does this mean explicitly? If A' is a JNF of A, then there exists a matrix P such that [itex]A' = P^{-1} A P[/itex] and A' has a specific form, right? So start working this out and try to show that they are similar (what does it mean explicitly if two matrices are similar?)
  • #3
But the fact that there exists a matrix P such that A'= P-1AP, is the direct definition of similarity and the proof would be trivial. Does it follow directly from the definition of JNF that such a matrix P always exists?
  • #4
No, it's not trivial (very easy, though). If, in what you wrote down, A' is the Jordan normal form, such a matrix P exists and indeed you express there that A is similar to its JNF. So you can assume that. Similarly, suppose that there is a(n invertible) matrix Q such that Q-1ATQ is the same Jordan normal form (and Q is the similarity transformation between the transpose of A and that normal form). Now you still have to prove that A and AT are similar, that is: construct a matrix S such that A = S-1 AT S.
In fact this is a more general statement: if A is similar to C, and B is similar to C, then A is similar to B. You can try and prove that instead (it's actually the same proof as you don't have to use that C is in JNF anywhere). (In fact I think that similarity is even an equivalence relation, and the direct implication of your original question also shows the "hardest" part of that :smile:)

FAQ: Are Similar Matrices Always Similar to Their Transpose?

What is Jordan canonical form?

Jordan canonical form is a mathematical concept used to represent a square matrix in a specific form, which allows for easier analysis and computation. It is a type of matrix decomposition, similar to diagonalization, but is used for matrices that cannot be diagonalized.

Why is Jordan canonical form important?

Jordan canonical form is important because it allows for easier computation and analysis of matrices, particularly those that cannot be diagonalized. It also helps in understanding the properties and behavior of linear transformations on vector spaces.

How is Jordan canonical form computed?

Jordan canonical form can be computed by finding the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a square matrix, and then organizing them in a specific way according to the Jordan blocks. This process is known as Jordan decomposition.

What is the significance of Jordan blocks in Jordan canonical form?

Jordan blocks are square matrices with a specific structure, consisting of eigenvalues on the main diagonal and 1s on the superdiagonal. These blocks represent the distinct eigenvectors of a matrix and their corresponding generalized eigenvectors. They are also used to determine the algebraic and geometric multiplicities of eigenvalues.

Are all matrices diagonalizable using Jordan canonical form?

No, not all matrices can be diagonalized using Jordan canonical form. In order to be diagonalizable, a matrix must have a complete set of linearly independent eigenvectors. Matrices that do not have this property, such as nilpotent matrices, require Jordan canonical form for representation.
