Are there free electrons in the valence band?

In summary: The holes in a semiconductor manage to conduct electricity by jumping over a bandgap that is present in the material. This gap is present because the electrons in the valence band are not able to move easily to the conduction band. To make the electrons in the conduction band move, an external voltage is applied.
  • #1
If not: then how do the holes in a semiconductor manage to conduct electricity (if they can't travel through the solid)?

If there are:
1) then what is the difference between the valence and the conduction band?
2) then why do the electrons in a semiconductor need to reach the conduction band to conduct? (cause they should also be able to conduct the current through the valence band)

I thank you very much!

EDIT: for the purists, of course I don't mean an actual free electron, just one that can travel through the solid
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  • #2
I'm no expert on this, just a lowly student, but I thought that it was called being in the valence band because the electron was bound in the valence shell of its atom and couldn't move, in the sense of a net flow of charge.
I've always thought that they could move around individually because the atoms have covalent bonds, so the individual electrons can still move around between them?
Wouldn't this mean that a hole (ie. a gap where a valence electron should be?) wouldn't have any problem moving through the material either when a potential difference is applied?
I think I asked a lecturer about this a while ago and he said something along these lines anyway.
  • #3
In semiconductor materials, the electrons normally have enough energy to occupy the valence band, but not the conduction band. Electrons in the valence band can move up to the conduction band, it simply takes a "kick" of energy to make them jump the gap between the valence band and to the conduction band. This gap is called a Band Gap. In conductors, the valence and conduction bands overlap, while in semiconductors they do not, hence the electrons needing a kick of energy provided by a potential voltage to "conduct". Once they are kicked out, they leave behind a hole which can be filled by another electron. Below a certain voltage, you will not have current flow through a semiconductor, as the electrons are not getting enough energy to make the jump. This is also mostly true in an insulating material, but the band gap is larger, which makes them poor materials to build electronic components out of. Give any material a high enough potential difference, and it WILL conduct.

Also, the electrons in the conduction band are free to move around the material with little resistance, while in the valence band the electrons are usually bound to the parent atom/molecule, but they do have some degree of freedom, just not as much as the conduction electrons. Look up valence band on wikipedia.
  • #4
Drakkith said:
In conductors, the valence and conduction bands overlap, while in semiconductors they do not, hence the electrons needing a kick of energy provided by a potential voltage to "conduct". Once they are kicked out, they leave behind a hole which can be filled by another electron. Below a certain voltage, you will not have current flow through a semiconductor, as the electrons are not getting enough energy to make the jump. This is also mostly true in an insulating material, but the band gap is larger, which makes them poor materials to build electronic components out of. Give any material a high enough potential difference, and it WILL conduct.
There is some confusion here. In semiconductors the electrons are "kicked" from valence to conduction band by the thermal excitation and not by the external voltage.
What is described in the quote above is more like electrical breakdown than normal conduction. A semiconductor has a band gap low enough that the thermal motion excites a significant number of electrons in the conduction band, at room temperature. The electric field induces a drift motion of these electrons that are already in the conduction band.
An insulator has a larger gap so that there are very few electrons, at room temperature.

An there is no threshold voltage for a common semiconductor to conduct.
Maybe you mixed it with the p-n junction.
  • #5
Ah, my mistake, i confused the two.

Related to Are there free electrons in the valence band?

What is the concept of free electrons in the valence band?

In the context of solid state physics, the valence band refers to the highest energy level of electrons in a material. Free electrons in the valence band are those that are not bound to any specific atom and are able to move freely throughout the material.

Why is the presence of free electrons in the valence band important?

The presence of free electrons in the valence band is important because it determines the electrical conductivity of a material. Materials with a high number of free electrons have high conductivity, while those with fewer free electrons have lower conductivity.

How are free electrons in the valence band different from those in the conduction band?

Free electrons in the valence band have lower energy levels compared to those in the conduction band. This means that they require less energy to be excited and move freely, making them responsible for the electrical conductivity of a material at lower temperatures.

Can the number of free electrons in the valence band be controlled?

Yes, the number of free electrons in the valence band can be controlled by altering the temperature or by introducing impurities into the material. These impurities can either increase or decrease the number of free electrons in the valence band.

What are some real-world applications of free electrons in the valence band?

Free electrons in the valence band have many practical applications, such as in the production of electricity in solar cells and in the conduction of electricity in electronic devices. They also play a crucial role in the formation of chemical bonds and in the properties of materials used in everyday objects.

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