Are There Always Conditions for Writing Q=CΔT in Heat Transfer Processes?

In summary, in thermodynamics, heat capacities are measures of how much energy a material has at a given temperature. Heat capacities can be expressed in terms of internal energy or enthalpy.
  • #1
When dealing with heat transfer, there are cases where Q can be expressed by C*ΔT, for some proportionality constant C. However, in isothermal processes for example, this formula would lead to a mistake, for any value of C (because it would imply Q=0, which is not true generally speaking). What about a general process going from an initial state to a final one? Is it always possible to find such C?
Edit: I`ve just realized that I wrote "righting" instead of "writing" in the title. Sorry. <Moderator's note: title edited>
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  • #2
In freshman physics, we learned that, when heat is added to a constant volume system, we can write Q = CΔT, where C is called the heat capacity. However, when we got more deeply into the basics and learned thermodynamics, we found that this elementary approach is no longer adequate (or precise). We found that Q depends on process path and that, if work W is occurring, this changes things. However, we still wanted C to continue to represent a physical property of the material being processed, and not to depend on process path or whether work is occurring. This is dealt with in thermodynamics by changing the definition of C a little. Rather than associating C with the path dependent heat Q, in thermodynamics, we associate C with parameters relating to the state of the material being processed, in particular internal energy U and enthalpy H. We define the heat capacity at constant volume ##C_v## as the derivative of the internal energy U with respect to temperature at constant volume:
$$C_v=\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial T}\right)_v\tag{1}$$
We also found that we could define a heat capacity at constant pressure ##C_p## as the derivative of the enthalpy H with resepct to temperature at constant pressure:$$C_p=\left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial T}\right)_p\tag{2}$$
The question is, "do either of these definitions reduce to the more elementary version from freshman physics under any circumstances." The answer is "yes." From the first law of thermodynamics, we find that, for a closed system of constant volume (no work being done), ##Q=\Delta U=C_v\Delta T##, and, for a closed system experiencing a constant pressure change (with ##W=p\Delta v##), ##Q=\Delta H=C_p\Delta T##. Of course, Eqns. 1 and 2 are much more generally applicable than this.
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Likes Andrew Mason and FG_313
  • #3
Great answer, thank you very much!

FAQ: Are There Always Conditions for Writing Q=CΔT in Heat Transfer Processes?

1. What is the formula for calculating Q=CΔT?

The formula for calculating Q=CΔT is Q = heat energy (Joules), C = specific heat capacity (Joules/gram °C), and ΔT = change in temperature (°C).

2. How do you determine the specific heat capacity of a substance?

The specific heat capacity of a substance can be determined by conducting an experiment in which the substance is heated or cooled and its temperature change is measured. The specific heat capacity can then be calculated using the formula Q = CΔT.

3. What units are used for the variables in the Q=CΔT formula?

The units used for the variables in the Q=CΔT formula are Joules for heat energy (Q), Joules/gram °C for specific heat capacity (C), and °C for change in temperature (ΔT).

4. Can the Q=CΔT formula be used for any substance?

Yes, the Q=CΔT formula can be used for any substance as long as the units for heat energy, specific heat capacity, and change in temperature are consistent.

5. How does the Q=CΔT formula relate to the first law of thermodynamics?

The Q=CΔT formula is a representation of the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only change form. In the case of Q=CΔT, energy is transferred in the form of heat (Q) and is related to the change in internal energy of the substance (ΔU) by the equation Q=ΔU+W, where W is the work done on or by the substance.
