Assessing Dam Strength with a Simple Model

In summary: Integration of d(Torque) = integration of dFrmoment arms = integration of dFy = integration of (density * g * L)y dy * y? = integration of (density * g * L)(h-y) dy * y? = (density*g*L)(hy - y^2/2) evaluated from 0 to h= (density*g*L)(h^2/2 - h^2/3)= (density*g*L)(h^2/6)= (density*g*L)h^2/6In summary, the force exerted by water on a dam is determined by integrating the pressure of each little strip of water, which is equal to the density of water times
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a simple model of a dam. A reservoir of water behind the dam is filled to a height h. Assume that the width of the dam is L. As the reservoir behind a dam is filled with water, the pressure that the water exerts on the dam increases. Eventually, the force on the dam becomes substantial, and it could cause the dam to collapse.

There are two significant issues to be considered: First, the base of the dam should be able to withstand the pressure. This means that the material of which the dam is made needs to be strong enough so that it doesn't crack (compressive strength).

(a) What is the total force that the water in the reservoir exerts on the dam?

The second issue has to do with the strength of the foundation of the dam. The force of
the water produces a torque on the dam. In a simple model, if the torque due to the water
were enough to cause the dam to break free from its foundation, the dam would pivot
about its base (point P). The foundation of the dam should be strong enough so that the
dam does not topple, which means that the material has to be strong enough that the dam
does not snap (shear strength).

(b) What is the magnitude of the torque about the point P due to the water in the reservoir?

Homework Equations

F= P X A

The Attempt at a Solution

For part a)
break dam into little strips, each strip has a dif force...
dF = PdA = density(g)(L)(h)dh <-- integrate this?

= 1/2 (density *g * L)(h^2)?

for part b)
to find torque, sum up the little pieces?
Integration of d(Torque) = integration of dFrmoment arms = integration of dFy

from here I'm not sure where to go? any help is appreciated :)
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  • #2
Physics122 said:
For part a)
break dam into little strips, each strip has a dif force...
dF = PdA = density(g)(L)(h)dh <-- integrate this?

= 1/2 (density *g * L)(h^2)?
OK. But when you are setting up your little strips, don't use 'h' as your variable, since h is a constant equal to the height of the water. (Don't forget about atmospheric pressure.)

for part b)
to find torque, sum up the little pieces?
Integration of d(Torque) = integration of dFrmoment arms = integration of dFy
Yes. Use the same little strips as before, but this time find their torque. Set up an expression for dT similar to what you did for dF. (Heed my advice about changing your variable of integration.)
  • #3
Doc Al said:
OK. But when you are setting up your little strips, don't use 'h' as your variable, since h is a constant equal to the height of the water. (Don't forget about atmospheric pressure.)

Yes. Use the same little strips as before, but this time find their torque. Set up an expression for dT similar to what you did for dF. (Heed my advice about changing your variable of integration.)

Alright so if I used y instead of h, that is okay?
so For part a)
break dam into little strips, each strip has a dif force...
dF = PdA = density(g)(L)(y)dy <-- integrate this?

= 1/2 (density *g * L)(y^2)?

and that seems about right? I think I can forget about atmospheric pressure because its the same on either side of the dam correct?

moving on...

Integration of d(Torque) = integration of dFrmoment arms = integration of dFy = integration of (density * g * L)y dy * y? = integration of (density)(g)(L)y^2dy
= 1/3(density*g*L)y^3??

Thanks for the help, correct me if I'm wrong (sure I did something wrong!)
  • #4
Physics122 said:
Alright so if I used y instead of h, that is okay?
so For part a)
break dam into little strips, each strip has a dif force...
dF = PdA = density(g)(L)(y)dy <-- integrate this?

= 1/2 (density *g * L)(y^2)?
Once you put in the limits of integration, you'll get it in terms of 'h'. (Not y--y is just a variable.)

and that seems about right? I think I can forget about atmospheric pressure because its the same on either side of the dam correct?
Depends what they are looking for. For compression, I'd think that you'd need to consider it.

moving on...

Integration of d(Torque) = integration of dFrmoment arms = integration of dFy = integration of (density * g * L)y dy * y? = integration of (density)(g)(L)y^2dy
= 1/3(density*g*L)y^3??
Almost. Hint: Where is y measured from? (Where is y = 0?)
  • #5
Doc Al said:

Once you put in the limits of integration, you'll get it in terms of 'h'. (Not y--y is just a variable.)

Depends what they are looking for. For compression, I'd think that you'd need to consider it.

Almost. Hint: Where is y measured from? (Where is y = 0?)

Oh so you're saying that h and 0 are the limits of the integration so when its integrated, I should get '= 1/2 (density *g * L)(h^2-0)? I think that makes sense

In regards to where y is measured from, I guess y is zero at the bottom? Hmm I don't really know where y is measured from
  • #6
Physics122 said:
Oh so you're saying that h and 0 are the limits of the integration so when its integrated, I should get '= 1/2 (density *g * L)(h^2-0)?
Yes. (But you don't need to write the '-0' part.)

In regards to where y is measured from, I guess y is zero at the bottom? Hmm I don't really know where y is measured from
Then you'd better figure it out. :wink: Hint: How did you determine the water pressure of each strip?
  • #7
Doc Al said:
Yes. (But you don't need to write the '-0' part.)

