Artificial Gravity Technology: Creating an Implosion Effect

In summary, the conversation touches upon the fictional concept of an 'implosion grenade' and explores potential real-life technologies that could produce a similar effect. The idea of using an artificial gravity field and its potential to create a 50-100G field for a short period of time is discussed. The conversation also delves into the importance of being well-versed in multiple fields of study and the potential consequences of specialists not communicating with one another. The thread is eventually closed, with a reminder to stay within the realm of science fiction.
  • #1
I ran across an earlier thread, no longer open for comment, regarding the science fictional 'implosion grenade' & what might produce a similar effect. One theoretical technology might have a possibility of producing such an effect, at least to some extent. It could be an outgrowth of the production & generation of an artificial gravity field while at rest. If someone is able to create such a field in a limited space, and produce it as a toroidal-shaped field around the generating device even if the effect is limited to a 50-100G field for only 0.5-1 second before burning out or self-destructing it could produce an effect fairly closely matching the fictional 'implosion grenade'. Few building construction methods could withstand a 50-100G pull cross-ways to its walls or foundations. Even a modern battle tank would collapse if it found itself suddenly trapped within a 50G field even for a split second.

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  • #2
If you're trying to make a novel device for a story why not one that implodes and then explodes like a tsunami grenade.
  • #3
I found this forum in a Google search on How such a device might work. Similar devices have been used by a number of authors over the years. Like the OP's linked above I'd wondered just how such a device could function. I'm an omnivorous reader, even of medical magazines you find in doctors offices or around labs<grin>. I don't know a lot of details about anyone field of study but I like to know at Least a little of Anything that catches my attention. So, I'm in no stretch of the imagination any kind of specialist & have little desire to be one but I'd like to think that I'm at Least a fair generalist in a good number of fields At least a little part of what some see as a problem with today's scientists is that the vast majority of today's scientists are specialists in usually a single field of study. Few pay much attention to other fields, even if that field may have a fair bit in common with their own. There don't seem to be enough Generalists with a good working knowledge in multiple related fields that can tell the specialists that they might find something useful to their research in a Different field. Even in automotive design I've seen too many examples where one engineer, say in engine design, never talked to the people designing the body, specifically the engine compartment, to make sure that the said engine will Fit in the engine compartment with enough clearance to Work on the engine. There was a car back in the 90's that in its first year in order to change the oil you had to lift the engine 6" just to be able to remove the oil filter due to the fact that there was a welded-in frame member blocking access to the filter. The following year that member was bolted in place.
  • #4
If th grenade could make a small volume of ar to absolute zero then a vacuum would be made and an implosion would take place as things whoosh into fill the void.
  • #5
True but the lack of mass of the air would severely limit the effects & range of effect. It would likely be useless as a weapon except at absolutely point-blank range.

By the way I Do like your tagline! That original 1951 version is one of the great classics of science fiction! The remake wasn't bad, per se, but nowhere near the story quality & impact of the original.
  • #6
If you're looking for a plausible mechanism under current scientific laws, then you're going to be disappointed. There's no known way to develop a useful implosion grenade at this time. Luckily science fiction doesn't need to be restricted to current science. You could come up with a device that rips electrons from all of the surrounding atoms, which then pulls in all of the protons in a massive implosion. Or something using a gravitational pulse. Or something that doesn't even have an explanation, just a description of its effects.
  • #7
Here you go -- just toss this baby into the circle of bad guys standing on concrete...
  • #8
This thread is closed. Please recall that the purpose of this section is to discuss science FICTION, not to make any insinuations that such fiction has or will have any relevance to non fiction.

Several posts not conforming to this have been removed.
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Likes berkeman and Bystander

Related to Artificial Gravity Technology: Creating an Implosion Effect

1. What is Artificial Gravity Technology?

Artificial Gravity Technology refers to the use of technology to create a gravitational force that mimics the effects of natural gravity. This is done by either rotating a spacecraft or using a centrifuge to generate a force that pulls objects towards the outer edge, creating the sensation of gravity.

2. How does Artificial Gravity Technology work?

Artificial Gravity Technology works by creating a centripetal force that pulls objects towards the outer edge of a rotating spacecraft or centrifuge. This force is similar to the force of gravity on Earth, causing objects to feel as if they are being pulled towards the ground.

3. What is the purpose of creating an implosion effect in Artificial Gravity Technology?

The purpose of creating an implosion effect in Artificial Gravity Technology is to simulate the feeling of gravity without having to rely on the rotation of a spacecraft or centrifuge. This can be achieved by using electromagnets to generate a force that pulls objects towards the center of the spacecraft or centrifuge, creating a sensation of gravity.

4. What are the potential applications of Artificial Gravity Technology?

Artificial Gravity Technology has many potential applications, including creating artificial gravity on space stations or long-duration space missions, providing a more comfortable environment for astronauts, and aiding in the development of space habitats and colonies.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations to Artificial Gravity Technology?

There are several challenges and limitations to Artificial Gravity Technology, including the need for large and complex structures to generate the necessary forces, potential health risks for astronauts, and the high cost of implementing this technology. Additionally, the effectiveness of Artificial Gravity Technology may vary depending on the size and shape of the spacecraft or centrifuge.

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