Are There Other Forums Similar to This One?

  • Thread starter RadiationX
  • Start date
In summary, PF is a great forum with a great community. The dynamic that makes it work is its closed nature, which allows for great discussion and no fights. It's been around for a long time and has a great reputation.
  • #1
Does anyone have any links to other forums like this one? I've used google to find some other forums but this one is the best I've seen so far.
Physics news on
  • #3
come on there has to be at least a few more.
  • #5
yeah and [itex]\infty[/itex] higher depth count.
  • #6
robphy said:
physicsforums has a higher thread count :-p .
actually, that board sucks (science
  • #8
they have great smilies though
  • #9
...but can they do [tex]\LaTeX[/tex]?
  • #10
IMO, is the only one that comes close. If you go there look for swansont, Severian, Martin, and dave for physics/math stuff. You can also find some PF regulars there, such as Janus, Matt Grime, and myself.

And they have LaTeX.
  • #11
SFN seems quite dead compared to PF, IMO.
  • #12
Ebla Forum includes a section on the history and philosophy of science (and math?) which is, IMHO, of considerably greater depth than PF's on the same topic (perhaps not as lively though!).

Similarly, I expect there are other fora at least as good as PF's in areas outside its core (physics, astronomy/astrophysics/cosmology), e.g. in botany, geology, psychology.
  • #13
PerennialII said:

... might have some more content but activity wise can't compare.

content is similar

i post there too

indeed, far less activity then there is in here

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  • #14
I really thought that when i posted this question that there would be at the least 10 new sites that i'd learn about. I guess physics forums is a universe unto itself. BTW Nereid i like that site.
  • #15
I could post links to 10 other forums that claim to be dedicated to science, but I wouldn't be doing you any favors by doing so. Most are unmoderated or have no committment to academic or scientific integrity.
  • #16
There's no point in comparing PF and other science forums.It's like putting an oversized lion and a bunch of kittens in a boxing ring...

  • #17
dextercioby said:
There's no point in comparing PF and other science forums.It's like putting an oversized lion and a bunch of kittens in a boxing ring...


Indeed. It is heresy to compare this forum to other 'comparable' forums.
  • #18
what makes this site so special? I personally love this place,that's why I've given money to it. But what is the dynamic that makes this site "work" while others do not? how long has this site been around?
  • #19
It's hard to isolate one "ingredient" of the recipe as that which makes the site the best on the web. We have an unbelievably qualified and dedicated staff, we have thousands and thousands of intelligent, well-spoken members. We have math typesetting. We have loads of google traffic. We help tons of kids with their homework. We have professional physicists, astronomers, biologists, chemists, and more (many of them, in fact!). We are a relatively strongly-censored forum, in that we have a no-nonsense policy. We quickly eliminate spam, off-topic nonsense, crackpot theories, and the like. We try to keep the overall quality of posts very high here; in the process we do, in fact, turn away a lot of people. Perhaps the "closed" nature of the forum is what makes it work so smoothly.

- Warren
  • #20
I guess we've got a good owner.:wink:Greg's got other sites,too.The forum's advertised there,too.The homework idea was & still is a real hit.I mean,just think how many lazy people are in this world.The success was guaranteed.

It's all about marketing and knowing that an info,a reccomandation or a piece of advise is worth a lot.

  • #21
I do have one gripe about physics forums;we can't post anything religious. I think that this policy is a little shallow. I think that that this community is especially able to discuss religious matters in a way that would be respectful and would genuinely add to our community, but that's just me.
  • #22
It isn't.It wasn't and definitely won't be.Take a look in the archives in the philosophy forum.You'll understand.It's not censorship.Rather than banning members for breaking the rules,the "conflict avoidance" policy is preferable.

  • #23
RadiationX said:
what makes this site so special? I personally love this place,that's why I've given money to it. But what is the dynamic that makes this site "work" while others do not? how long has this site been around?
I guess one likes to be surrounded by a lot of people than to only be alone.
I hope PF's members will always be civil to each other so that we are all warm...:smile:
  • #24
Why not have open discussion,especially on the internet of all places? No one can come to blows through their isp. Lively debate is a good thing, especially given the worldwide scope of this forum. We could really have some very helpful discussions. Just look at the fact that you, dextercioby, are in Belgium and I'm in North Florida. I would love to know what you and many other people aroung the globe think about issues like: Iraq, Christianity, Islam, the Sudan, North Korea, Latin America, the European Union, the Balkins, Lenin, Hinduism, death, stem cells, abortion,...
But again that's just me.
  • #25
I have to say I can really understand where you're coming from ... feel completely the same. BUT at current don't think such discussions could be handled for them to produce the effect we'd be seeking ... I'd like to believe could, but not sure whether the "risk" would be worth it (the depth of the philo section may not be enough ... but what do I know).
  • #26
RadiationX said:
I do have one gripe about physics forums;we can't post anything religious. I think that this policy is a little shallow. I think that that this community is especially able to discuss religious matters in a way that would be respectful and would genuinely add to our community, but that's just me.
Well, it is physics forums (and not 'religious forums') :-p

As I think I already said, there are other, better forums for such topics as the history and philosophy of science (which is closer to physics than physics is to religion), which are not the core of what PF aims to address. IMHO, the PF policy of banning discussion of religion (except in quite well-constrained ways) is absolutely the 'right thing to do' ... and contributes, in no small measure, to PF's success.
  • #27
I've looked at Advanced Physics and Scienceforums.

Neither has (i) the traffic, (ii) breadth and depth of expertise, or (iii) the quality of moderation and adherence to mainstream science as PF.
  • #28
Gokul43201 said:
I've looked at Advanced Physics and Scienceforums.

Neither has (i) the traffic, (ii) breadth and depth of expertise, or (iii) the quality of moderation and adherence to mainstream science as PF.


  • #29
not quite the same but...

everything from physics to chemistry and latex included by the way...try searching through there index. several people who have scored very high on the SAT, including one perfect score 800/800/800, quite a few competition winners;

it's probably the only one so far which matches PF in terms of activity
  • #30
Radiation X, you'll find several gurus here amongst the 115,000 members, although it's christian based I'm sure that there are several people of different beliefs lurking's probably the most active forum on the internet. you'll find me at the education and homework section, although I admit is not too active.
  • #31
ALthough there is an Java forum where reply rate is much Faster but that
deals only with Java...[/URL]
and one more quality of this forum is that The person who has serious question puts up duke dollars on the questions and one who satisfies him well,gets the money...

I think that can too started up here,,because some times many talented persons do feel laziness ,,so when the questions have got duke dollars over it they can be encouraged to answer it...
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  • #32
Out of the forums I have visited, has to be the most active/most members.
  • #33
this is a VERY active forum!click here pleaseClick Me
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