Are You as Tall as Cosmina, the First Female Gnome?

  • Thread starter En_lizard
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of height and includes comments and comparisons about individuals' heights. Some people mention their own height and how it affects them in certain situations, while others comment on societal views on height. The conversation also includes some humorous exchanges and observations.

how tall are you?

  • Total voters
  • #36
TheStatutoryApe said:
But then you'd have a lot of big guys walking around grumpy because they keep hitting their heads on door frames. And I'd Be One Of Them!:-p
My parents had a house with 6' 4" door frames. Me and my two brothers are each over 6' tall. I'm 6'-2". One day I was walking with a slight "lilt" in my step in their house and came up right under the center of the door frame. Almost knocked myself out. :smile: :redface: That will teach me to prance in the land of the Lilliputians. ... :rolleyes: I probably shouldn't have used the word pranced, right? :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #37
Artman said:
My parents had a house with 6' 4" door frames. Me and my two brothers are each over 6' tall. I'm 6'-2". One day I was walking with a slight "lilt" in my step in their house and came up right under the center of the door frame. Almost knocked myself out. :smile: :redface: That will teach me to prance in the land of the Lilliputians. ... :rolleyes: I probably shouldn't have used the word pranced, right? :rolleyes:

tall guys who prance= MMMMMMM
  • #38
Gale said:
tall guys who prance= MMMMMMM
So prance was okay I see.:wink:
  • #39
Artman said:
My parents had a house with 6' 4" door frames. Me and my two brothers are each over 6' tall. I'm 6'-2". One day I was walking with a slight "lilt" in my step in their house and came up right under the center of the door frame. Almost knocked myself out. :smile: :redface: That will teach me to prance in the land of the Lilliputians. ... :rolleyes: I probably shouldn't have used the word pranced, right? :rolleyes:

Ya I am 6 3 and done somthing like that twice. (BOth involved stairs) The first time I was running down the stairs and you know that part of the ceiling that juts down? Well, It closelined me. And I went flying down the stairs.

The other time I was on the basement stairs and was carrying an air conditioner. So I am standing straight up kinda leaning back and I ran my haed up into the part of the ceiling that juts down. So ya, I am starting to loose my balance so I scream to my brother to come here NOW! Hes playing a video game and goes "One more second" I m like "NOW!" "One more second" (All this time I'm stuggling to stay upright) "I"m going to fall down the stairs co me here now" MY dad who is on the other side of the house goes" "GO to him NOw" SO finally he co mes and saves me. I wa ready to kill the kid.
  • #40
oh my god! you guys are so tall!

i'm only 5'4"!
  • #41
Cosmo16 said:
Ya I am 6 3 and done somthing like that twice. (BOth involved stairs) The first time I was running down the stairs and you know that part of the ceiling that juts down? Well, It closelined me. And I went flying down the stairs...
Oh my gosh I just had a flashback to my parents house staircase (My mom and dad weren't short, but the house was built 150 years ago and the builder was a relative of mine who was short.)
There was a door at the bottom of the stairs and this door was like all the others about 6'-4" and the last step was right next to this door. Many was the time I'd come bounding up or down the stairs, miss calculate my duck and smack my head on that thing...:rolleyes: Okay, I admit I "bound," and "prance," and "walk with a lilt." Gale thinks prancing = MMMMMM so it's okay. :approve:
  • #42
Artman said:
Oh my gosh I just had a flashback to my parents house staircase (My mom and dad weren't short, but the house was built 150 years ago and the builder was a relative of mine who was short.)
There was a door at the bottom of the stairs and this door was like all the others about 6'-4" and the last step was right next to this door. Many was the time I'd come bounding up or down the stairs, miss calculate my duck and smack my head on that thing...:rolleyes: Okay, I admit I "bound," and "prance," and "walk with a lilt." Gale thinks prancing = MMMMMM so it's okay. :approve:
That's the nice thing about being short. I'd have never noticed anything special about the doorway at all. I also don't walk into the hanging light fixtures in empty houses either. Then again, those top shelves in the kitchen cabinets are entirely useless to me.
  • #43
Moonbear said:
That's the nice thing about being short. I'd have never noticed anything special about the doorway at all. I also don't walk into the hanging light fixtures in empty houses either. Then again, those top shelves in the kitchen cabinets are entirely useless to me.
A girl I knew in high school had a short family. The tallest was the dad at 5'2". Their entire house was built to scale, even the kitchen cabinets. The doors and ceilings weren't so low as to be a problem, at least to people of average height, but the house didn't feel quite "right". Having everything built just slightly to a smaller scale just made it worse because it was harder to pinpoint exactly what the problem was. The first few times I was inside, I just felt this strange sense things weren't quite real, as if I were dreaming or something.
  • #44
normally lizards are only afew inches !
  • #45
I'm only 3 feet 1 in tall? How come you guys get the good genes?

*****Note: Cosmina is really 5 ft 7 in. but she likes to fool people into believing that she's the first female gnome*****