Are those solutions equivalent?

  • Thread starter fateswarm
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In summary, the problem asks for the probability a device will work for 1 year given that it is connected in parallel to two other devices, one of which has a life of 1 hour and the other of which has a life of 2 hours. The problem asks for the probability the device will work for between 1 and 2 years given that it is connected in parallel to two other devices, one of which has a life of 1 hour and the other of which has a life of 2 hours.
  • #1
On my studying material I noticed that for "devices in parallel" problems, a question of the type "Find the probability the device works for 1 year" is dealt with P(A or B) where P(A), P(B) are the probabilities of each of the instruments working for one year, which is something I intuitively understand.

Now, when I went to a random variables chapter problem, for two random variables X and X, given their probability density function, for two devices in parallel where each device's life is represented by each random variable, the question "find the probability the device works for between 1 and 2 years" is dealt with the probability of max{X, Y} satisfying that criteria which appears to give a different result than the union of the corresponding probabilities!

I'll try to translate the actual problem: "The lifetimes X,Y (in hours) of two components are random variables with common probability density function fx,y(x,y) = e^(-x-y) with x,y>0. Calculate the probability the lifetime of the machine is between 1 and 2 hours when the components are connected in parallel." (it also asks for a connection in series). (It is also given from a previous exercise that the random variables are independent.)

My understanding is that if I use fx and fy and find the components probabilities separately and then calculate their union, the result would be the same. But in this case the result is: P(1<X<2)=P(1<Y<2)=0.2325 with P(1<X<2 or 1<Y<2) = 0.4109

While if I actually find the function for max{X,Y}, it's P(max{X,Y}<z) = P(X<z,Y<z) = P(X<z)P(Y<z) = Fx(x)Fy(y) which gives a different result.

Are the approaches equivalent?
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  • #2
P(1<X<2)=P(1<Y<2)=0.2325 with P(1<X<2 or 1<Y<2) = 0.4109
That includes the case where X breaks between 1 and 2, but Y breaks afterwards (and vice versa) - so the device works longer than 2.
  • #3
mfb said:
That includes the case where X breaks between 1 and 2, but Y breaks afterwards (and vice versa) - so the device works longer than 2.

How? Aren't X, Y restricted to be examined between the times 1 and 2? How could X, or Y go beyond those time frames?
  • #4
I currently wonder if P(a<max{X,Y}<b) is equivalent to P(a<X<b or a<Y<b) to begin with. They seem to answer two different questions. The first being "the probability of the one with the maximum value being between those two values" and the latter "the probability of either being between those two values" effectively making the latter the right answer.

edit: Then again, I can't be certain since intuitively, either expression seems to cover it.

edit: The main indication is that I know P(A or B) was accepted in simpler problems.
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  • #5
I think I figured it out, initially numerically and not intuitively, since I get the same result:

It appears that for the PARALLEL problem one has to test the MIN between X, and Y rather than the max. That way the result more conveniently is, for a simpler example of "less than 1 hour": P(min{X,Y}<1} = 1-P(min{X,Y}>1) =1-P(X>1,Y>1)=1-(1-P(X<1)(1-P(Y<1)) which is the same with the initial union of the simpler solutions.

If one goes with the MAX, the answer appears to be suitable for the intersection of the events and a problem of the components being in series. Now why would those problems work that way intuitively? I keep looking at it and there is little intuition that would e.g. point at the "min" of the two being suitable for the parallel problem, unless we're talking about an abstract concept of "I'm looking for at-a-minimum one of those two working in this interval" which is weird since it doesn't examine the interval itself but the existence of the random variables themselves in it, but I guess it's closer to reality.

edit: Or I guess, one I could say "I am satisfied with the minimum of those two being in this interval in order to answer the parallel problem", however "even the maximum of those two must satisfy the interval in order for them to work in series". Weird stuff when first seen but I guess it makes sense.
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  • #6
The most intuitive way I found to look at it mathematically is to read the symbolism in reverse: e.g. P(y>max{X,Y}) for the serial problem. That way "y must be larger even than the larger of the two, hence both must be large enough [which is what I want in a serial situation]".

FAQ: Are those solutions equivalent?

1. Are there any differences between equivalent solutions?

Yes, there can be differences between equivalent solutions. Equivalent solutions have the same end result or purpose, but they may differ in their components or methods of achieving the result. It is important to carefully compare and analyze equivalent solutions to determine if any differences are significant.

2. How do you determine if two solutions are equivalent?

To determine if two solutions are equivalent, you must first clearly define the problem or goal that the solutions are trying to address. Then, you can compare the components and methods of each solution to see if they achieve the same result. Additionally, you can conduct experiments or tests to validate the equivalence of the solutions.

3. Can two solutions be equivalent even if they use different materials or methods?

Yes, two solutions can still be equivalent even if they use different materials or methods. As long as they achieve the same result or solve the same problem, they can be considered equivalent. However, it is important to carefully consider the effectiveness and efficiency of each solution and determine if any differences are significant.

4. Are equivalent solutions always better than non-equivalent solutions?

Not necessarily. Equivalent solutions may have the same end result or purpose, but they may differ in other aspects such as cost, time, or complexity. It is important to weigh all factors and consider the specific needs and constraints of the situation when determining which solution is the most suitable.

5. What are the benefits of finding equivalent solutions?

Finding equivalent solutions can lead to a deeper understanding of a problem or concept. It can also provide alternative options for solving a problem, which can be useful in situations where one solution may not be feasible or effective. Additionally, finding equivalent solutions can lead to innovation and improvement as different methods and materials are considered.

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