Assembly code not running - debug help

In summary: And perhaps you can relate the address 0x00400088 to a specific line your... code?I would try: lw $t5, array($t3)But if that still doesn't work, then something went wrong when you were trying to save the address of the array.I would try: lw $t5, array($t3)But if that still doesn't work, then something went wrong when you were trying to save the address of the array.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello all,
I need to implement iterative (non-recursive) binary search in assembly. The array has 10 elements, starting from 0x10000100, in address 0x10000004 there's the element to search for, and the answer should be put in address 0x10000008

It should be for MIPS and I ran it in QTSpim

Homework Equations

Here's my code:
	# this program implements binary search

# the equivalent pseudo code is the following:

#	first = 0
#	last = size -1
#	while (last - first > 1) {
#		mid = (last-first)/2 + first
#		if A[mid] == val
#			break;
#		if A[mid] > val
#			last = mid;
#			continue
#		else
#			first = mid;
#			continue;
#	}


	.data  	0x10000000

size:		.word	0x0000000a	# array size

	.data	0x10000004

search: 	.word	0x0000000d	# search term

	.data	0x10000008

result: 	.word	0xblackff	# result = -1

	.data 	0x10000100

array:		.word	0x00000001	# the array
		.word	0x00000005
		.word	0x00000007
		.word	0x00000009
		.word	0x0000000b
		.word	0x0000000d
		.word	0x00000010
		.word	0x00004000
		.word	0x00050000
		.word	0x00700000

	.text	0x0400000 
	sw $t0, 0	 	# $t0 = 0, that's our "first" pointer
	sw $t1, size		# $t1 - size
	addi $t1, $t1, -1	# $t1 = size - 1, our "last" pointer
	j condition		# goto condition

	sub $t2, $t1, $t0	# $t2 = last - first
	bgt $t2, 1, while	# if ($t2 > 1) goto while
	j exit			# if not, goto exit

	div $t3, $t2, 2	 			# $t3 = (last - first) / 2
	add $t3, $t3, $t0 			# $t3 = t3 + first
	lw $t5, 0($t3)				# $t5 = array($t3)
	lw $t6, result				# $t6 = result
	beq $t6, $t5, found			# if value found, goto found
	bgt $t5, $t6, isGreater			# if array[$t3] > result, goto isGreater
	addi $t0, $t3, 0			# else, first = mid
	j condition				# check the condition and start over the loop

	sw $t3, result		# result = $t3
	j exit			# goto exit

	addi $t1, $t3, 0			# else, last = mid
	j condition				# check the condition and start over the loop

exit: 	sw $t4, 0($t6)		# result = $t4
	j end			# jump to end

end:	j end			# internal loop to end the program

The Attempt at a Solution

I get those errors in the run:
> Exception occurred at PC=0x00400000
> Bad address in data/stack read: 0x00000000
> Exception occurred at PC=0x0040007c
> Bad address in data/stack read: 0x00000000

Any ideas what could go wrong?
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  • #2
I haven't looked closely at your code. You should break your program down into manageable blocks and debug it that way.

So make the very first statement in the program an exit, to make sure something that straightforward that will run without error messages.
j end

If this works,
modify to

sw $t0, 0 # $t0 = 0, that's our "first" pointer
sw $t1, size # $t1 - size
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # $t1 = size - 1, our "last" pointer
j end

and confirm that that is going to run without errors,
and so on, cautiously building up in steps to the final code.

In essence, building up your program by verifying each part works before adding more. This is the method of program construction you should be following, in any case. Otherwise, you type it all in, find it doesn't run, then have no idea where to start searching for the error.

Good luck. And welcome to the trials and tribulations of programming!
  • #3
Welcome to PF, ydan87! :smile:

Looks like an access violation, meaning you access data from a location in a memory location where you're not allowed to.

Skimming through your code I found:
	lw $t5, 0($t3)				# $t5 = array($t3)
However, no reference has been made yet to the memory location of "array".
  • #4
Thanks guys for the help and the warm welcome :)

I like Serena said:
Welcome to PF, ydan87! :smile:

Looks like an access violation, meaning you access data from a location in a memory location where you're not allowed to.

