Are there global gauge transformations in typical electrodynamics potentials?

In summary, the conversation discusses the nature of gauge transformations for typical electrodynamics potentials and whether they exist globally or only locally. The concept of a gauge function is introduced and its role in fixing a gauge is discussed. The conversation highlights the complexities of gauge theories and the need for further mathematical understanding.
  • #1
Due to its form, gauge transformations for the typical electrodynamics potentials are "local" in nature. That`s: they exists for path connected topological spaces. So, there exists global gauge transformations or are all of them local in nature?. If the answer is "yes", i.e. if there are global gauge transformations our ideas about electrodynamics are quite general, if the answer is "no", then we cannot have a global equivalence of the different gauges, and the results obtained in one gauge are not globally equivalent to the results in any other gauge. What do you think?.
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  • #2
I'm not sure I understand your equation. But actually when people talk about a gauge theory, they mean some equations that already is symmetric under some global transformation and they're going to see what they can do to it to make it symmetric under the local version of that transformation.
  • #3
Well, let`s put the question in this form: any vector A with a zero curl ∇×A=0 can be expressed "locally" as a gradient A = ∇Ω for some function Ω. But its global version, .i.e. all along the topological space, is valid for path connected spaces only. For this reason the integral ∫A.dr is not zero for all closed trajectories when the space is not path connected. In the case of Maxwell equations the potentials are introduced solving two of the equations, hence the other two define the potentials. But the point is that that equations for the potentials admits an infinite dimensional symmetry that we call "gauge symmetry" , so the system is constrained in its Hamiltonian form and Noether second theorem tell us arbitrary functions exists in the solution. So, in this form the set of equations is underdetermined and no solution can be obtained; at least not in the sense of classical mathematical physics. To solve the equations we introduce a gauge condition to break the symmetry. To introduce such condition we use a gauge transformation that involves gradients -in its four dimensional form is a four gradient- so we suppose that a "gauge function" exists. E.g. when we transform from Coulomb to Lorenz gauge we suppose that a gauge function exists. J. D. Jackson believes that he knows how to obtain explicitly such a function. Here is where the question of global and local becomes critical: the gauge function exists locally -or that we believe and Jackson helps us to believe such a thing- but is the case that the gauge function exists globally?.
  • #4
At first I thought, by local and global, you mean the usual meaning but it seems you mean something else.
I don't think you need a gauge function to fix a gauge, because you don't actually do a gauge transformation, you just assume your solution satisfies an equation.
  • #5
Rolandosmx said:
Due to its form, gauge transformations for the typical electrodynamics potentials are "local" in nature. That`s: they exists for path connected topological spaces. So, there exists global gauge transformations or are all of them local in nature?. If the answer is "yes", i.e. if there are global gauge transformations our ideas about electrodynamics are quite general, if the answer is "no", then we cannot have a global equivalence of the different gauges, and the results obtained in one gauge are not globally equivalent to the results in any other gauge. What do you think?.

I wish I knew the whole mathematically complicated answer to your problem, by my college education in gauge theories was only algebraic, no differential geometry.
I can only offer an article which should address your query (I hope):

FAQ: Are there global gauge transformations in typical electrodynamics potentials?

1. What are "Again Gauge Transformations"?

"Again Gauge Transformations" are a mathematical concept used in physics, specifically in the field of quantum mechanics. They refer to a type of transformation that does not change the physical properties of a system, but rather the way in which those properties are described.

2. Why are "Again Gauge Transformations" important?

These transformations are important because they allow us to describe physical systems in different ways without changing the underlying physics. This can be useful in simplifying complex equations and understanding the fundamental properties of a system.

3. How do "Again Gauge Transformations" relate to symmetry?

"Again Gauge Transformations" are closely related to the concept of symmetry in physics. They involve changing the way in which a system is described, but not changing the actual physical properties of the system. This is similar to how a symmetrical object may look different when viewed from different angles, but still maintains the same shape.

4. What is the difference between "Again Gauge Transformations" and other types of transformations?

"Again Gauge Transformations" differ from other types of transformations, such as translations or rotations, in that they do not change the physical properties of a system. Instead, they only change the way in which those properties are described. This makes them unique and important in understanding the fundamental nature of physical systems.

5. How are "Again Gauge Transformations" applied in real-world scenarios?

While "Again Gauge Transformations" are a complex mathematical concept, they have real-world applications in the field of physics. They are commonly used in the study of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and other areas of physics to simplify equations and better understand the behavior of physical systems.

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