Are superconductivity and melting not understood?

In summary, there seems to be some confusion about what melting and superconductivity are actually about. While the thermodynamic explanation works reasonably well, a microscopic description of what is happening is significantly harder to achieve. Defects may be important, and high temperature superconductivity is not explained by the BCS theory.
  • #1
Hi all,

I've been told from a couple different people something along the lines of "we don't fully understand how melting (the phase transition) works". Same with superconductivity.

But I thought melting was fairly straightforward: The molecules in the material keep gaining energy until they break free from their crystal intermolecular bonds, and then they have some weaker bonds holding them together.

I also thought superconductivity was explained by BCS theory.

Is there any truth to this? I assume if there is, it's something much deeper and more mathematical, and that we have the general idea but there's still something more technical not understood.
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  • #2
The BCS theory works for standard superconductivity, but not high temperature superconductivity. (Or it at least doesn't fully explain high temp SC)

As for melting, I have never heard anyone say that before.
  • #3
VortexLattice said:
But I thought melting was fairly straightforward: The molecules in the material keep gaining energy until they break free from their crystal intermolecular bonds, and then they have some weaker bonds holding them together.

It is not that trivial. While describing melting from the thermodynamical point of view works reasonably well, a microscopic description of what is happening is significantly harder if you want all the details to be reproduced well. For examle liquids do not show long-range order like crystals, but are typically not completely disordered as well - they show short-range order. Trying to get this and similar effects from first principles is a major pain and takes long computation times. The role of defects may also be crucial.

See for example U. Gasser et al., "Melting of Crystals in Two Dimensions", ChemPhysChem, Volume 11, Issue 5, pages 963–970, April 6, 2010 for a review article.
You will find: 2D melting is already hard to describe - 3d melting may become a nightmare.
  • #4
Drakkith said:
The BCS theory works for standard superconductivity, but not high temperature superconductivity. (Or it at least doesn't fully explain high temp SC)

As for melting, I have never heard anyone say that before.

Sorry, "high temp" being the ones that can work in LN2, or fabled room temp ones?
  • #5
Cthugha said:
It is not that trivial. While describing melting from the thermodynamical point of view works reasonably well, a microscopic description of what is happening is significantly harder if you want all the details to be reproduced well. For examle liquids do not show long-range order like crystals, but are typically not completely disordered as well - they show short-range order. Trying to get this and similar effects from first principles is a major pain and takes long computation times. The role of defects may also be crucial.

See for example U. Gasser et al., "Melting of Crystals in Two Dimensions", ChemPhysChem, Volume 11, Issue 5, pages 963–970, April 6, 2010 for a review article.
You will find: 2D melting is already hard to describe - 3d melting may become a nightmare.

Ah, I think this is what they meant. For a bit I was looking at a colloids lab that was trying to figure out melting in 2D using small, mechanical beads or something.
  • #6
VortexLattice said:
Sorry, "high temp" being the ones that can work in LN2, or fabled room temp ones?

These are the cuprate and pnictide superconductors.


FAQ: Are superconductivity and melting not understood?

1. What is superconductivity and why is it important?

Superconductivity is a phenomenon where certain materials are able to conduct electricity with zero resistance when cooled below a certain temperature. This has important applications in various fields such as energy transmission, medical imaging, and quantum computing.

2. How does superconductivity work?

Superconductivity occurs when electrons pair up and move through a material without any resistance. This is possible because the paired electrons are able to move through the material without colliding with other particles, resulting in zero resistance.

3. What causes superconductivity to break down?

Superconductivity can break down when the material is exposed to high temperatures or strong magnetic fields. This causes the paired electrons to break apart, resulting in the material losing its superconducting properties.

4. How is superconductivity related to melting?

Superconductivity and melting are both related to the movement of particles within a material. In superconductors, the paired electrons are able to move freely without resistance, while in melting, the particles in a solid are able to move and flow like a liquid due to the increased energy from heat.

5. Why is the mechanism behind superconductivity and melting not fully understood?

The mechanisms behind superconductivity and melting are still not fully understood because they involve complex interactions between particles at the atomic level. Scientists are continuously conducting research and experiments to gain a better understanding of these phenomena.

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