Skimming through your code I found:
	lw $t5, 0($t3)				# $t5 = array($t3)
However, no reference has been made yet to the memory location of "array".

Ilike - I guess I should first save the address of the array somewhere, and advance through it in each iteration. Can you give me an example on how to do that exactly?

Thanks in advnace
  • #5
ydan87 said:
Ilike - I guess I should first save the address of the array somewhere, and advance through it in each iteration. Can you give me an example on how to do that exactly?

I would try:
	lw $t5, array($t3)				# $t5 = array($t3)
  • #6
I like Serena said:
I would try:
	lw $t5, array($t3)				# $t5 = array($t3)

Thanks for the quick reply
After fixing that, I get these in the run:
> Exception occurred at PC=0x00400000
> Bad address in data/stack read: 0x00000000
> Exception occurred at PC=0x00400088
> Bad address in data/stack read: 0x00000000

I guess we have a progress here...the previous third exection was for pc 0x0040007c and now to 0x00400088 which means that the programs advanced without reciveing error for some time.

Any ideas now?
  • #7
Well, are there any other places where you index "array" without specifying that it is "array" you are indexing?

And perhaps you can relate the address 0x00400088 to a specific line your code?
  • #8
I like Serena said:
Well, are there any other places where you index "array" without specifying that it is "array" you are indexing?

And perhaps you can relate the address 0x00400088 to a specific line your code?

Well...not for the array. Because after I've loaded it to $t5 I just used $t5.

However, if I may address you to the part of the code where "result" is defined. In the exit label I have this line of code:
sw $t4, 0($t6)		# result = $t4

Is there something wrong with that one?
  • #9
Well, I'm not going to do your work for you...
What do you think?

Btw, do you have a method to inspect intermediate results?
Perhaps you can output values so you can inspect them?
That way you can see how far your program got before crashing, and you can see if the program was on the right track.
  • #10
I like Serena said:
Well, I'm not going to do your work for you...
What do you think?

Btw, do you have a method to inspect intermediate results?
Perhaps you can output values so you can inspect them?
That way you can see how far your program got before crashing, and you can see if the program was on the right track.

Well, you've really helped me a lot thanks :), I really shouldn't have asked you do more than what you've already done.
Can you just offer me a program of a simulator that I can do inspection of the kind you've mentioned?
  • #11
ydan87 said:
Well, you've really helped me a lot thanks :), I really shouldn't have asked you do more than what you've already done.
Can you just offer me a program of a simulator that I can do inspection of the kind you've mentioned?

You should already have something like that at hand.
Suppose your program finished successfully.
How would you know the result?
  • #12
ydan87 said:
Well, you've really helped me a lot thanks :), I really shouldn't have asked you do more than what you've already done.
Can you just offer me a program of a simulator that I can do inspection of the kind you've mentioned?
You said you were using QtSPIM. Besides the console window, there is a window that you can view the registers, and you can single-step through your code to watch the registers change.

The latest version is 9.1.4, I believe.
  • #13
Guys, I appreciate your help very much. The thing is that I've asked for help because all the things you offer me either with the code or the program QTSpin didn't work for me, so I wanted extra pairs of eyes to take a look at this.
I know you shouldn't do the work for me, but I really tried my best on this and that's the reason I've posted here.

I'll appreciate any extra help in finding the bug in the code.

For your question, Mark - I haven't seen any change in the registers while running, because the first error I get is in the first step of the code
  • #14
The reason for the first error is that you are not doing what you think you're doing. In your pseudocode, the first thing you do is store 0 in first.

Your first line of MIPS code stores the value in $t0 in location 0, and you can't do that. It is not storing the value 0 in the $t0 register.

I don't understand your code well enough to know how the first and last variables relate to the array. Is first supposed to be the first location in the array? If not, you should have a declaration in your text section to define this variable, something like this:
first: 	.word	0	# comment that describes what first is supposed to be

Also, I don't believe you need to have all of those .data statements after the first one. The assembler will put your variables where they need to go. I could be wrong, but if not, you're doing work figuring out addresses that the computer can do much fast and more accurately.
  • #15
Mark44 said:
The reason for the first error is that you are not doing what you think you're doing. In your pseudocode, the first thing you do is store 0 in first.

