Are there Spin-2 bosons other than graviton?

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of spin-2 bosons other than the graviton and whether quantum field theory (QFT) allows for this possibility. It is mentioned that spin-1 bosons, such as photons, W Z bosons, and gluons, exist and there is interest in finding spin-2 bosons that have mass or other types of charges. It is explained that the spin 2 excitation is the gauge boson associated with diffeomorphism invariance and that massless gauge bosons can be given a mass by breaking this symmetry. The implications of breaking diffeomorphism invariance and generating massive gravitons are also discussed, including the possibility of modifying General Relativity (GR)
  • #1
Are there Spin-2 bosons other than graviton? Does QFT allow for this?

Spin-1 bosons not only includes photons, but W Z bosons and gluons

could there be spin-2 bosons that have mass or have other types of charges?
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  • #2
The spin 2 excitation is the gauge boson associated with diffeomorphism (coordinate) invariance, much as the spin 1 excitation is associated with U(1) symmetry. In field theory, massless gauge bosons can be given a mass by breaking the symmetry under which they are charged. One could therefore generate a massive graviton by breaking diffeomorphism invariance.
  • #3
bapowell said:
The spin 2 excitation is the gauge boson associated with diffeomorphism (coordinate) invariance, much as the spin 1 excitation is associated with U(1) symmetry. In field theory, massless gauge bosons can be given a mass by breaking the symmetry under which they are charged. One could therefore generate a massive graviton by breaking diffeomorphism invariance.

What are the implications of breaking diffeomorphism invariance and generating massive gravitons?
  • #4
If gravitons are massive, then GR would need to be modified. There has been a bit of work on these ideas, termed massive gravity. For example, in linearized (weak) massive gravity, the Newton gravitational potential [itex]\propto 1/r[/itex] of the massless theory exhibits a Yukawa behavior, [itex]\propto e^{-r}/r[/itex]. The DGP brane model also predicts massive gravitons, but I have not studied these theories closely.
  • #5
bapowell said:
If gravitons are massive, then GR would need to be modified. There has been a bit of work on these ideas, termed massive gravity. For example, in linearized (weak) massive gravity, the Newton gravitational potential [itex]\propto 1/r[/itex] of the massless theory exhibits a Yukawa behavior, [itex]\propto e^{-r}/r[/itex]. The DGP brane model also predicts massive gravitons, but I have not studied these theories closely.

couldn't you have both massless gravitons and massive spin-2 bosons?
  • #6
It can be shown that the unique fundamental spin-2 particle is the graviton. I believe that pertains to the massless graviton; I'd be surprised if the theorem did not apply to massive gravitons but I haven't looked into it. However, I will point out that there is nothing wrong with composite particles with spin-2 (composites of more elementary, less-than-spin-2 particles).
  • #7
chrispb said:
It can be shown that the unique fundamental spin-2 particle is the graviton.
That is interesting.

Usually in gauge theories you can modify the underlying group structure and generate different spin-1 gauge bosons (photon, gluon, W, Z, ...). Now you say that this is different for gravity, that there is exactly one fundametal structure i.e. GR with diff. inv. or (which is equivalent) Poincare gauge symmetry and that it is not possible to modify this theory or to "add" a new structure coming with similar but not identical spin-2 gauge bosons.

Do you have a reference or a name for that theorem?
  • #9
Demystifier said:
There are many papers on it. See e.g. Refs. [6-12] in
By the way, the theorem refers to massless spin-2 particles only.

Is there any theorem that includes massive spin-2 bosons?

Could there be phenomena, for example MOND or DM, or dark energy, that could be explained in terms of either massive spin-2 bosons or composite spin-2 fields/particles?

Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 181102 (2005) [4 pages]
Massive Graviton as a Testable Cold-Dark-Matter Candidate
Citing Articles (43)
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S. L. Dubovsky1,3, P. G. Tinyakov2,3, and I. I. Tkachev1,3
1Department of Physics, CERN Theory Division, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
2Service de Physique Théorique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP225, boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
3Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60th October Anniversary Prospect, 7a, 117312 Moscow, Russia

Received 19 November 2004; published 9 May 2005

We construct a consistent model of gravity where the tensor graviton mode is massive, while linearized equations for scalar and vector metric perturbations are not modified. The Friedmann equation acquires an extra dark-energy component leading to accelerated expansion. The mass of the graviton can be as large as ∼(1015  cm)-1, being constrained by the pulsar timing measurements. We argue that nonrelativistic gravitational waves can comprise the cold dark matter and may be detected by the future gravitational wave searches.
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  • #10
To answer the original question: spin 2 bosons are attractive only, the other forces mediated by spin 1 bosons both attract and repel. So I don't believe there are any other spin 2 bosons.
  • #11
cosmik debris said:
To answer the original question: spin 2 bosons are attractive only, the other forces mediated by spin 1 bosons both attract and repel. So I don't believe there are any other spin 2 bosons.

I'm not sure about the spin-2 boson being attractive only. Mathematically if you had a region of negative energy density it should emit bosons which repel regions of positive energy density.
  • #12
Antiphon said:
I'm not sure about the spin-2 boson being attractive only. Mathematically if you had a region of negative energy density it should emit bosons which repel regions of positive energy density.

Oh and there are claims that matter-antimatter antigravitates:
  • #13
That's not well founded. Antimatter has positive energy density since the annihilation releases 2mc^2 of energy.

The closest thing resembling negative energy density that I know of is the particle that falls into a black hole in Hawking radiation and reduces the gravity of the black hole. Assuming that it really happens, the spin-2 bosons from that particle should repel, no?

FAQ: Are there Spin-2 bosons other than graviton?

1. What is a spin-2 boson?

A spin-2 boson is a type of fundamental particle that has a spin quantum number of 2. This means that it has a specific intrinsic angular momentum and obeys the laws of quantum mechanics, which govern the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

2. How is a spin-2 boson different from other particles?

Spin-2 bosons are different from other particles in terms of their spin quantum number. Most particles, such as electrons and protons, have a spin of either 1/2 or 1. Spin-2 bosons, however, have a higher spin of 2, which gives them unique properties and behaviors.

3. Are there any other known spin-2 bosons besides the graviton?

No, the graviton is currently the only known spin-2 boson. In the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the interactions of subatomic particles, there are only a few types of bosons, and the graviton is the only one with a spin value of 2.

4. Why is the existence of other spin-2 bosons being studied?

The existence of other spin-2 bosons is being studied because it could potentially provide new insights into the fundamental forces and interactions in the universe. It could also help to explain the properties of dark matter, which is an elusive form of matter that makes up the majority of the universe.

5. How are scientists searching for other spin-2 bosons?

Scientists are searching for other spin-2 bosons by conducting experiments at particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. These experiments involve colliding particles at high speeds and energies to observe any potential new particles that may be produced. Other techniques, such as studying the properties of dark matter and analyzing cosmic ray data, are also being used to search for other spin-2 bosons.
