Arxiv & Google Trends: Is There Other Trend Tool?

In summary, there is an increase in searches for the arxiv on Google Trends, with a noticeable peak in August. The top cities for searches include Paris, London, Cambridge, and Rome. However, the total top city is Orsay, which is near Paris. This could be due to a single machine searching and could possibly be related to a specific article or mention in a mass media, such as an interview with Connes in Scientific American.
  • #1
Gold Member
Is there any other "trend tool" available in altavista or yahoo? This one is pretty fuzzy. Looking in google trends,+"physical+review",+"prola"&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all
you can see an increase of searches for the arxiv,
but the "cities" region is disconcerting me. For 2004 it gives
1. Paris, France
2. London, United Kingdom
For 2005
1. Cambridge, MA, USA
2. Rome, Italy
3. Paris, France
4. San Francisco, CA, USA
For 2006:
1. Trieste, Italy
2. Oxford, United Kingdom
3. Cambridge, MA, USA
4. Paris, France

But for the TOTAL:
1. Orsay, France

OK, I know Orsay is not far from Paris. But it was not in the partial listings!

Also I wonder if the increase is due to a single machine searching into google. It seems to start August, the 21th.
Physics news on
  • #2
  • #3

I can say that Google Trends is a useful tool for tracking the popularity and interest in certain topics or keywords. However, it is not the only trend tool available. Other popular trend tools include social media monitoring platforms like Hootsuite or Sprout Social, as well as market research tools like Nielsen or ComScore.

It is important to note that each trend tool may have its own limitations and biases. For example, in the case of Google Trends, the data may be influenced by a single machine searching for a particular keyword, as mentioned in the content. It is also important to consider the source of the data and how it is collected, as this can affect the accuracy and reliability of the trends being displayed.

In regards to the specific example of arxiv and Google Trends, it is interesting to see the increase in searches for arxiv and the geographical locations where it is most popular. However, as you pointed out, there may be some discrepancies in the data and it is important to interpret it with caution. As a scientist, it is always important to critically evaluate data and consider potential biases before drawing conclusions.

Related to Arxiv & Google Trends: Is There Other Trend Tool?

1. What is Arxiv and how does it relate to Google Trends?

Arxiv is an online repository for scientific papers, primarily in the fields of physics, mathematics, and computer science. Google Trends is a tool that allows users to track the popularity of search terms over time. Arxiv and Google Trends are related in that they both provide data and information about scientific research and trends.

2. How can Arxiv and Google Trends be used to analyze scientific trends?

Arxiv and Google Trends can be used together to track the popularity and impact of scientific research. Researchers can use Arxiv to access and analyze the content of scientific papers, while Google Trends can provide data on the popularity of certain topics or keywords related to those papers. This can help researchers identify emerging trends and areas of interest in their field.

3. Is Arxiv or Google Trends more reliable for tracking scientific trends?

Both Arxiv and Google Trends have their own strengths and limitations for tracking scientific trends. Arxiv provides access to actual scientific papers, while Google Trends tracks search terms and trends related to those papers. Therefore, the two tools can be used together for a more comprehensive analysis.

4. Are there any other trend tools besides Arxiv and Google Trends?

Yes, there are other trend tools that can be used for tracking scientific trends. Some examples include Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect. These tools may have different features and focus on different fields of research, so it is important for researchers to explore and compare different options.

5. Can Arxiv and Google Trends be used for non-scientific research?

While Arxiv and Google Trends are primarily used for scientific research, they can also be applied to other fields such as economics, politics, and social sciences. However, the data and information collected may not be as relevant or accurate for these fields compared to scientific research. It is important for researchers to consider the limitations of these tools when using them for non-scientific research.

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