Asteroid Gravity: Keplers 3rd Law

In summary, the conversation is about solving a physics problem involving an asteroid with a small moon orbiting it. The question asks for the acceleration of gravity at the surface of the asteroid and the escape velocity. The conversation includes discussions about equations and units, and addresses the ambiguity of the given distance. The final answer should state that the distance between the center of the asteroid and the moon is 113 km.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An asteroid is discovered to have a tiny moon that orbits it in a circular path at a distance of 113 km and with a period of 41.0 h. The asteroid is roughly spherical (unusual for such a small body) with a radius of 19.3 km.
a) Find the acceleration of gravity at the surface of the asteroid.

b) Find escape velocity from the asteroid?

Homework Equations

Keplers 3rd Law [itex] T^2/R^3=4 π^2/ G M [/itex]
[itex] g= G M/ R^2 [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I started off using the first equation and solving for M. My main question is would R be just the Height of the moon, or the height of the moon, plus the radius of the asteroid?
Physics news on
  • #2
The law says R is the diistance between the centers of mass of the two bodies.
  • #3
Ok. So I put the numbers in and got a mass of 6.2875... E16.
So then using the second equation I came up with 14.74 m/s^2 which is totally unreasonable for and asteroid that small.
I changed all the kilometers to meters so the units all go together, so I'm not sure where I went wrong.
  • #4
Psyguy22 said:
Ok. So I put the numbers in and got a mass of 6.2875... E16.
So then using the second equation I came up with 14.74 m/s^2 which is totally unreasonable for and asteroid that small.
I changed all the kilometers to meters so the units all go together, so I'm not sure where I went wrong.

You'll have to show how you got your numbers if we are to diagnose.
  • #5
I have

[itex] (4 π^2 (19300m+113000m)^3)/((6.674*10^(-11)) (147600s)) [/itex]

which came out to be
[itex] 6.28753*10^(16) kg [/itex]

So then I have
[itex] g=sqrt(G M/R^2) [/itex]
[itex] g=sqrt((6.674*10^(-11)) (6.28753*10^(16)))/ (19300^2) [/itex]

Which came out to be 14.74 m/s^2
(sorry about the exponents being messed up. Still new to LaTeX)
  • #6
a) Rather than find your mistake, why don't you combine the two equations into one for g. Then you get a nice foolproof formula for g.

b) Compute escape velocity by potential.

One problem is that they don't make clear what R is. It's either 113 km or 113 km + 19.3 km. Probably they meant the latter so then R = 132.3 km.
  • #7
Psyguy22 said:
[itex] g=sqrt((6.674*10^(-11)) (6.28753*10^(16)))/ (19300^2) [/itex]

Which came out to be 14.74 m/s^2
(sorry about the exponents being messed up. Still new to LaTeX)

Where did the number 19300 come from? It's certainly not R^2!
  • #8
rude man said:
Where did the number 19300 come from? It's certainly not R^2!

That's 19.3 km in m.

So I get
[itex] g= sqrt((4π^2*(132300)^3)/(19300^2 * 147600^2)) [/itex]
(132300m is 19.3km+113km.)
Which comes to .106 m/s^2, but it still says its the wrong answer.
  • #9
Psyguy22 said:
I have

[itex] (4 π^2 (19300m+113000m)^3)/((6.674*10^(-11)) (147600s)) [/itex]
It's not clear whether you need to add the on here. It shouldn't make much difference anyway. More to the point, you forgot to square the time.
You'd be better off leaving G as a symbol (in fact, calculate GM rather than M). as you can see, the Gs cancel later. I get GM = 23.14 m3s-2

rude man said:
Where did the number 19300 come from? It's certainly not R^2!
It's the 19.3km in metres. It doesn't need to be R2 since Psyguy22 wrote 193002.
  • #10
Psyguy22 said:
That's 19.3 km in m.

So I get
[itex] g= sqrt((4π^2*(132300)^3)/(19300^2 * 147600^2)) [/itex]
(132300m is 19.3km+113km.)
Which comes to .106 m/s^2, but it still says its the wrong answer.
Of course it's the wrong answer. What are the units of your expression [itex] g= \sqrt{(4π^2*(132300)^3)/(19300^2 * 147600^2)} [/itex] ? (Hint: They are not meter/second squared.)

