Arizona 8 Year Old Allegedly Murders Dad and Friend

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary: But in summary, an 8 year old boy allegedly shot and killed his father and his father's friend to end their suffering. He has been released for Thanksgiving but is not allowed to watch cable TV or play video games. Some people are calling for him to be tried as an adult, but there are concerns about his rights being violated during the police interview. This case has gained national and international attention and there is debate about whether an 8 year old is capable of understanding the severity of his actions. Some believe he should be punished while others argue that he is too young to fully comprehend what he has done.
  • #1
Here in Arizona we just had an 8 year old kid murder his dad and his dad's friend. I shouldn't say murder, allegedly murdered. This is one of the strangest cases ever. The police interviewed the boy and at first he says he came home and found them dead, but as the interview goes on he admits to shooting them to stop their suffering. He even talks about reloading the rifle before shooting the friend to make sure he had enough bullets so the friend wouldn't suffer. A judge just decided to let the boy go home for Thanksgiving, but he isn't to be allowed to watch cable tv or to play video games. Some people have even asked that he be tried as an adult. The kid is only 8. I can't even remember anything about being 8, but I definitely wasn't an adult. I can't even get mad at the boy for what he did. I don't know that he even realizes what death REALLY means. What baffles me most about this all is how does an 8 year old get his hands on a rifle and bullets? Are trigger locks too much to ask for?
I'm pretty sure the whole interview is going to be thrown out, because there was no guardian or counsel present. I don't know if an 8 year old can even legally waive his 5th amendment rights.
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  • #2
Yes, it is national news.

I would like to hear what an independent psychologist would have to say about the video. It does seem plausible to me that the kid was just being agreeable in his "interview". Regardless, I expect it to be thrown out.
  • #3
I've read about it, but the internet has no distance. I don't know how I feel about the issue.

Oh, except trying him as an adult is stupid and whoever suggested it needs to be shot.
  • #4
This was a blatent violation of the child's rights. No minor is to be questioned without the presense of a parent, legal guardian, or a lawyer.

There is no case; at least not based on the interview, which I thought was very leading anyway. Those two cops should be fired.
  • #5
At the age of eight I certainly understood death, I understood violence. I understood right from wrong. So, depending on the circumstances, I could certainly see trying him as an adult.

tribdog, you're not a good measuring stick, they couldn't try you as an adult now. :wink:

I haven't heard what they circumstances were. It appears it was murder in cold blood?
  • #6
Evo said:
At the age of eight I certainly understood death, I understood violence. I understood right from wrong. So, depending on the circumstances, I could certainly see trying him as an adult.

You have got to be kidding! Then the word "adult" has absolutely no meaning.
  • #7
I certainly understood what death meant by the age of 8. I don't agree that he should be tried as an adult though.
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
You have got to be kidding! Then the word "adult" has absolutely no meaning.
Not kidding at all.

The word adult has no meaning when it comes to the level of understanding.

A psychiatric evaluation should determine his level of understanding.

Does anyone know what the situation was?
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  • #9
And if found guilty he should be executed, if the law applies in that State?
  • #10


There's no way a boy like the one's picture above are old enough to begin to understand what happened. Wayyyyyyyyyy way too young. We're talking about a kid here.

Police interviewing an 8 year old for 4 hours. What a joke of law enforcement. He was a pretty smart kid though, saying they were 'suffering'. I probably wouldn't have know or used that word at age 8.
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  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
And if found guilty he should be executed, if the law applies in that State?
I'm sure if there was a death penalty, a judge would not allow that as an option.

Like I said, I don't know the circumstances to decide if what he did was heinous enough to qualify him to be prosecuted as an adult. I would imagine for the prosecution to have that ruling there must be a reason. My understanding is that it is not easy to try a juvenile as an adult.
  • #12
American gun policy :wink:

The boy will never get over this. He will always be the one "who killed his own father". It's sad to say, but the best thing would have been if he had killed himself too. I don't know what to do with him or how to punish him.

Btw, this is not only national news, but international news. The father taught his son to use the gun.
  • #13
leopard said:
American gun policy :wink:

The boy will never get over this. He will always be the one "who killed his own father". It's sad to say, but the best thing would have been if he had killed himself too. I don't know what to do with him or how to punish him.

