Are strings oscillators with specific gauge properties?

In summary, the conversation discussed string theory and its various applications, including helicity, gauge theory, and dimensional interpretations. The possibility of detecting string vibrations was also mentioned. There was speculation on the nature of dimensions and their role in understanding string theory. The speakers expressed their limited understanding of string theory and its complexity.
  • #1
I have been reading about string theory, most recently about twistor string theory.
I think that I have a basic understanding, but certainly am no expert.

The helix is an important structure in transmitting information of various types:
- music theory mathematics [wave and matrix]
- only known structure capable of reproducing and adapting at the cellular gauge
- 3D form of Schroedinger equation [and Heisenberg equivalent] in QM
- 3D form of Steinmetz phasor equations in EE AC electricity

Simple and complex harmonic oscillators are known to exist.

If vibrating stings are like these entities, then is gauge the only difference?
If not, what are the differences?

Does gauge theory extend to the planetary, stellar and galactic range of GR / SR?
Or is gauge theory limited to the QM range?

Helicity is emphasized in in twistor string theory.

Does this refer to the helical trajectories found in mechanics and ballistics?

If so, then should helicity become a dimension like the string dimension used by Borcherds in the proof of Monstrous Moonshine?

If so, does twistor string theory become a subset of Monstrous Moonshine?

Dimension seems to be used in multiple ways by various authors.
The Calabi-Yau manifold has three real and three imaginary axes.
This appears to be treated as six total dimensions in M-theory.
But this appears to be treated as three complex dimensions in twistor string theory.

[VERY SPECULATIVE] - Yet could this not be treated as one spatial dimension if dimension is rigidly defined as “degree of freedom”?

Caspar Wessel in 1797 appeared to have demonstrated the imaginary unit was rotated one unit counterclockwise from the real line - not really a degree of freedom.
One could argue that Wessel thus demonstrated that that the imaginary unit is more ‘invisible’ than imaginary.
Perhaps one could argue that since the real y and z axes are both orthogonal to the real x-axis - that these are really not degrees of freedom.
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  • #2
I just saw a program on PBS that had briefly touched base on the String Theroy, my thoughts are the same as Dcase. It stated that strings are so minute that may never be able to see one to verify its existence except on paper. Well for what is worth here is my idea, I agree that if a string is viberating then it it must be oscillating. If it is oscillating thus it must have a frequency or a set of frequencies. If this is possible one might be able construct a device to listen or record the frequency or frequencies it might be oscillating at. The problem is building an instrument that sensative and where to listen to to without any interferrence. I am no expert either but I'd thought I'd toss in my thought. Todd
  • #3

I cannot provide a definitive answer on whether strings can be considered oscillators with specific gauge properties. This is a complex topic that is still being researched and debated by experts in the field of string theory.

What I can say is that string theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles, but rather tiny, vibrating strings. These strings have a specific length and tension, which determine their properties and interactions.

Gauge theory is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of particles and fields in physics. It is an important tool in understanding the behavior of strings in string theory. However, whether gauge theory extends to the planetary, stellar, and galactic range of general relativity and special relativity is still an ongoing topic of research.

The concept of helicity in twistor string theory refers to the spin of particles, which is a fundamental property in quantum mechanics. It is not related to the helical trajectories found in mechanics and ballistics. As for your speculation on twistor string theory being a subset of Monstrous Moonshine, I am not familiar enough with both theories to provide a response.

Finally, the concept of dimension is used in various ways in different theories and by different authors. In string theory, the Calabi-Yau manifold is treated as six dimensions because it has six parameters that describe its shape. However, the interpretation of these dimensions can vary depending on the theory being used. Whether dimension can be defined as a "degree of freedom" is a philosophical question that is still being debated in the scientific community.

Related to Are strings oscillators with specific gauge properties?

1. What are strings oscillators?

Strings oscillators refer to a type of particle that is predicted by string theory. These particles are essentially tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate at different frequencies, giving rise to the different types of particles we observe in the universe.

2. What are specific gauge properties?

Specific gauge properties in string theory refer to the properties of the strings themselves, such as their length, tension, and vibrational frequency. These properties determine the behavior and characteristics of the strings and the particles they create.

3. How do strings oscillators with specific gauge properties contribute to string theory?

Strings oscillators with specific gauge properties play a crucial role in string theory as they are the building blocks of all particles and interactions in the universe. By understanding the properties and behavior of these strings, we can gain a better understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

4. Can strings oscillators with specific gauge properties be observed?

At this time, strings oscillators with specific gauge properties have not been observed directly. However, their effects can be seen through various experimental results and observations, such as the existence of supersymmetry and the behavior of particles at high energies.

5. How does the gauge symmetry of strings oscillators affect their properties?

The gauge symmetry of strings oscillators refers to the symmetry of their properties under certain transformations. This symmetry plays a crucial role in string theory, as it allows for the consistent description of particles and interactions at all energy scales. It also helps to explain the relationships between different types of particles and their properties.

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