Are there any correlations between nuclear fusion and atomic structures?

In summary, nuclear fusion involves the fusion of atoms, with some pairs being more likely to fuse than others due to the forces and charges of the subatomic particles involved. The stability chart shows that only certain combinations of protons and neutrons can fuse, and the amount of energy required for fusion varies depending on the specific atoms involved. Equations are not useful for determining the force needed for fusion, but rather the energy needed.
  • #1
I have questions regarding nuclear fusion:

1: Can all atoms fuse, say a hydrogen and carbon atom, could they fuse? or does it need to be the same type of atoms.

2: Are there any equations that determine the force needed to fuse? I'd think it'd have to do with x and x2 number of protons meet, where the distance where the strong force overtakes the EM force is y, so the force required is equal or more than (x2*x1/y)k, but ofcourse structures in the nucleous and the electrons would complicate this..

3: Are there any correlations to the stability islands, such as low energy fusions. Whereas some forms of fusions are lower energy, even if the number of protons is higher? I'd assume some atomic structures would allow for easier fusion.
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  • #2
Well all complicated knowledge aside it's basically simple , atoms normally would like to fuse but mother nature wanted to create the universe so she made particles with charge like protons and electrons.
Further follows the same thing as with magnets and their poles ,respectively the same charges tend to repel but opposite charges attract.
Now so it happens to be that inside the nucleus there are protons and the more they are there the bigger the total electrostatic repulsion so the higher kinetic energy is required to push them beyond the point where the strong force can take over.

Basically I am not an expert to say would carbon fuse with hydrogen if carbon is in the left side of the nuclear stability chart then probably yes under given conditions.
But the point of the stability chart is that you can only fuse up to a given number of protons/neutrons in a nucleus any further than that and the nucleus becomes too overcrowded and nuclear fission takes over because the repulsion of the particles making up the nucleus becomes too great for it to stay together any more , remember strong force has it's strength only over a very small distance so electric repulsion takes over as it even being weaker works over larger scales.
  • #3
Can all atoms fuse
Not all pairs of atoms can fuse, the product has to be a possible nucleus. Many pairs are possible.
say a hydrogen and carbon atom, could they fuse?
That is possible.

2: Are there any equations that determine the force needed to fuse?
Force is not a useful concept here. Energy is more important.
Some reactions don't need any energy, but they are very unlikely if the energy is too low. All fusion processes which release energy are in this category.
Some reactions need a minimal energy, as the product has more mass (and therefore rest-energy) than the two fused particles had.

Your question 3 jumps so much between different concepts that I have no idea how to reply to it.
  • #4
"""I'd assume some atomic structures would allow for easier fusion. """

Well indeed , that's why their trying with deuterium and tritium , how easy or hard it is depends on the nucleus of different atoms , as I said in earlier post it's due to the forces which are at play and also of the subatomic particles which have these forces ad charges , so some configurations are easier to fuse ad some require much more added energy to make the same thing happen.

It's like going to the first floor or to the twenty third , both are possible only the latter one requires more sweat and energy.

Related to Are there any correlations between nuclear fusion and atomic structures?

1. What is nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy.

2. How does nuclear fusion occur?

Nuclear fusion occurs when two atomic nuclei overcome their mutual electrostatic repulsion and come close enough to undergo a nuclear reaction, resulting in the formation of a new nucleus.

3. What elements are involved in nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion typically involves light elements such as hydrogen and helium, which have the most potential for energy release. However, heavier elements can also undergo fusion under extreme conditions, such as in stars.

4. What is the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission?

Nuclear fusion involves combining atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, while nuclear fission involves splitting an atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei. While both processes release energy, fusion releases significantly more energy than fission.

5. What are the potential applications of nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion has the potential to provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy, as it produces minimal waste and uses abundant resources. It could also be used to power space exploration and potentially even enable interstellar travel in the future.

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