Area moment of inertia calculation without standard formula

In summary, the area moment of inertia of any shape can be found by summing up the products of the squared distance between the global center of gravity and the local center of gravity of each strip, and the area of each strip. For a rectangle, the standard formula is [bd3/12], which can also be derived using integration. By dividing the shape into smaller strips, the error in the calculation can be reduced. Integration involves slicing the shape into strips and calculating the moments of inertia for each strip, then taking the sum of these values. As the number of strips increases, the error tends to zero, resulting in a more accurate calculation.
  • #1

I read in a textbook that area Moment of Inertia (M.I.) of any shape would be Ʃ of (y2 χ A)1,2...n where,
A represents the Area of strip no. 1, 2... n
y is the distance between globlal centre of gravity (C.G.) of the shape to th local C.G. of strip no. 1, 2... n
(pl. look at the image)

Though I remember the formula for finding M.I. of a rectangle is [bd3/12] where b and d are breadth and depth of the rectangle, I tried doing it experimentally.

That is:
1. I Drew a rectangle.
2. Split it into 4 equal strips.
3. Measured area and the distance between local and global C.G.s.
4. Did Ʃ of (y2χA)1,2,3 and 4.

I didn't get the value equal to the one done using standard formula. Surprisingly, when I did the same exercise but with splitting the rectangle into 8 equal parts, I got a different answer. But this answer went closer to the M.I. by standard formula.

Now, when I try to find the reason myself, I see that the standard formula has been derived using integration. Since, I am pretty bad in math, can somebody pl. explain me the concept of integration with this example? This will help me to understand when to use integration as well. Many thanks in advance!
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  • #2
hi k.udhay! :smile:
k.udhay said:
… Surprisingly, when I did the same exercise but with splitting the rectangle into 8 equal parts, I got a different answer. But this answer went closer to the M.I. by standard formula.

Now, when I try to find the reason myself, I see that the standard formula has been derived using integration. Since, I am pretty bad in math, can somebody pl. explain me the concept of integration with this example? This will help me to understand when to use integration as well. Many thanks in advance!

integration cuts the area into slices

we then pretend that each slice is a perfect rectangle, and we add the moments of inertia for each slice

the more finely we cut the slices, the lower the error is (eg 8 slices is better than 4 :wink:)

if we cut it "infinitely" fine, the error tends to zero …

that's integration! :smile:
  • #3
Hi Tim. Thanks for the reply. I understood that the thinner we split it, more accurate the results are. But I want to know how integration does this... I don't know how to put in words. How is integration cutting the rectangle into more thinly strips? Thanks.
  • #4
hi k.udhay! :smile:

a completely rigorous proof was known to the ancient greeks …

you slice it into n strips,

then you draw the largest rectangle that just fits inside each strip, and the smallest rectangle that just fits outside

you add up the values for all the inside rectangles, call that sum an

and you add up the values for all the outside rectangles, call that sum An

obviously the value for the original irregular area is always between an and An

the difference (An - an) obviously tends to 0 as n tends to infinity, so both An and an tend to the same value, A …

so that value, A, must be the value for the original area :wink:
  • #5
Thanks, Tim. I think I will take some more time to completely understand the concept of integration. Though, your explanation has given me a direction to think on. Thanks again!:thumbs:
  • #6
Area moment of inertia calc...

MOI can be calculated as ∫y[square]dA...
If we wish to calculate it with respect to horizontal axis of symmetry x...than we need to divide it into infintesimal elements as you were doing...more the divisions, better the solution,less is the error involved...

As per the attachment the infintesimal strip area can be calculated as (b.dy)..
substituting it we get...
I = 2∫y[square] [b.dy]... [limits from 0 to h/2]

solving this you get what you intended to ...


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Related to Area moment of inertia calculation without standard formula

1. What is the area moment of inertia?

The area moment of inertia, also known as second moment of area, is a property of a cross-sectional shape that represents its resistance to bending. It is used in structural engineering and mechanics to determine the strength and stiffness of a beam or other structural member.

2. Why is it important to calculate the area moment of inertia?

The area moment of inertia is essential in determining the structural integrity and stability of a beam or structural member. It helps engineers and scientists to predict how a structure will behave under different loading conditions and ensure its safety and efficiency.

3. Can the area moment of inertia be calculated without using a standard formula?

Yes, the area moment of inertia can be calculated using alternative methods such as the parallel axis theorem and the perpendicular axis theorem. These methods are useful when dealing with irregular or complex shapes that do not have a standard formula for calculating the moment of inertia.

4. What factors affect the calculation of the area moment of inertia?

The main factors that affect the calculation of the area moment of inertia are the cross-sectional shape, dimensions, and material properties of the structural member. The shape and dimensions determine the distribution of material around the neutral axis, while the material properties, such as density and elasticity, affect the resistance to bending.

5. How is the area moment of inertia used in real-world applications?

The area moment of inertia is used extensively in the design and analysis of structural systems, such as buildings, bridges, and machinery. It is also used in the calculation of deflection, stress, and strain in different types of structures, making it a crucial factor in ensuring their safety and stability.

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