Are These Hermitian Conjugates Also Hermitian Operators?

So to summarize, the hermitian conjugates for the given operators are:i) xp is not a hermitian operatorii) [x, p] is not a hermitian operatoriii) xp + px is a hermitian operator.In summary, the operators xp and [x, p] are not hermitian, while xp + px is a hermitian operator. This is determined by applying the condition for hermitian operators and using integration by parts.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the following hermitian conjugates and show if they are hermitian operators:

i) xp
ii) [x , p]
iii) xp + px

Where x is the position operator and p is the momentum operator.

Homework Equations

<f|Qg> = <Q[itex]^{t}[/itex]f|g>
Q = Q[itex]^{t}[/itex] Hermitian operator
p = -ih(d/dx)

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first case I have applied the condition of hermitian operators where I get <f|-ihx(dg(x)/dx)> and then get the form <f|-ih(dxg(x)/dx)>which leads to the integral ∫f*(-ih(d/dx)(xg(x)dx but am not sure how you bring the operator to f*. Do you just do the product rule and bring the product or to f* or do you need to do integration by part?

For the case of [x , p] you get [x, p] = -xih(d/dx) +ih(dx/dx) and find I apply this to the hermitian conjugate I get <-ihf|g> but was told something was wrong since I got it from <-xih(dg*/dx)+ih(g +x(dg/dx)>. For the third part I'm not getting anything that make sense when I apply -(xih(d/dx) + ih(dx/dx)) and got ∫f*(ih(g + 2x(dg/dx))dx but according to my notes xp + px should be hermitian.

Thanks to anybody that helps.
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  • #2
Sorry, but I think I'm confused on what you have to even do for the hermitian conjugate. Do you even need to apply the <f|Qg) = <Q*f|g> to show the hermitian conjugate or do you just need to do the complex conjugate of the operator and if it isn't hermtian it will be something different when you apply <f|Qg) = <Q*f|g>?

For example, in the case of xp if I apply the complex conjugate I will get ihx(d/dx) instead of -ihx(d/dx) meaning it isn't a hermitian operator. When I applied the condition for hermitian conjugates and get <f|(-ihx(dg/dx)>, I then bring the brak-ket notation to the integral form ∫f*(-ihx(dg/dx)dx where -ihx can be brough to f in the form ∫(ihxf)*(dg/dx)dx where integration by parts is the process to bring the derivative to f. The problem I have here is with x since you then need to do the product rule for (ihxf)* where I get the result -∫(ihf - ihx(df/dx))gdx which can be changed into form -<ih(f - x(df/dx))|g> which is obviously not the same as the original form. Is this correct and the answer like that was produced under the brak-ket notation because xp isn't hermitian?
  • #3
xicor said:
Sorry, but I think I'm confused on what you have to even do for the hermitian conjugate. Do you even need to apply the <f|Qg) = <Q*f|g> to show the hermitian conjugate or do you just need to do the complex conjugate of the operator and if it isn't hermtian it will be something different when you apply <f|Qg) = <Q*f|g>?

For example, in the case of xp if I apply the complex conjugate I will get ihx(d/dx) instead of -ihx(d/dx) meaning it isn't a hermitian operator. When I applied the condition for hermitian conjugates and get <f|(-ihx(dg/dx)>, I then bring the brak-ket notation to the integral form ∫f*(-ihx(dg/dx)dx where -ihx can be brough to f in the form ∫(ihxf)*(dg/dx)dx where integration by parts is the process to bring the derivative to f. The problem I have here is with x since you then need to do the product rule for (ihxf)* where I get the result -∫(ihf - ihx(df/dx))gdx which can be changed into form -<ih(f - x(df/dx))|g> which is obviously not the same as the original form. Is this correct and the answer like that was produced under the brak-ket notation because xp isn't hermitian?

Yes, xp isn't Hermitian. You use integration by parts to move the derivatives around and the x factor will block that. [x,p] should be easier, it's a constant but it's pure imaginary. For xp+px you can just deal on the abstract level with the operators. AB+BA is always hermitian no matter what the hermitian operators A and B are. Can you tell me why?
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  • #4
Alright, I think I understand now. If I apply a function to [x, p] I then find that [x, p]f = ihf so [x, p] = ih. When I apply this to the hermitian condition I get negative sign produced when I bring the i to the other function so [x, p] isn't hermitian.

For the case of xp +px if I consider it to be in form AB + BA, I can then use (AB)[itex]^{t}[/itex] = B[itex]^{t}[/itex]A[itex]^{t}[/itex] meaning that (AB + BA)[itex]^{t}[/itex] = B[itex]^{t}[/itex]A[itex]^{t}[/itex] + A[itex]^{t}[/itex]B[itex]^{t}[/itex] = BA + AB = BA +AB. This means that (xp + px)[itex]^{t}[/itex] = (xp + px) so xp + px is a hermitian operator.
  • #5
xicor said:
Alright, I think I understand now. If I apply a function to [x, p] I then find that [x, p]f = ihf so [x, p] = ih. When I apply this to the hermitian condition I get negative sign produced when I bring the i to the other function so [x, p] isn't hermitian.

For the case of xp +px if I consider it to be in form AB + BA, I can then use (AB)[itex]^{t}[/itex] = B[itex]^{t}[/itex]A[itex]^{t}[/itex] meaning that (AB + BA)[itex]^{t}[/itex] = B[itex]^{t}[/itex]A[itex]^{t}[/itex] + A[itex]^{t}[/itex]B[itex]^{t}[/itex] = BA + AB = BA +AB. This means that (xp + px)[itex]^{t}[/itex] = (xp + px) so xp + px is a hermitian operator.

Yeah, that's it exactly.

FAQ: Are These Hermitian Conjugates Also Hermitian Operators?

1. What is a Hermitian Conjugate?

A Hermitian conjugate, also known as an adjoint, is the complex conjugate of a matrix or operator, transposed. This means that the elements of the matrix are reflected across the main diagonal and then each element is replaced with its complex conjugate. In other words, the Hermitian conjugate of a matrix A is denoted as A and is equal to the complex conjugate of AT.

2. What is the difference between a Hermitian conjugate and a transpose?

A transpose simply flips the elements of a matrix across its main diagonal, while a Hermitian conjugate also takes the complex conjugate of each element. This means that a Hermitian conjugate is more complex than a transpose, and results in a different matrix or operator.

3. What are Hermitian operators used for?

Hermitian operators have special properties that make them useful in quantum mechanics and other areas of physics. They are self-adjoint, meaning that the operator is equal to its own Hermitian conjugate, and they have real eigenvalues. This makes them useful for calculating physical observables and understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

4. How do you find the Hermitian conjugate of a complex function?

The Hermitian conjugate of a complex function is found by taking the complex conjugate of the function and then reversing the order of the operators in the function. For example, if the function is f(x) = eix, its Hermitian conjugate would be f(x) = e-ix.

5. Can a non-square matrix have a Hermitian conjugate?

No, a non-square matrix cannot have a Hermitian conjugate. This is because a Hermitian conjugate can only be calculated for square matrices, as the transpose operation requires the same number of rows and columns. However, non-square matrices can have a pseudo-Hermitian conjugate, which involves taking the transpose and then the complex conjugate of the matrix.

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