Artin's lemma in Galois Theory: when is [E:F] < |G|?

  • Thread starter Boorglar
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In summary: This is one of the most important theorems in Galois Theory, as it allows one to calculate the coefficients of any automorphism from its equation system.In summary, the lemma states that if F is the fixed field of a finite group G of automorphisms in a field E, then the degree [E:F] ≤ |G| = n. The proof relies on setting up a linear dependence relationship for any set of n+1 elements in E, using n equations in n+1 unknowns with coefficients obtained by every permutation in G.
  • #1
I am trying to understand Galois Theory and reading through various theorems and lemmas, some of which are still confusing me.

A lemma proved by Artin states that if F is the fixed field of a finite group G of automorphisms in a field E, then the degree [E:F] ≤ |G| = n. The proof relies on setting up a linear dependence relationship for any set of n+1 elements in E, using n equations in n+1 unknowns with coefficients obtained by every permutation in G.

I am trying to get an intuitive understanding of the result. I already know that in the case where G is the Galois group G(E/F) and E is a splitting field of a separable polynomial over F, then F is the fixed field of G and [E:F] = |G|. But what properties of E and G could cause [E:F] < |G|?

I can't find any example where strict inequality arises.
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  • #2
You can't find a counterexample because I believe none exists. In fact, given any set [itex] S [/itex] of [itex] n[/itex] distinct isomorphisms of a field [itex] E_1 [/itex] into a field [itex] E_2[/itex] (here they don't even need to form a group just some set of isomorphisms), then [itex] [E:\mathrm{Fix}(S) ] \geq n[/itex].

Whatever source you are using probably split the proof that if [itex] S[/itex] is a group then [itex] [E:\mathrm{Fix}(S) ] =n[/itex] into separate lemmas so I would imagine there is also a proof of the above fact nearby the proof of the other inequality in your book.
  • #3
Yes, I think you are right. I found out later in the book, they prove that if F is a fixed field of E under the finite group of automorphisms of E, then E is a finite, normal, separable extension of F (in fact the two properties are equivalent). This implies that [E:F] = |G(E/F)| ≥ |G|, which is the other inequality.

I was scratching my head for a while before I realized this.

An interesting side-effect of [E:F] = n is that it proves the set of all automorphisms of G is linearly independent over F, since from Artin's proof, the nxn system of equations must have only the trivial solution.
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FAQ: Artin's lemma in Galois Theory: when is [E:F] < |G|?

1. What is Artin's lemma in Galois Theory?

Artin's lemma in Galois Theory is a fundamental theorem that relates the degree of a Galois extension to the order of its Galois group. It states that if E is a finite Galois extension of a field F with Galois group G, then the degree [E:F] is equal to the order of G.

2. How is Artin's lemma used in Galois Theory?

Artin's lemma is used to determine the degree of a Galois extension when the order of the Galois group is known. It is also used to prove other important theorems in Galois Theory, such as the fundamental theorem of Galois Theory.

3. What are the implications of [E:F] < |G| in Artin's lemma?

If [E:F] < |G|, it means that the degree of the Galois extension E is strictly less than the order of the Galois group G. This has important consequences in Galois Theory, such as the existence of intermediate fields and the non-normality of the extension.

4. When can [E:F] < |G| be true in Artin's lemma?

The condition [E:F] < |G| can be true in Artin's lemma when the Galois group G is not a normal subgroup of the automorphism group Aut(E) of the extension E. This can happen in certain situations, such as when the extension is not Galois or when there are non-trivial automorphisms fixing F.

5. What are some examples of [E:F] < |G| in Artin's lemma?

One example of [E:F] < |G| is the extension of the rational numbers by the cube root of 2, where the Galois group is isomorphic to the cyclic group of order 3. Another example is the extension of the rational numbers by the cube root of 3, where the Galois group is isomorphic to the Klein four-group. In both cases, the degree of the extension is 3, while the order of the Galois group is 6.

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