Astronomy and the Relativistic Doppler Shift

In summary: So the 'signal' would have to be the entire waveform, not just the frequencies. In summary, a star's hydrogen atoms are moving at high velocity, leading to a finite width of spectral lines. The lowest speed that we can measure a star to be moving is greater than 0.
  • #1
Fallen Seraph

Homework Statement

The hydrogen atoms in a star are also moving at high velocity because of the random motions caused by their high temperature. As a result, each atom is Doppler shifted a little bit differently, leading to a finite width of each spectral line, such as the 656.46-nm line we were just discussing. For a star like our sun, this leads to a finite width of the spectral lines of roughly %Delta lambda = 0.04 nm. If our instruments can only resolve to this accuracy, what is the lowest speed V, greater than 0, that we can measure a star to be moving?

Homework Equations

Lambda_o = Lamba_s*sqrt((c+v)/(c-v))

where lambda_o is the observed wavelength and lambda_s is the wavelength in the rest frame of the source.

The Attempt at a Solution

All I could try for a solution was to rearrange that equation to get an expression for the change in wavelength over the wavelength in the source's rest frame in terms of c and v, then set lambda_s=656.46-nm and the change=0.04nm and solve for v. But frankly this method seems daft and nonsensical to me. My main problem with the question is that I don't really understand what it means. I don't really see how the width of the spectral lines can be the same as the change in wavelength, I don't see how that relationship can hold or where it comes from. It seems to be a bunch of dissimilar things to me...

Also to clarify, when they say "finite lengths" it refers to the lines having a clear stopping and starting point, yes?
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  • #2
I am not clear on what %Delta lambda = 0.04 nm means. If this is indeed a percent change in the wavelength, then the value should be dimensionless. So is it %Delta lambda = 0.04, or is it Delta lambda = 0.04 nm?

The finite width does not imply an abrupt cut-off. The velocity distribution of the hydrogen atoms relative to the center of mass of the star depends on speed and direction. For any given speed, if you reasonably assume an isotropic distribution you could calculate the distribution of the velocity component along the line from the star to the observer, but the speeds are distributed also. A reasonable, if not precise assumption is that the average velocity component relative to the center of the star peaks at zero, with a sort of Gaussian distribution. "Finite width" just means that the vast majority of hydrogen atoms have velocity components within a few standard deviations of the mean.

Your relativistic doppler equation seems to be unconventional. The usual expression involves the frequencies with f = fo*sqrt[(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)] where positive v means approaching (f is usually represented by the Greek letter nu). Since wavelength is proportional to the inverse of frequency, your ratio appears to be inverted.

You may be able to use the low speed approximation in your problem

The variation of the wavelenths associated with the variation in doppler frequencies does result a broadening of the spectral line. If you look at a broadened line, you have an idea where the central wavelenth is. If your resolution is only as good as the width of the line, then unless the line moves as far as the width of the line, you will not know for sure that it has moved.
  • #3
Hey Dan, I have a similar issue that I am facing right now in a homework problem. I am using the correct equation though that you listed above where,
f=f_o*sqrt[(1-b)/(1+b)] where b=beta or v/c

here is my question, what if the relative speed of the source is c? That would make the entire expression undefined since 1-1=0...I have been searching in my book for some direction but have found nothing. Help is very much appreciated. :)
  • #4
matthew baird said:
here is my question, what if the relative speed of the source is c? That would make the entire expression undefined since 1-1=0...I have been searching in my book for some direction but have found nothing. Help is very much appreciated. :)

'Sources' don't travel at c. They must have mass. Only 'signals' travel at c.

FAQ: Astronomy and the Relativistic Doppler Shift

1. What is the Relativistic Doppler Shift?

The Relativistic Doppler Shift is a phenomenon in which the frequency of light or other electromagnetic radiation appears to change when observed from different frames of reference that are moving at significant fractions of the speed of light. It is a consequence of Einstein's theory of special relativity.

2. How does the Relativistic Doppler Shift affect our understanding of the universe?

The Relativistic Doppler Shift plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, particularly in the study of objects that are moving at high speeds, such as stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies. It allows us to measure the speed and direction of these objects, as well as to infer their distance and relative motion.

3. Can the Relativistic Doppler Shift be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the Relativistic Doppler Shift can be observed in everyday life, although its effects are usually very small and imperceptible to the human eye. For example, the light from a moving vehicle or train will appear slightly shifted in frequency compared to when it is at rest. However, these effects are only noticeable at very high speeds.

4. How does the Relativistic Doppler Shift differ from the Classical Doppler Shift?

The Classical Doppler Shift is based on classical mechanics and only applies to objects moving at speeds much slower than the speed of light. In contrast, the Relativistic Doppler Shift takes into account the effects of special relativity and is applicable to objects moving at any speed, including those close to the speed of light.

5. What are some practical applications of the Relativistic Doppler Shift?

The Relativistic Doppler Shift has many practical applications, including in the fields of astronomy, space exploration, and telecommunications. It is used to measure the speed and distance of celestial objects, to calibrate satellite and spacecraft trajectories, and to improve the accuracy of GPS systems. It is also used in medical imaging techniques such as Doppler ultrasound.
