Are You an Engineer? A few questions

  • Thread starter Seeknay25
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In summary: My biggest accomplishment is always trying to push the envelope and develop new and better ways to improve engine performance.Q19: How happy are you with what you do?Extremely happy.
  • #1
Are You an Engineer? A few questions...

Hello everybody, I'm a current student going into electrical engineer and as a first task I'm being told to interview a skilled engineer., and I'm hoping I can find one here :)

I just got a some questions that would help me greatly with this project and it would be great if a few people could spend a minutes answering them. It would be nice if you left an email address after you answer the questions, but you don't have to. If you want to add any additional information feel free to do so. Also it would be best if you just quoted my thread and answered the questions that way. Your few minutes will be greatly appreciated. Also, if its a yes or no answer, such as the second one, it would be nice if you elaborated with your answer, but its not needed.

Q1: What current field are you in?

Q2: Is this what you thought you were going to do in high school?

Q3: What degree did you get in college?

Q4: Did you decide on this field before attending your college?

Q5: How long have you worked in your profession?

Q6: What is your specialty in your field of engineering?

Q7: What are some of the projects you've worked on?

Q8: How much time do most projects take?

Q9: Are there any specific tools or equipment required for your job?

Q10: Do you generally work alone or in a group of two or more?

Q11: What advantages/ disadvantages do you find while working alone, or in a group.

Q12:Do most people in you field work the same as you (In a group or alone)?

Q13:Are employers evenly distributed or are they concentrated in certain areas of the country?

Q14: What are the beginning, average, and top pay one could expect to earn in you field of engineering?

Q15: How many hours do you work per week?

Q16: Is there further education offered where you work?

Q17: Do you have any advice for someone looking to go into civil engineering?

Q18: What do you feel your biggest accomplishment is, involving your work, or how you got there?

Q19: How happy are you with what you do?

Email: (Not needed, but it would be nice for reference)

-Thank you very much​
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  • #2
I'm not able to spend much time on your questions at the moment (sorry -- tight schedules right now), but here's a link to a similar interview that I did have time for a couple months back. Hope it helps some.
  • #3
Q1: What current field are you in?
Internal combustion engine development

Q2: Is this what you thought you were going to do in high school?
Probably not too far off what I hoped I'd be doing.

Q3: What degree did you get in college?

Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering

Q4: Did you decide on this field before attending your college?

Q5: How long have you worked in your profession?
2 years.

Q6: What is your specialty in your field of engineering?
IC engine performance.

Q7: What are some of the projects you've worked on?
Development and support of large industrial Diesel and gas engines.

Q8: How much time do most projects take?
6-24 months typically.

Q9: Are there any specific tools or equipment required for your job?
A PC with various bits of software, and all kinds of pieces of instrumentation for monitoring engine operating parameters.

Q10: Do you generally work alone or in a group of two or more?

It's all team-based work split into tasks to be carried out by individuals.

Q11: What advantages/ disadvantages do you find while working alone, or in a group.
Working alone gives freedom to solve problems how I wish, and I enjoy owning my own projects and being responsible for all aspects of them. Team working (if done properly) gets you at an optimum solution a lot quicker.

Q12:Do most people in you field work the same as you (In a group or alone)?

Q13:Are employers evenly distributed or are they concentrated in certain areas of the country?
Tend to be concentrated around traditionally industrial areas.

Q14: What are the beginning, average, and top pay one could expect to earn in you field of engineering?
In the UK, an engineering intern would earn around £14k, a graduate somewhere between £20k and £30k, and a Chartered Engineer (working directly as an engineer) between £40k and £60k. Obviously if you own your own business things can be different.

Q15: How many hours do you work per week?
Contracted to 37, but typically 45 or 50.

Q16: Is there further education offered where you work?

Q17: Do you have any advice for someone looking to go into civil engineering?
Not really, I looked at this field for a few years before I changed my mind and decided on mechanical. It's a personal choice. The main thing is to do your research and make sure engineering (and civil engineering) is what you think it is.

Q18: What do you feel your biggest accomplishment is, involving your work, or how you got there?
Doing the work. Getting the job is just a means to an end.

Q19: How happy are you with what you do?
9 out of 10.

Email: (Not needed, but it would be nice for reference)
Sorry, any more info you want just ask.
  • #4
Q1: What current field are you in?
Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration (Ultra Deep Water - 5,000 to 12,000 feet).

Q2: Is this what you thought you were going to do in high school?

Q3: What degree did you get in college?
1st: BS Business Admin., 2nd: BS Electromechanical Engineering.

Q4: Did you decide on this field before attending your college?

Q5: How long have you worked in your profession?
8 years.

Q6: What is your specialty in your field of engineering?
Subsea Systems.

Q7: What are some of the projects you've worked on?
Design and construction of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.

Q8: How much time do most projects take?
Average is about 3 years.

Q9: Are there any specific tools or equipment required for your job?
Lot's of analysis software that the company isn't will to buy!

Q10: Do you generally work alone or in a group of two or more?

Q11: What advantages/ disadvantages do you find while working alone, or in a group.
Working alone is good if you are a self-starter, I find it less distracting.

Q12:Do most people in you field work the same as you (In a group or alone)?

Q13:Are employers evenly distributed or are they concentrated in certain areas of the country?
Concentrated in the Gulf states.

Q14: What are the beginning, average, and top pay one could expect to earn in you field of engineering?
Just straight salary without bonus or anything,
Begining - $80K
Average - $120K
Top - $180K (not sure about this one).

Q15: How many hours do you work per week?

Q16: Is there further education offered where you work?

Q17: Do you have any advice for someone looking to go into civil engineering?

Q18: What do you feel your biggest accomplishment is, involving your work, or how you got there?
Never really thought about it.

Q19: How happy are you with what you do?
I'm content.
  • #5
Thanks a bunch guys

Related to Are You an Engineer? A few questions

1. What is an engineer?

An engineer is a person who uses scientific and mathematical principles to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, and other devices.

2. What are the different types of engineers?

There are many different types of engineers, including civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineers. Each type specializes in a specific area of engineering and has their own unique set of skills and knowledge.

3. What education is needed to become an engineer?

To become an engineer, you typically need a bachelor's degree in engineering or a related field. Some engineers may also need a master's degree or a professional license, depending on their specific area of expertise.

4. What skills are important for an engineer to have?

Some important skills for engineers include problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, creativity, and attention to detail. They also need to be knowledgeable in math, science, and technology.

5. What are some common job duties for engineers?

Engineers may have a variety of job duties depending on their specific role, but some common tasks include designing and testing new products, analyzing data, managing projects, and working with other professionals to solve complex problems.
