Are Solitons the Only Type of Waves in Wave Equations?

  • Thread starter Klaus_Hoffmann
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In summary, a wave equation is defined as having solutions of the form f(x-ct), which describes a propagating disturbance. Solitons are a type of wave that maintains its shape as it propagates and require non-linear equations to exist. The Schrodinger equation, being linear, does not have soliton solutions. The difference between a wave equation and other types of differential equations is that a wave equation must have solutions of the form f(x-ct) to describe a propagating disturbance.
  • #1
Solitons=Only waves??

given any wave equation (linear or not) could we always find a solution.

[tex] \Psi (x,t)= f(x-ct) [/tex]

is this the so-called only wave or soliton ?? , and what would be the shape of f(r) r=x-ct given a certain wave equation ?.. does the Schröedinguer equation admit such solutions or only if this SE is non-linear ??
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  • #2
Klaus_Hoffmann said:
given any wave equation (linear or not) could we always find a solution.

[tex] \Psi (x,t)= f(x-ct) [/tex]


  • #3
I would say that the term "wave-equation" implies the existence of wave-like solutions (i.e. functions of the form f(x-c.t)). Olgranpappy, I'm a little confused by your post - I would think that you would at least attempt to qualify such a statement! (either that or I am missing something clever).

Functions of the form f(x-c.t) are not solitons, though they must satisfy this condition, as they are propagating waves. A solition is a wave that does not change its shape as it propagates, hence not only must it be of the form f(x-c.t), its profile in the y and z directions cannot vary with x.

The Schrodinger equation being a linear equation does not have any soliton solutions for finite waves (i.e. not including the artificial examples of infinite plane waves and so forth). The non-linear Schordinger equation does have soliton solutions. As I understand it, nonlinearity is crucial for soliton formation and propagation.

  • #4
Claude Bile said:
I would say that the term "wave-equation" implies the existence of wave-like solutions (i.e. functions of the form f(x-c.t)). Olgranpappy, I'm a little confused by your post - I would think that you would at least attempt to qualify such a statement! (either that or I am missing something clever).


The form [tex]\psi(x,t)=f(x-ct)[/tex] necessarily implys a relation between the space and time derivatives. Namely,

\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}=\frac{-1}{c}\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}

Why would such a thing be true for a solution of a general differential equation? For example, I could explicitly forbid such solutions in the differential equation.
  • #5
olgranpappy said:

The form [tex]\psi(x,t)=f(x-ct)[/tex] necessarily implys a relation between the space and time derivatives. Namely,

\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}=\frac{-1}{c}\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}

Why would such a thing be true for a solution of a general differential equation? For example, I could explicitly forbid such solutions in the differential equation.
Ah, I see where you are coming from now - though I think the OP was talking specifically about wave-equations, not DEs in general.

  • #6
oh, he did say "wave equation." But then what exactly is the difference between a "wave equation" and some other type of differential equation? Are "wave equations" hyperbolic? I don't get it.
  • #7
Yes, this is a little confusing for me too - I thought that the term wave-equation is defined on the basis of having solutions of the form f(x-vt) because such functions describe a propagating disturbance, though this is more of a physicists classification than one a mathematician would use.

  • #8
Claude Bile said:
Yes, this is a little confusing for me too - I thought that the term wave-equation is defined on the basis of having solutions of the form f(x-vt)...

In that case, the answer to the original question is: "Yes, by definition."

FAQ: Are Solitons the Only Type of Waves in Wave Equations?

1. What are solitons?

Solitons are self-reinforcing solitary waves that maintain their shape and speed while propagating through a medium. They were first discovered in the 1830s by John Scott Russell while observing a solitary wave on a canal. Solitons are often described as "particles of light" or "particles of sound" because they behave like a single particle instead of a wave.

2. How are solitons different from regular waves?

Unlike regular waves, solitons have a stable and localized shape that does not dissipate or spread out as they propagate through a medium. This is because they are formed by a balance of nonlinear and dispersive effects, which allows them to maintain their shape as they travel. Regular waves, on the other hand, are formed by a single, dominant linear effect and therefore disperse and lose energy as they propagate.

3. Where can solitons be found in nature?

Natural examples of solitons can be found in various physical systems such as water waves, electromagnetic waves, plasma waves, and sound waves. They can also be found in biological systems, including nerve impulses and DNA molecules. In recent years, solitons have also been observed in quantum systems and in the study of Bose-Einstein condensates.

4. What are the potential applications of solitons?

Solitons have a wide range of potential applications in various fields, such as telecommunications, optics, and fluid dynamics. They can be used to transmit information over long distances without distortion, which is useful for fiber optic communication. Solitons also play a crucial role in the study of nonlinear phenomena and can be used to model and predict the behavior of complex systems.

5. Can solitons be created artificially?

Yes, solitons can be created artificially in laboratory settings. They can be generated using different methods, such as using special materials with specific properties or by using lasers to create localized pulses. The ability to create and control solitons in the laboratory has opened up new possibilities for studying and utilizing these unique waves.

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