Army rations rehydrated by urine

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, the purpose of using urine to rehydrate army rations is to provide a source of water and electrolytes in emergency situations. It is generally safe to use urine for this purpose, but it should only be used as a last resort and not relied upon as the sole source of hydration. Only fresh, clean urine should be used, as contaminated urine could make the individual sick. The recommended amount to use is about half a liter per ration, and there are no significant risks or side effects as long as the urine is clean and fresh. However, urine should not be used as a long-term solution for hydration as it does not contain all the necessary nutrients and calories.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Would you eat food cooked in your own urine? Food scientists working for the US military have developed a dried food ration that troops can hydrate by adding the filthiest of muddy swamp water or even peeing on it.[continued]

Eat up boys!
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  • #2
I read that! However they don't recommend using urine because urea is a small enough to fit through the filters and can cause kidney damage... but it probably says that in the article. Amazing what they can do nowadays though isn't it? Like the 3 year sandwich.
  • #3
I can understand the practicality and potential benefits of this innovation for soldiers in the field. Rehydrating army rations with urine may seem unappealing or even repulsive to some, but it could be a life-saving option in emergency situations where clean water is not readily available. Food scientists have assured that the process of drying and filtering the urine removes any harmful bacteria or impurities, making the food safe to consume. Ultimately, the decision to eat food cooked in one's own urine would depend on the individual's personal beliefs and level of comfort.

FAQ: Army rations rehydrated by urine

1. What is the purpose of rehydrating army rations with urine?

The purpose of using urine to rehydrate army rations is to provide a source of water and electrolytes in emergency situations where clean water is not readily available. Urine contains a high concentration of electrolytes and can be used to replace those lost through sweating and physical activity.

2. Is it safe to rehydrate army rations with urine?

Yes, it is generally safe to use urine to rehydrate army rations. However, it is important to note that urine should only be used as a last resort and should not be relied upon as the sole source of hydration.

3. Can any type of urine be used to rehydrate army rations?

No, only fresh, clean urine can be used to rehydrate army rations. Urine that is contaminated with bacteria or viruses could make the individual sick and should not be used.

4. How much urine should be used to rehydrate army rations?

The recommended amount of urine to use for rehydrating army rations is about half a liter (16 ounces) per ration. This provides enough water and electrolytes to rehydrate the food and make it more palatable.

5. Are there any risks or side effects of using urine to rehydrate army rations?

Using urine to rehydrate army rations should not pose any significant risks or side effects, as long as the urine is clean and fresh. However, it is important to note that urine does not contain all the necessary nutrients and calories that the body needs, so it should not be used as a long-term solution for hydration.

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