Assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum/ group theory

In summary, determining peak assignments in a Raman spectrum involves analyzing the frequency and intensity of each peak, comparing it to known vibrational frequencies of molecules, using group theory, and considering the molecule's symmetry. Peak assignments can be incorrect due to experimental error, overlapping peaks, or impurities. Common challenges include overlapping peaks and the presence of impurities. Software and programs are available to assist in peak assignment, but should not be solely relied upon.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need help assigning the peaks in a Raman spectrum of acetylene(ethyne).
The peaks are :
Wavenumber Contours
3372 OQS
1973 OQS
613 OPRS

2. The attempt at a solution
Ethyne has 7 vibrational modes ( with two degenerative modes)
It has a point group of d infinity h

I don't see how I calculate the reducibile representitive because its an inifinity group, the order of the group will be infinity for a start.

All help is greatly appreciated , thanks!
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  • #2

Hello! I would be happy to assist you with assigning the peaks in the Raman spectrum of acetylene. First, let's review the basics of Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy is a technique that measures the scattering of light by molecules. When a molecule is exposed to a laser, some of the photons are scattered at a different frequency than the incident light. This difference in frequency is known as the Raman shift and is related to the vibrational modes of the molecule.

In your case, you are looking at the Raman spectrum of acetylene, which has 7 vibrational modes. These modes can be classified based on their symmetry under the d infinity h point group. The d infinity h point group is a special case where the molecule has an infinite number of symmetry elements, making it difficult to calculate the reducible representation. However, we can still assign the peaks based on the symmetry of the vibrational modes.

The OQS and OPRS contours correspond to the symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes, respectively. These modes are degenerate and will appear as a single peak in the Raman spectrum. The wavenumber for the symmetric stretching mode is 3372 cm^-1 and the asymmetric stretching mode is 1973 cm^-1.

The remaining peak at 613 cm^-1 corresponds to the bending mode of acetylene. This mode is non-degenerate and should be assigned to the OPRS contour.

In summary, the peaks in the Raman spectrum of acetylene can be assigned as follows:

3372 cm^-1 - Symmetric stretching mode (OQS)
1973 cm^-1 - Asymmetric stretching mode (OQS)
613 cm^-1 - Bending mode (OPRS)

I hope this helps with assigning the peaks in the Raman spectrum of acetylene. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your research!

Related to Assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum/ group theory

1. How do I determine the peak assignments in a Raman spectrum?

In order to determine peak assignments in a Raman spectrum, you will need to analyze the frequency and intensity of each peak. This can be done by comparing the observed peaks to known vibrational frequencies of molecules, using group theory, and considering any symmetry present in the molecule. Additionally, the use of various spectroscopic techniques and databases can aid in peak assignment.

2. What is group theory and how does it relate to assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum?

Group theory is a mathematical tool used to analyze the symmetry of molecules. In Raman spectroscopy, it is used to determine the expected vibrational modes of a molecule based on its point group symmetry. This information can then be used to predict the frequencies and intensities of peaks in a Raman spectrum, aiding in the assignment of peaks.

3. Can peak assignments in a Raman spectrum be incorrect?

Yes, peak assignments in a Raman spectrum can be incorrect. This can happen due to various factors such as experimental error, overlapping peaks, or the presence of impurities. It is important to use multiple methods and techniques to confirm peak assignments and to consider the limitations of the instruments and techniques used.

4. What are some common challenges in assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum?

One common challenge in assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum is the presence of overlapping peaks. This can make it difficult to accurately determine the frequency and intensity of each peak. Additionally, the presence of impurities or sample preparation techniques can also affect peak assignments. It is important to carefully analyze and consider all factors when assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum.

5. Are there any software or programs available to assist in assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum?

Yes, there are various software and programs available that can assist in assigning peaks in a Raman spectrum. These programs use algorithms and databases to aid in peak identification and assignment. However, it is important to note that these programs should be used as a guide and not solely relied upon for accurate peak assignments, as they may have limitations and errors.

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