Are Universal Constants Truly Constant Over Time?

In summary: There may not be any concrete evidence yet, but it is certainly an area worth exploring and considering in the field of physics.In summary, there are theories in physics that suggest some universal constants may not actually be constant, but may change over time. This idea is still being debated and there is currently no concrete evidence to support it. The concept of a bias drive spacecraft propulsion system also raises questions about the effects of time dilation on constants, but at this point it is still an experimental concept. Further research and discussion with physicists is recommended to gain a better understanding of this topic.
  • #1
I have this odd question. I'm not a physicist, just a computer scientist in training with a broad range of interests. So excuse me if I get something completely wrong.

There seems to be a bunch of theories in physics that basically say that some or all universal "constants" are not in fact constant, but change over time. Everything from Dirac's seemingly numerological equation about G to interpretations of recent observations. Basically these people claim that some or all of these "constants" are tied to the age of the universe.

Then there's special relativity and time dilation caused by high speed and gravity. As I understand it, special relativity has been experimentally proven to be accurate.

Is it just me or are these two ideas incompatible?

Consider, for example, a particle moving at c or near c that was set in motion when the universe was still young. Time dilation would say that less time has passed for that particle than for the rest of the universe. Therefore, the "age of the universe" would be different for that particle.

Or consider a black hole. Time dilation would again suggest that time slows down near it and so the "age of the universe" measured near a black hole would be different yet again.

But if the "age of the universe" is a variable in the equation for some constant, then that would mean that constant is different in different areas of space.

The whole concept of the "age of the universe" seems wrong if time is really relative.

The purely conceptual "bias drive" spacecraft propulsion system developed by NASA in 1996 operates by changing the gravitational constant G in front of and behind the drive. Allegedly this would cause a singularity to form in the gradient of the field -- inside the spacecraft .

Doesn't this mean that if G is based on the age of the universe and the age of the universe can be measured differently in different areas of space, then G would also be different in those areas since there is no absolute time and if the theory behind the bias drive is correct, wouldn't it also mean there'd be singularities popping up all over the place?

Or if you take it that some or all currently accepted constants are still dependent on the age of the universe and that they are the same everywhere right now, then wouldn't that mean there's an absolute frame of reference? Or at least a hidden variable -- a hidden time dimension -- that is not affected by time dilation.

As I said, I'm not a physicist and here I'm using a software engineering approach -- simply putting together bits I've found to try and get a working system. It's just that many things seem to break down if you make some or all constants dependent on the age of the universe.

Or should I simply ask: is there any credible observational evidence for the claim or any mainstream theory that claims that some constants are not constant after all?
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  • #2
It's certainly an interesting question! Based on what you've stated, it appears that the idea of a universal constant being tied to the age of the universe is a relatively new concept that has yet to be widely accepted. It seems that there is still some debate and disagreement among physicists as to whether or not this is a valid idea.

The concept of a bias drive spacecraft propulsion system is also an intriguing one and it does raise some interesting questions about how constants may be affected by time dilation. However, as far as I know, this is still an experimental concept and so it is difficult to draw any conclusions at this point.

At this stage I would suggest further researching the physics behind this idea and consulting with physicists to get more information and opinions.
  • #3

Thank you for your question. It's great to see someone from a different field taking an interest in physics. Time in time-dependent theories is a complex and fascinating topic, and I will do my best to provide a response that addresses your points.

Firstly, I want to clarify that there is no one theory that claims all universal constants are changing over time. There are different theories that propose different types of time-dependence for different constants. Some theories suggest that certain constants, like the gravitational constant G, might have varied over time, while others propose that the speed of light or the fine structure constant may have changed. Each of these theories has its own set of evidence and arguments, so it's important to evaluate each one separately.

In terms of special relativity and time dilation, you are correct that it has been experimentally proven to be accurate. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is incompatible with theories that propose time-dependence for certain constants. Special relativity deals with the relationship between space and time, while time-dependence theories deal with the variation of specific physical constants. They are not necessarily contradictory, but they do operate on different levels and may need to be integrated or reconciled in some way.

Your example of a particle moving at or near the speed of light experiencing time dilation is a valid one. However, this does not necessarily mean that the "age of the universe" would be different for that particle. Time dilation is a relative concept, meaning that it depends on the observer's frame of reference. So, while time may appear to pass slower for the particle, it would still experience its own time in its own frame of reference. This does not necessarily affect the overall age of the universe.

Similarly, time dilation near a black hole would also be relative to the observer's frame of reference. And while it may appear that the "age of the universe" is different near a black hole, this does not necessarily mean that the constants themselves are changing. It simply means that time is passing differently in that particular region of space.

In regards to the "bias drive" spacecraft propulsion system, I am not familiar with this specific theory and cannot comment on its validity. However, I do want to clarify that the concept of time-dependence for certain constants does not necessarily mean that they are tied to the age of the universe. It could also mean that they are influenced by other factors, such as the local environment or the energy of the system. So, it

FAQ: Are Universal Constants Truly Constant Over Time?

1. What is the concept of time in time-dependent theories?

In time-dependent theories, time is considered to be a fundamental dimension that allows us to measure and describe the sequence of events and changes in the universe. It is often seen as a linear progression from past to present to future, and is a key factor in understanding the behavior of physical systems.

2. How does time influence the behavior of physical systems?

Time is a crucial factor in understanding the behavior of physical systems, as it allows us to measure the rate and duration of changes and processes. The concept of time also plays a role in determining causality and the relationship between cause and effect in these systems.

3. What is the difference between time-dependent and time-independent theories?

In time-dependent theories, time is considered to be a variable that affects the behavior of physical systems. In contrast, time-independent theories do not involve time as a variable and instead focus on describing systems that do not change over time, such as stationary systems or systems in equilibrium.

4. How do time-dependent theories account for the arrow of time?

The concept of the arrow of time, which describes the asymmetry of time and the direction of causality, is often addressed in time-dependent theories. These theories attempt to explain the observed phenomenon of time moving in one direction, from past to present to future, through factors such as entropy and the expansion of the universe.

5. What role does time play in the study of relativity?

Time is a crucial component of Einstein's theory of relativity, which describes the relationship between space and time. In this theory, time is not absolute and can be influenced by factors such as gravity and velocity. The concept of time dilation, where time moves slower for objects in motion, is also a key aspect of relativity.

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