Then you'd better figure it out. :wink: Hint: How did you determine the water pressure of each strip?
Ohh hold on. So y would be zero at the surface of the water (y is the thickness) and it gets larger as you go down. Maybe this has to do with h? so maybe I'd have to convert this to h again like in the last problem?
so 1/3(density*g*L)h^3??
  • #8
Physics122 said:
Ohh hold on. So y would be zero at the surface of the water (y is the thickness) and it gets larger as you go down.

Maybe this has to do with h? so maybe I'd have to convert this to h again like in the last problem?
so 1/3(density*g*L)h^3??
Not exactly. Yes, you'll need to end up with 'h', not 'y', just like before. But that's not the correct answer. Hint: What's the torque from each strip? (Note that you are finding torque with respect to the bottom.)
  • #9
Doc Al said:

Not exactly. Yes, you'll need to end up with 'h', not 'y', just like before. But that's not the correct answer. Hint: What's the torque from each strip? (Note that you are finding torque with respect to the bottom.)

I thought I already posted the torque from each strip? 1/3(density*g*L)y^3?? (at least that's what I guess) If I'm finding torque with respect to the bottom, then that is the highest positive y value. I guess I'm confused as to where you are taking me here?? Should I not post that integration anymore? Should I take it back before it was integrated?
  • #10
Physics122 said:
Should I not post that integration anymore? Should I take it back before it was integrated?
Yes. Write the torque (dT) of each small strip as a function of y and h. Once you have that correct, then you can integrate.
  • #11
Doc Al said:
Yes. Write the torque (dT) of each small strip as a function of y and h. Once you have that correct, then you can integrate.

I worked with someone from my class on this problem and they said they ended up with this:

1/2L*density*g*h^3 - 1/3L*density*h^3 = 1/6L*density*g*h^3

They're pretty positive its right and I see where they get what is subtracted but how did they find 1/2L*density*g*h^3??
  • #12
Physics122 said:
I worked with someone from my class on this problem and they said they ended up with this:

1/2L*density*g*h^3 - 1/3L*density*h^3 = 1/6L*density*g*h^3

They're pretty positive its right and I see where they get what is subtracted but how did they find 1/2L*density*g*h^3??
If you do as I suggested in my last post and set up the correct expression for dT, then just by doing the integration you'll get both terms. Get the expression for torque correct--the rest is just turning the crank (integrating).
  • #13
Doc Al said:
If you do as I suggested in my last post and set up the correct expression for dT, then just by doing the integration you'll get both terms. Get the expression for torque correct--the rest is just turning the crank (integrating).

Integration of torque = integration of dF * moment arms

so 1/2 * integration of (density *g * L)(y)dy * y??

thats the best I got, I hope that's (finally) right.

end up with 1/6 density * g * L *h^3
  • #14
Physics122 said:
Integration of torque = integration of dF * moment arms

so 1/2 * integration of (density *g * L)(y)dy * y??

thats the best I got, I hope that's (finally) right.
No, that's not quite right. Since 'y' is zero at the top of the water, it cannot be the moment arm.
  • #15
Doc Al said:
No, that's not quite right. Since 'y' is zero at the top of the water, it cannot be the moment arm.

if y is zero, then should I use h instead?
  • #16
Physics122 said:
if y is zero, then should I use h instead?
Express the moment arm in terms of y and h. (Remember that h is a constant.)
  • #17
Doc Al said:
Express the moment arm in terms of y and h. (Remember that h is a constant.)

moment arm = h-y

1/2 * integration of (density *g * L)(y)dy * (h-y)

so integration of density * g * l * y dy * h - integration of density * g * l * y dy * -y

so 1/2 density * g * l * h^3 - 1/3 density * g * l * y * h^3

= 1/6 density g * L * h^3!
  • #18
Physics122 said:
moment arm = h-y

1/2 * integration of (density *g * L)(y)dy * (h-y)
Good! (Except for that factor of 1/2.)

so integration of density * g * l * y dy * h - integration of density * g * l * y dy * -y

so 1/2 density * g * l * h^3 - 1/3 density * g * l * y * h^3

= 1/6 density g * L * h^3!
  • #19
Doc Al said:

Good! (Except for that factor of 1/2.)


Thanks for stickin with me!


FAQ: Assessing Dam Strength with a Simple Model

1. What is a simple model for assessing dam strength?

A simple model for assessing dam strength involves analyzing the structural design and materials of the dam, as well as the environmental factors that may affect its stability.

2. Why is it important to assess the strength of a dam?

Assessing the strength of a dam is crucial for identifying any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities that may compromise its integrity. It also helps in developing maintenance and reinforcement plans to ensure the safety of the dam and surrounding areas.

3. How is a simple model for assessing dam strength created?

A simple model for assessing dam strength is typically created using mathematical equations and computer simulations. It takes into account factors such as the dam's dimensions, materials, and loading conditions to determine its stability.

4. What are some common factors that can affect the strength of a dam?

Some common factors that can affect the strength of a dam include water pressure, soil conditions, seismic activity, and human error or negligence. Changes in these factors can lead to structural damage or failure of the dam.

5. Can a simple model accurately predict the strength of a dam?

A simple model can provide a reasonable estimation of the strength of a dam, but it may not account for all possible variables and scenarios. Therefore, it is important to regularly monitor and evaluate the dam's condition using both simple models and more advanced techniques to ensure its safety.

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