Are We Also Expanding with the Universe?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the universe expanding and how this affects different bodies and forces within it. It is mentioned that dark energy forces act on the universe at large time scales, causing it to expand, but at smaller distances, other forces such as gravity and electromagnetic forces are stronger and do not contribute to the expansion. The difference between intergalactic space and local space is also discussed, with the former being homogeneous and the latter not. Overall, the expansion of the universe is driven by dark energy, and this has no effect on the stretching of smaller bodies within it.
  • #1
Universe is expanding. I know that all the galaxies are getting away from each other due to the expansion. So in theory is it true that we along with every other system of particles are getting stretched with the space ( or the distance between our constituent particle is getting bigger and bigger (no matter how small the expansion is at this scale) )?
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  • #2
Expansion is only an intergalactic phenomenon.
  • #3
Space is expanding and there is no difference between intergalactic space and space in which we are present right. So why would you not agree on the fact that we are also 'expanding'?
  • #4
Dark energy forces act on the universe at very large time scales and make it expand.

At short distances, gravity, electrical and other atomic forces are much stronger and they overwhelm the dark energy force.

Therefore, things far apart expand, things close together don't.
  • #5
Gravity, Electromagnetic Forces, Strong and weak force acts among the particles and I think that space is not affected by them. These forces do not stretch or contracts space except gravity which only curves it. So I think that expansion of universe has nothing to do with these forces.
  • #6
Oh I got it... Now what I got is that small bodies do not get stretched with space but the space in which they are located gets stretched.
  • #7
anorlunda said:
Dark energy forces act on the universe at very large time scales and make it expand.

At short distances, gravity, electrical and other atomic forces are much stronger and they overwhelm the dark energy force.

Therefore, things far apart expand, things close together don't.
There is no "force" driving the expansion, nor is dark energy needed. Dark energy is thought to drive the recent accelerated expansion of the universe.
  • #8
ggolu2 said:
Space is expanding and there is no difference between intergalactic space and space in which we are present right. So why would you not agree on the fact that we are also 'expanding'?
But there is a difference between intergalactic space and local space: the former is homogeneous and the latter is not. The geometry of space dictates the cosmology.

FAQ: Are We Also Expanding with the Universe?

1. What is the Expanding Universe Problem?

The Expanding Universe Problem refers to the observed increase in the distance between galaxies over time. This phenomenon was first discovered by astronomer Edwin Hubble in the 1920s and is supported by various pieces of evidence, such as the redshift of light from distant galaxies and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

2. Why is the Expanding Universe a problem?

The Expanding Universe is a problem because it challenges our understanding of the universe and its origins. It goes against the traditional view that the universe is static and unchanging, and raises questions about how and why the expansion is happening.

3. What is causing the expansion of the universe?

The leading explanation for the expansion of the universe is a concept called dark energy. This is a mysterious force that is thought to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe. It is believed to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

4. How does the Expanding Universe affect our understanding of the Big Bang theory?

The Expanding Universe is a key piece of evidence that supports the Big Bang theory. According to this theory, the universe began as a single, infinitely dense point and has been expanding ever since. The expansion of the universe is also used to explain the distribution of elements and the cosmic microwave background radiation, both of which are important pieces of evidence for the Big Bang.

5. Could the Expanding Universe eventually lead to a "Big Crunch"?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that the Expanding Universe will eventually lead to a "Big Crunch" or a collapse of the universe. In fact, the most widely accepted models of the universe predict that it will continue to expand indefinitely. However, our understanding of dark energy and the expansion of the universe is still evolving, so it is possible that our understanding of the ultimate fate of the universe may change in the future.

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