Are these equations describing causal or noncausal systems?

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In summary, equation D with a=-1 is non-causal because it places the signal before t=0. Equation D with a=1/2 and t=2 becomes causal because once again, it places the resultant signal after t=0. Equation C with a=5 and t=1 is casual because the output still exists after t=0. Equation C with a=5 and t=2 remains causal with a=5 and t=1 because the output still exists after t=0. Equation B with y(t)=x(-t) is casual because the present value of y only depends on past values of x, or more specifically, x's that occurred 2 time units ago
  • #1
I'm working on homework, and I think I can explain the difference between causal and noncausal systems, but I don't know if I'm accurately recognizing them mathematically.

Here are my homework questions and my answers:

Are the systems described by the following equations with input x(t) and output y(t) causal or noncausal?

A) y(t)=x(t-2) : CAUSAL; involves a delay of the signal in real time.

B) y(t)=x(-t) : NONCAUSAL; causal signals do not exist before t=0 (I think?).

C) y(t)=x(at), a>1 : CAUSAL; a is never negative.

D) y(t)=x(at), a<1 : CAUSAL; a may be any real number between 0 and 1.

Can anyone verify or correct me on any of these?
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  • #2
Nobody can help me on this?
  • #3
I think some of the answers you gave are wrong. As I understand it, and it has been a while since I took this class, a casual system is one whose current value only depends on the present and past values of the input.

So A is correct. The present value of y only depends on past values of x, or more specifically, x's that occurred 2 time units ago. i.e. for t=2, y(2)=x(0). Using this technique perhaps you can find the problems in your other answers.

Also, usually when I solve systems I don't restrict myself to t>=0. In general I will set the signal value to 0 when t<0 but this is not the same as saying the signal does not exist before t=0 and it does not mean t cannot be negative. Your instructor may have confined your range to t>=0 though.
  • #4
Thank you, es. My answer for D was incorrect.
  • #5
My pleasure however I think you may still have some errors hiding.
What are your opinions of the following points?
Equation C with a=5 and t=1
Equation D with a=-1
Equation D with a=1/2 and t=2
  • #6
es said:
My pleasure however I think you may still have some errors hiding.
What are your opinions of the following points?
Equation C with a=5 and t=1
Equation D with a=-1
Equation D with a=1/2 and t=2
Well, I'm still learning, but here goes...

Equation C remains causal with a=5 and t=1 because the output still exists after t=0.

Equation D with a= -1 is noncausal because it places the signal before t=0.

Equation D with a=1/2 and t=2 becomes causal because once again, it places the resultant signal after t=0. But since the parameter given was a<1, the system is noncausal because it must hold true for all values of a<1.

Or something. :)
  • #7
Ah. I understand where the confusion is now.

Causality does not reflect how events relate to t=0. Causailty relates times to each other. It means the output signal only depends on values that are occurring right now or occurred in the past.

Reusing our examples:

1: y(t)=x(t-2) is casual
the output, y, only depends on x's which occurred two time units ago, aka
in the past. for t=10, y(10)=x(8) which means the value of the output at
time 10 is the same what the output was at time 8. notice both values are
greater than t=0

2: y(t)=x(t) is casual
i just wanted to throw this into show that the output can depend on what
is happening right now and still be casual

3: y(t)=x(-t) is non-casual
when t<0, say -2, y(-2)=x(2). This means the value of the output at time
t=-2 is equal to the value of the input at time t=2. However t=2 occurs
after t=-2. This means the output depends on something which hasn't
happened yet, a future value. This is what makes equation three non-

4: y(t)=x(at), a>1 is non-casual
let's pick an example, a=5 t=2, here y(2)=x(10). Again, the output
depends on a values which occurs in the future, t=10 occurs after t=2.
All the t's here exist after zero but it is still non-casual.

Note, there are t's which make equation 3 casual. For instance t=0. However if only one point in the range is non-casual then the entire system is non-casual (at least this is how I always do it). If you require the system to become casual then you could try restricting the range. In our example you could say t is only allowed to be zero.
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  • #8
Are you allowed to take t<0. I don't think that would be physically correct or physically make sense.
For that matter for e.g. 4 that you have if we pick a = 5 and t = -2 (t<0) then we have y(-2) = x(-10) which means that the output at -2 depends on a value that occurred earlier -10 thus would make the system causal. What is the difference can you explain? Plus what would you think if a was constrained to only a<1?
  • #9
Hells_Kitchen said:
Are you allowed to take t<0. I don't think that would be physically correct or physically make sense.
For that matter for e.g. 4 that you have if we pick a = 5 and t = -2 (t<0) then we have y(-2) = x(-10) which means that the output at -2 depends on a value that occurred earlier -10 thus would make the system causal. What is the difference can you explain? Plus what would you think if a was constrained to only a<1?

FYI...this thread is 4 years old. :wink:

  • #10
oops sorry i didnt even notice. thank you ;)

FAQ: Are these equations describing causal or noncausal systems?

What is the difference between a causal and noncausal system?

A causal system is one in which the output depends only on present and past inputs. This means that the output at any given time is not affected by future inputs. On the other hand, a noncausal system is one in which the output depends on future inputs, meaning that the output at any given time is affected by both past and future inputs.

How can we determine if a system is causal or noncausal?

The causality of a system can be determined by analyzing its impulse response. If the impulse response is nonzero only for positive time values, the system is causal. If the impulse response is nonzero for both positive and negative time values, the system is noncausal.

What are some real-world examples of causal and noncausal systems?

A causal system can be seen in a simple electrical circuit, where the output voltage at any given time is only dependent on the present and past input voltages. A noncausal system can be seen in weather prediction, where the future weather patterns are affected by both past and future atmospheric conditions.

What are the implications of using a noncausal system in scientific research?

Using a noncausal system in scientific research can lead to inaccurate or misleading results, as the output is affected by future inputs that may not be known or controllable. It is important to properly identify and account for causality in order to draw valid conclusions and make accurate predictions.

Can a system be both causal and noncausal?

No, a system cannot be both causal and noncausal at the same time. It is either one or the other, depending on the nature of its impulse response. However, a system can exhibit both causal and noncausal behavior at different points in time, as the causality of a system can change depending on the time frame being analyzed.