How do any of you know he shot those two adults? Was there gun powder residue on his hands?
  • #14
Cyrus, if an 8 year old planned to kill you in cold blood, would you say, "that's ok"?
  • #15
A kid that can kill is just as deadly as an adult that can kill, Okay the kid may not be as aware as an adult but would anyone hesitate shooting a kid with Semtex strapped to his back in a crowed space?
  • #16
Evo said:
Cyrus, if an 8 year old planned to kill you in cold blood, would you say, "that's ok"?

He is innocent until proven guilty. Show me some evidence he planned and killed anybody.
  • #17
I think if he can pull it off, he deserves to get off scott free.

At the age of 8 I could barely put together a sentence or tie my shoes.
  • #18
Cyrus said:
How do any of you know he shot those two adults? Was there gun powder residue on his hands?

We don't know that yet.
  • #19
leopard said:
We don't know that yet.

Then why did you say the best thing he could have done was shoot himself? The correct thing is to simply wait until they find any evidence.

I know what you're saying, but the implication of what you said is that he is guilty by default.
  • #20
Cyrus said:
Then why did you say the best thing he could have done was shoot himself?

Understood: IF he killed them.
  • #21
Even *if* he planned to kill them, he really didn't have the mental understanding of what he was doing.

There was a story of a bunch of first graders that were going to tie up and kill their teacher because one of them got the idea from watching CSI on tv. They really don't fully understand what they are doing.
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  • #22
Even if he doesn't have a full mental understanding of death at the age of 8, he should have some instinct that tells him not to shoot innocent people. Society needs to be protected from him.
  • #23
Cyrus said:
Even *if* he planned to kill them, he really didn't have the mental understanding of what he was doing.

There was a story of a bunch of first graders that were going to tie up and kill their teacher because one of them got the idea from watching CSI on tv. They really don't fully understand what they are doing.
I can only judge by what I knew and understood at that age. I know a child that age can be fully aware of their actions and consequences. I don't think that I am that unique. Although, I also did not associate with children my age because I considered them stupid and immature. The level of his understanding would be for the psychiatrists that evaluate him to decide.
  • #24
I can confirm that you're not that unique, Evo. Punishment is necessary, but death penalty is always wrong.
  • #25
leopard said:
I can confirm that you're not that unique, Evo. Punishment is necessary, but death penalty is always wrong.
He hasn't even gone to trial. I'm sure his lawyers will try to get him diagnosed as mentally ill.
  • #26
No, I'm sure his lawyers will get him diagnosed as being a kid.
  • #27
Evo said:
I'm sure his lawyers will try to get him diagnosed as mentally ill.

Which he is (if he's guilty).
  • #28
wolram said:
A kid that can kill is just as deadly as an adult that can kill,

I totally disagree. I can overpower any 8 year old on the planet, even I'd say, if the kid was armed with any weapon other than a gun. If the adults in this kids world were doing their job, this kid should NEVER have been able to come up with a gun and bullets.
  • #29
russ_watters said:
No, I'm sure his lawyers will get him diagnosed as being a kid.
Yeah, just a kid that premeditatedly and in cold blood gunned down two people. Just your average kid.

Not all children are on the same level.
  • #30
tribdog said:
If the adults in this kids world were doing their job, this kid should NEVER have been able to come up with a gun and bullets.
There is a problem right there.

And again, does anyone have a link to what happened? I've seen nothing that talks in detail about why he killed them.
  • #31
Nobody knows why. the only motive I've heard discussed is that his dad let his stepmom spank him a few days earlier.
  • #32
tribdog said:
If the adults in this kids world were doing their job, this kid should NEVER have been able to come up with a gun and bullets.

Or if the government did their job.
  • #33
Please stop throwing arround accusations without facts:

(1) There is no evidence he's killed them thus far
(2) He didn't grab a gun and shoot them. He found them dead.

Anything other than (1) or (2) is pure speculation.
  • #34
Evo said:
Like I said, I don't know the circumstances to decide if what he did was heinous enough to qualify him to be prosecuted as an adult.

How heinous the crime was should have no bearing on whether or not he's tried as an adult. That should be based entirely on maturity and understanding.
  • #35
Cyrus said:
He didn't grab a gun and shoot them.

How do you know?

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