Are We God? Exploring the Third Option

  • Thread starter binbots
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In summary, there are two common ways of thinking about God in today's world: as a separate being from us who created us in his image and takes care of us, or as a non-existent entity according to science. However, there is a third option that is often overlooked - the idea that we are God. This thought is often seen as scary, which is why religion and science try to separate us from it. But why are we so afraid of realizing our true identity? Perhaps because it means our creation is solely our doing, and we are completely alone. This raises questions about God's potential loneliness and why he would give himself limited knowledge and multiple personalities. Perhaps he wants to be a part of his creation, but also wants to hide
  • #1
Is todays world god is thought of in 2 ways:
God is religion- God is a separate being from us, God created us in his image, God takes care of us.
God is science- God does not exist

But isn't there a third option that no one talks about to often, or when it is it is so strange or hard to understand that we can't grasp it. The fact the we are god. The thought of this is scary hence the reason religion tries to separate us, and why science tries to elimante him all together. Almost as if the other 2 were created by us just to keep us from realising who we really are.
So why are we so scared to know who we really are? Simple really. Because once we realize who we are then our creation becomes only that, our creation. Almost as if we would wake up and realize that it was all us the whole time, and that we are utterly utterly alone. If god was the only thing then wouldn't he be very lonely? Wouldnt he give himself the power NOT to know who he was? Wouldnt he give himself infinite personalty disorder? Wouldnt he want to be apart of his creation? Wouldnt he give himself religion and science to hide himself?

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  • #2
binbots said:
Is todays world god is thought of in 2 ways:
God is religion- God is a separate being from us, God created us in his image, God takes care of us.
God is science- God does not exist

But isn't there a third option that no one talks about to often, or when it is it is so strange or hard to understand that we can't grasp it. The fact the we are god. The thought of this is scary hence the reason religion tries to separate us, and why science tries to elimante him all together. Almost as if the other 2 were created by us just to keep us from realising who we really are.
So why are we so scared to know who we really are? Simple really. Because once we realize who we are then our creation becomes only that, our creation. Almost as if we would wake up and realize that it was all us the whole time, and that we are utterly utterly alone. If god was the only thing then wouldn't he be very lonely? Wouldnt he give himself the power NOT to know who he was? Wouldnt he give himself infinite personalty disorder? Wouldnt he want to be apart of his creation? Wouldnt he give himself religion and science to hide himself?

You forgot about the thousands of other "gods". Please research and include these in your post. Thanks.
  • #3
I did not forget about them. The reason I did not mention them is because they follow the same rules. They are still separate from us.
  • #4
Trust me, I am not alone or lonely. I am already sick of all the people overpopulating this planet, you want there to be aliens AND god in addition to all that? I think not!
  • #5
binbots said:
I did not forget about them. The reason I did not mention them is because they follow the same rules. They are still separate from us.
I'm afraid that you don't know much about other gods. Let's limit it to Hindu. Please name all of the gods and what is different about them, including all of the reincarnartions.

Heck, I'll go easy on you, just post the research on the main gods.
  • #6
Wow. Smart people are mean. I asked a question. Instead of getting a answer I get asked back to name as meany hindu gods as I can? You are obviously much smarter than me hence you being a pf mentor. The thing is you can say I am wrong and question how much research I have done etc. But after you do that why don't you try and anwser the question. Why should I do endless amounts of research we I can come onto a forum like this where the smartest people have CONVERSATIONS about the hardest question anyone can ask. Well I think a question like Who is God is a pretty important question.
  • #7
binbots said:
Is todays world god is thought of in 2 ways:
God is religion- God is a separate being from us, God created us in his image, God takes care of us.
God is science- God does not exist

But isn't there a third option that no one talks about to often, or when it is it is so strange or hard to understand that we can't grasp it. The fact the we are god. The thought of this is scary hence the reason religion tries to separate us, and why science tries to elimante him all together. Almost as if the other 2 were created by us just to keep us from realising who we really are.
So why are we so scared to know who we really are? Simple really. Because once we realize who we are then our creation becomes only that, our creation. Almost as if we would wake up and realize that it was all us the whole time, and that we are utterly utterly alone. If god was the only thing then wouldn't he be very lonely? Wouldnt he give himself the power NOT to know who he was? Wouldnt he give himself infinite personalty disorder? Wouldnt he want to be apart of his creation? Wouldnt he give himself religion and science to hide himself?


You could just as easily argue that God merely wishes to remain anonymous.

We admire people who give to charity anonymously, who save lives and refuse to take credit and say things like "anyone else would have done the same thing". Why not propose the existence of a God who is equally humble and giving, who does not demand recognition much less adoration and worship. In fact, you could argue that this is exactly the kind of role model that most religions espouse, yet their views of God do not promote.
  • #8
binbots said:
Wow. Smart people are mean. I asked a question. Instead of getting a answer I get asked back to name as meany hindu gods as I can? You are obviously much smarter than me hence you being a pf mentor. The thing is you can say I am wrong and question how much research I have done etc. But after you do that why don't you try and anwser the question. Why should I do endless amounts of research we I can come onto a forum like this where the smartest people have CONVERSATIONS about the hardest question anyone can ask. Well I think a question like Who is God is a pretty important question.
I could answer that, but you are the person that brouhgt it up, so I assumed you had already done your research. Am I wrong? You are not prepared for this post?
  • #9
Evo, I'm not convinced that binbots needs to specify different gods. He's propsoing three broad groups into which any/all god concepts fall:

1] God is a figment.
2] God is/are an entity/entities separate from us.
3] God is us.