Always use units in your expressions and you won't have problems like this. Yes, it's a tiny bit more effort to carry those units around. That little extra effort saves a whole lot of agony.
  • #11
Ok so for units I'm getting sqrt(m)/s... which I have no idea what that means...
  • #12
It means you made a mistake.
  • #13
You used the same R in both your formulas which is wrong. It's 132.3 km in the 1st and 19.3 km in the second ... which I only caught now.
  • #14
@ D H
I see... I don't know why I have the sqrt in the g equation...
But even so, I'm getting .01127 m/s^2 and its still wrong.

@rude man
I haven't used the same R.. I used 1323000 m for the top R and 19300 for the bottom R
  • #15
Psyguy22 said:
@ D H
I see... I don't know why I have the sqrt in the g equation...
But even so, I'm getting .01127 m/s^2 and its still wrong.
The question as you wrote it in the original post is a bit ambiguous with regard to what that value of 113 km means. Your updated result is the correct answer if that value of 113 km means the distance from the surface of the asteroid to the small moon. Try interpreting that value of 113 km as meaning the distance from the center of the asteroid to the small moon.
  • #16
Psyguy22 said:
@ D H
I see... I don't know why I have the sqrt in the g equation...
But even so, I'm getting .01127 m/s^2 and its still wrong.

@rude man
I haven't used the same R.. I used 1323000 m for the top R and 19300 for the bottom R

OK. But a poor 1st post.

Go with post 15.
  • #17
Thank you. The answer was looking for you to say that 113km was the distance between the center of the asteroid.
  • #18
Psyguy22 said:
Thank you. The answer was looking for you to say that 113km was the distance between the center of the asteroid.
That illustrates one of the problems with these automated homework tools. Problems are oftentimes stated ambiguously. If this was an old-style, hand in your homework type of problem, a good grader would have seen your addition of 113 km + 19.3 km and looked to see if the problem statement was stated ambiguously. You would have gotten full credit for your answer of 0.01127 m/s2 if that 113 km could legitimately have been interpreted as being altitude rather than radial distance.

Aside: Learning to deal with ambiguity is a good thing. There are no unambiguous real world problems.
  • #19
Agreed on the problem of 'automated homework tools".

I also see it as the failure of the engineering community to stress good exposition. This problem is exacerbated for our many ESL students. For them especially, clarity is of utmost importance.

Related to Asteroid Gravity: Keplers 3rd Law

1. What is Kepler's 3rd Law?

Kepler's 3rd Law, also known as the Law of Harmonies, states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit. In simpler terms, it describes the relationship between a planet's distance from the sun and its orbital period.

2. How does Kepler's 3rd Law relate to asteroid gravity?

Kepler's 3rd Law applies to all objects in orbit around a central body, including asteroids. It helps us understand the relationship between an asteroid's distance from the sun and its orbital period, which in turn affects its gravitational pull.

3. Can Kepler's 3rd Law be used to calculate an asteroid's gravity?

Yes, Kepler's 3rd Law can be used to calculate an asteroid's gravity. By knowing the asteroid's distance from the sun and its orbital period, we can use the equation P^2 = a^3 to calculate its gravity. However, this only applies in a two-body system where the asteroid is orbiting around the sun and there are no other significant gravitational influences.

4. How does an asteroid's gravity affect its orbit?

An asteroid's gravity affects its orbit in two ways: the strength of its gravity determines the shape and size of its orbit, and the direction of its gravity affects the asteroid's speed and direction of movement within that orbit. The stronger the asteroid's gravity, the tighter and more elliptical its orbit will be.

5. How does understanding asteroid gravity help us in space exploration?

Understanding asteroid gravity is crucial for space exploration as it helps us predict the movement and behavior of these objects in space. By knowing an asteroid's gravity, we can plan mission trajectories and design spacecrafts that can safely navigate and potentially land on these objects. It also allows us to study the composition and structure of asteroids by analyzing their gravitational effects on other bodies.

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