Your first line of MIPS code stores the value in $t0 in location 0, and you can't do that. It is not storing the value 0 in the $t0 register.

I don't understand your code well enough to know how the first and last variables relate to the array. Is first supposed to be the first location in the array? If not, you should have a declaration in your text section to define this variable, something like this:
first: 	.word	0	# comment that describes what first is supposed to be

Also, I don't believe you need to have all of those .data statements after the first one. The assembler will put your variables where they need to go. I could be wrong, but if not, you're doing work figuring out addresses that the computer can do much fast and more accurately.

The first variable should be, at the beginning, the value 0 and then it changes according to the binary search. First is also an index I use to look in the array in that index.
I needto have the .data statements because I am asked to put certain variables in certain addresses and also the result in a certain address and that's the reason for the statements.

So how should the first line appear? Just switching between t0 and 0?
  • #16
ydan87 said:
The first variable should be, at the beginning, the value 0 and then it changes according to the binary search. First is also an index I use to look in the array in that index.

I needto have the .data statements because I am asked to put certain variables in certain addresses and also the result in a certain address and that's the reason for the statements.

So how should the first line appear? Just switching between t0 and 0?

Something like this:
	.data  	0x10000000

size:		.word	0x0000000a	# array size

	.data	0x10000004

search: 	.word	0x0000000d	# search term

	.data	0x10000008

result: 	.word	0xblackff	# result = -1

	.data 	0x10000100
first:		.word	0  # index of start of array section to be searched
last:		.word	0  # index of end of array section to be searched

mid:		.word	0  # index of middle element in array section to be searched

array:		.word	0x00000001	# the array
		.word	0x00000005
		.word	0x00000007
		.word	0x00000009
		.word	0x0000000b
		.word	0x0000000d
		.word	0x00000010
		.word	0x00004000
		.word	0x00050000
		.word	0x00700000

	.text	0x0400000 
	lw $t1, size		# load size value into $t1
	addi $t1, $t1, -1	# $t1 = size - 1, our "last" pointer
	j condition		# goto condition

You should have variables defined in your data section for each variable in your pseudocode. I have added some of the variables that you omitted. Since first is initialized to 0, I don't need to have code to do this, so I can start right in with storing size - 1 in the appropriate register.
  • #17
Okkk i understand it now for the future :)
Thanks a lot mark

FAQ: Assembly code not running - debug help

1. Why is my assembly code not running?

There could be several reasons why your assembly code is not running. The most common reasons include syntax errors, missing libraries or dependencies, incorrect memory allocation, or an issue with the hardware or emulator being used. To determine the specific reason, you will need to debug your code and check for any error messages or warnings that may indicate the issue.

2. How do I debug assembly code?

Debugging assembly code involves using a debugger tool to step through your code line by line and identify any errors or issues. You can also use print statements to trace the values of variables and registers as your code runs. Additionally, you can use a simulator or emulator to test your code in a controlled environment and identify any potential hardware-related issues.

3. I keep getting an error message when trying to run my assembly code, what does it mean?

The error message you are receiving is likely indicating a specific issue with your code. Common error messages in assembly code include "syntax error," "segmentation fault," or "illegal instruction." These errors typically point to a mistake in your code or an issue with the hardware or environment. Carefully review the error message to determine the specific issue and address it accordingly.

4. How can I fix an "illegal instruction" error in my assembly code?

If you are receiving an "illegal instruction" error, it means that the processor is trying to execute an instruction that it does not recognize or support. This could be due to a typo in your code, using an instruction that is not applicable to the processor architecture, or not setting up the correct memory or registers before executing the instruction. Double-check your code for any mistakes and make sure you are using the correct instructions for your system.

5. What should I do if my assembly code still won't run after debugging?

If you have gone through the debugging process and are still unable to get your assembly code to run, there may be a more significant issue at play. You may need to consult a more experienced programmer or seek help from online resources or forums. It is also essential to make sure that your hardware and environment are properly configured and compatible with your code.

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