I think all forms of god fit into one of these (though don't take that to the bank, I'm trying to think of concepts that fall outside those three).

I can see your argument being: "you're wrong, some type 3s already exist". But I don't see why he needs to itemize them all before making his claim.

He's interested in exploring the type 3s.

Can you give an example of specifically where binbots is ill-informed?
  • #10
I asked a question then gave my Obviously stupid uneducated (don't have my phd in hindu gods) personal opinion. that doesn't neglect that I asked a question though. I am asking you. Someone who has obviously done tons of research and I could never catch up to you. So why not ask you. Who is god. Dont give me some list of hindo gods and say this is what these people beleive. I want to know who YOU think he is.
  • #11
binbots said:
I asked a question then gave my Obviously stupid uneducated (don't have my phd in hindu gods) personal opinion. that doesn't neglect that I asked a question though. I am asking you. Someone who has obviously done tons of research and I could never catch up to you. So why not ask you. Who is god. Dont give me some list of hindo gods and say this is what these people beleive. I want to know who YOU think he is.
Hm. Well, this is a science forum. And it does have rules around discussion of god and religion. You may not get very far with this.

bin, the reaction you've received is not entirely your doing. This forum has a very long history of god/religion discussions and the vast majority of them have ended with little solved. Patience here is become thin, even as the bar for accepting a validly constructed argument has risen steadily higher. There are other fora where this kind of discussion can be more freely executed.
  • #12
I thought Eric Clapton was god?
  • #13
Just like the Grinch, god is not a Who, god is a What!
  • #14
I believe that some people have it slightly wrong. God Is not anonymous. God is present in our lives every day. Given he won't come down again. He came before thru Virgin Mary as Jesus. And when the world ends he will come again. Though I can see where your coming from. God is not physicly there so it makes it hard to believe that such a being lives but the bible. In ways you can see God too. He's everywhere you just have to look. Also we should not be afraid of Him but exalt him, love Him, Respect Him. I don't believe In other "gods" beceaue the biggest sin is denying the lord. That is the only one that will keep you out of heaven. I believe God left details out so people can imagine. Like what is heaven really like. Last but not least God could have said let there be Earth and bam the " big bang " occured. Then God says let there be animals and boom animals came. My only problem is the natural balance of life is too delicate and perfect that there is no way we ce from fallin asteroids. But that's just what I say. I hope it helped
  • #15
marinebiopink said:
I believe that some people have it slightly wrong. God Is not anonymous. God is present in our lives every day. Given he won't come down again. He came before thru Virgin Mary as Jesus. And when the world ends he will come again. Though I can see where your coming from. God is not physicly there so it makes it hard to believe that such a being lives but the bible. In ways you can see God too. He's everywhere you just have to look. Also we should not be afraid of Him but exalt him, love Him, Respect Him. I don't believe In other "gods" beceaue the biggest sin is denying the lord. That is the only one that will keep you out of heaven. I believe God left details out so people can imagine. Like what is heaven really like. Last but not least God could have said let there be Earth and bam the " big bang " occured. Then God says let there be animals and boom animals came. My only problem is the natural balance of life is too delicate and perfect that there is no way we ce from fallin asteroids. But that's just what I say. I hope it helped

OK, see this is why we don't do this. There's just no way to keep specific religious views out of the discussion.

PF Rules said:
Religious Discussion Guidelines:
Discussions that assert the a priori truth or falsity of religious dogmas and belief systems, or value judgments stemming from such religious belief systems, will not be tolerated. As a rule of thumb, some topics pertaining to religion might be permissible if they are discussed in such a way so as to remain neutral on the truth of, or value judgments stemming from, religious belief systems. However, it is essential to use good judgment whenever discussing religious matters to ensure that the discussion does not degenerate into a messy dispute. If in doubt, err on the side of caution.

FAQ: Are We God? Exploring the Third Option

1. Who is god and what is their role in the universe?

The concept of god varies among different religions and belief systems. In general, god is seen as a higher being or entity responsible for creating and overseeing the universe. Many religions also believe that god has a moral and spiritual influence on humans, guiding them towards a higher purpose.

2. Is god a physical or spiritual being?

Again, this depends on one's belief system. Some religions see god as a physical entity with human-like qualities, while others view god as a purely spiritual being without a physical form. Some may even believe that god exists in both physical and spiritual planes.

3. How do different religions view god?

Different religions have varying beliefs about god, but most view god as an all-powerful, all-knowing, and benevolent being. Some religions also believe in multiple gods or deities, while others see god as a singular entity. The characteristics and roles of god also differ among religions.

4. How can we prove the existence of god?

The existence of god is a matter of faith and belief, and cannot be proven through scientific methods. However, many people find evidence of god's existence through personal experiences, religious texts, and philosophical arguments.

5. What is the purpose of god in our lives?

The purpose of god in our lives is a deeply personal and subjective question. Some may believe that god has a specific plan or purpose for each individual, while others see god as a source of guidance, comfort, and support. Ultimately, the purpose of god is open to interpretation and belief.

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