Are There General Rules for Limits in Multivariable Real-Valued Functions?

In summary: I was in summary, Yes, the standard rules for derivatives of real valued functions of several variables can be generalized in the natural way. This includes the sum, product, quotient, and composite rules. However, there may be cases where the mean value theorem does not apply. Additionally, there are tools analogous to L'Hopital's rule for functions of several variables.
  • #1
When dealing with real valued functions (one output for now) of more than one real variable, can the usual rules from R --> R be generalised in the natural way? Specifically the sum, product, quotient and composite rules. Any pathological cases?

Also I was also wondering if there are any tools analogous to L'Hopital lying around anywhere.
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  • #2
Looks to me like you are talking about Rn--> R: a real valued function of several values. Yes, the standard rules for derivatives apply to partial derivatives and the gradient vector.
  • #3
Yes I know that, I was more concerned about actual limits at a pedantic epsilon-delta level. Eg. for the composite rule if f(x,y) = h(g(x,y)), and we know that

lim g(x,y) = L

then can we always say that

lim f(x,y) = lim h(z)
(x,y)-->(a,b) z-->L
  • #4
Derivatives *are* pedantic epsilon and delta arguments. And they all pass through without alteration in the R^m case: just replace | | with || ||, the Euclidean distance in R^m.

It is things like the mean value theorem that fail.
  • #5
Hmm, looking back at your original post I don't know where I got the idea that you were talking about derivatives!

Yes, the "composition" law applies to limits of functions of several variables.
  • #6
Thanks guys

FAQ: Are There General Rules for Limits in Multivariable Real-Valued Functions?

What is a limit in Euclidean space?

A limit in Euclidean space refers to the value that a function or sequence approaches as its input or index approaches a certain value. It is a fundamental concept in calculus that helps determine the behavior of functions and sequences near a specific point.

How is a limit in Euclidean space calculated?

To calculate a limit in Euclidean space, you need to evaluate the function or sequence at values approaching the given point. This can be done by plugging in values that are closer and closer to the given point and observing the resulting outputs. If the outputs approach a certain value as the inputs get closer to the given point, then that value is the limit.

What is the importance of limits in Euclidean space?

Limits in Euclidean space are essential in understanding the behavior of functions and sequences. They help us determine the continuity, differentiability, and convergence of these mathematical objects, which are crucial in many areas of mathematics and science, such as physics, engineering, and economics.

Are limits in Euclidean space unique?

No, limits in Euclidean space are not always unique. A function or sequence can have different limits at different points or can approach the same limit in different ways. However, for well-behaved functions, the limit at a particular point is unique.

How does the concept of a limit in Euclidean space relate to the concept of infinity?

The concept of a limit in Euclidean space is closely related to the concept of infinity. A limit can approach either a finite value or infinity, depending on the behavior of the function or sequence near the given point. It helps us understand how a function or sequence behaves near a point that may not be defined, such as infinity.

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