Are There Multiple Big Bangs?

  • Thread starter Nenad G.
  • Start date
In summary, The question of why there is only one Big Bang is currently without a definitive answer. While the hypothesis of multiple universes, known as the multiverse, has been proposed, there is currently no evidence to support it. Discussions on this topic often enter the realm of philosophy and plausibility, but without concrete evidence, it remains a topic of speculation. Current research in quantum cosmology and the standard model of cosmology may provide more insight in the future, but the answer remains unknown.
  • #1
Nenad G.
... hi everyone ... ... I'm here by pure "accident", ... I was just searching the net using the question - Why one Big Bang ? ... and found discussion about this in here ( I forgot where it was and I had no time to search, so ... ) ... ... >>> I'm a member of FC philosophy forum and back there one of the members started a thread called [ The Big Bang ] ... ... ... the discussion is still "alive" and it's nothing more but another battle between ( us ) atheists and theists ... God did the job? ... did not? ... bla bla bla , ... ... however, God or not, it's about BB ... so, I'm a little suspicious about ...

Nenad said:
... I have a question for you frish and for others too, ... why one BB? ... everybody is talking about BB like that's all there is ... mean, beyond it, or to say beyond our universe we have no idea what's going on but, ... what do you think - can it be that
there are other BBs ( universes ) ... like not just one but a number of them ... ... right next to our ... I don't know, when you look our universe it's all about plural - for example, our galaxy isn't alone, there are others as well, ... so it's about galaxies not galaxy, ... planets, ... stars ... black holes, ... atoms, ... BBs? ... which together "build" some - thing ... and so on and on ...

... even if it isn't that way it's more likely that BB is nothing but a small "irrelevant" event in the *existence*... making so much noise about it when it's probably, I mean really probably a grain of sand on the beach ...

... so I believe that before the ( our ) BB ... is just what it is - before the BB ... the rest of the reality was there ... always is ... ...

... you definitely had the same thread/s here ... ... anyway, ... I'd like to hear your opinions ...
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Physics news on
  • #2
... just to say I'm in pass here ... I won't be long ...
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  • #3
... I see you have philosophy at general discussion ... maybe I will spend some time here afteral since I'm a philosopher and a good one, ... philosophical issues are my "only" interest ...
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  • #4
"Why only one BB"? Because there isn't evidence (AFAIK) for more than one. Anything outside of evidence enters outside the realm of what is accepted in science. If there was evidence, then the idea would gain acceptance.

Nevertheless, the hypothesis of multiple universes is not new in physics. See, for example.
  • #5
nicksauce said:
"Why only one BB"? Because there isn't evidence (AFAIK) for more than one. Anything outside of evidence enters outside the realm of what is accepted in science. If there was evidence, then the idea would gain acceptance.

Nevertheless, the hypothesis of multiple universes is not new in physics. See, for example.

Yes but "multiverses" is a different theory from others such as "big bounce" which more specifically theorise about our own universe having bb cycles.

"multiverses" were originally designed to be an explanation for the biophillic tuning of our universe.
  • #6
When I first saw this post I thought it was for Big Brother.

Nenad G. said:
... I see you have philosophy at general discussion ... maybe I will spend some time here afteral since I'm a philosopher and a good one, ... philosophical issues are my "only" interest ...

So you're a self confessed "good philosopher". Does that mean you can't find an answer to anything, or that you have an answer for everything?

Broadly speaking, discussion of the big bang enters into philosophy when questions regarding untestable scenarios are raised. That isn't to say the same isn't done by scientists, but scientists will get nowhere if they don't produce some refutable claims or evidence of a theory's sucess/falsification. Regarding your opening post you ask questions that basically have no accertainable answer, but can only be discussed on grounds of plausability. In this context I would have to err on the side of the concept of a multiverse, but I would ascribe no weight to this preference as it's based on an incomplete and/or deluded understanding
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  • #7
Nenad G. said:
... hi everyone ... ... I'm here by pure "accident", ... I was just searching the net using the question - Why one Big Bang ? ... and found discussion about this in here ( I forgot where it was and I had no time to search, so ... ) ... ... >>> I'm a member of FC philosophy forum and back there one of the members started a thread called [ The Big Bang ] ... ... ... the discussion is still "alive" and it's nothing more but another battle between ( us ) atheists and theists ... God did the job? ... did not? ... bla bla bla , ... ... however, God or not, it's about BB ... so, I'm a little suspicious about ...

... you definitely had the same thread/s here ... ... anyway, ... I'd like to hear your opinions ...

Hi there Nenad G and welcome,

The question of what/if anything proceeded the big bang event, is not one of philosophy. I would not be so quick to jump on a bandwagon without doing some serious research. Head over to the Cosmology Forum or search through some old post. You can also start here:"

Use the search function and look for the more recent articles on the Standard Model of cosmology or just big band theory.

If you want to jump right into a more technical discussion of how we are currently attempting to answer this question search Quantum Cosmology and look for articles dated 2005+.

If you have some cash, consider purchasing this promising book:

Keep in mind Nenad G, We currently do not know the answer. Be cautious of anyone who claims other wise. But that is not to say that there is no research being done. Much of this is promising with better observational evidence, but you must take these propositions with a grain of salt.
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FAQ: Are There Multiple Big Bangs?

What is "One BB - I Don't Think So"?

"One BB - I Don't Think So" is a phrase often used to express disbelief or skepticism towards a statement or situation.

Where did the phrase originate from?

The exact origin of the phrase is unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in popular culture in the early 2000s.

Why is the phrase associated with science?

The phrase may be associated with science because it is often used in scientific discussions to express doubt or skepticism towards a claim or theory.

Is "One BB - I Don't Think So" a scientific term?

No, "One BB - I Don't Think So" is not a scientific term. It is a colloquial expression used in informal conversations.

Can "One BB - I Don't Think So" be used in a professional setting?

While the phrase is not appropriate for formal or professional settings, it may be used in a light-hearted or casual manner in certain workplaces or among colleagues.
