Astrophysics in a quantum universe

In summary, astrophysics and quantum physics are two separate fields of study that do not necessarily build off of each other. While astrophysics is more focused on empirical observations and the mysteries of the universe, quantum physics is a more theoretical field. However, there is some overlap between the two, such as in the study of black holes. The LHC, which is working at energy levels near the big bang, may be able to produce dark matter and dark energy. While there are searches for these at the LHC, the connection between gravity and quantum phenomena is still an area of speculation. Overall, there is no conflict between astrophysics and quantum physics and both fields have their own unique contributions to understanding the universe.
  • #1
I have read a number of the popular books on astrophysics/cosmology and a number on quantum physics. oddly astrophysics does not seem to be a continuation of quantum physics. Quantum physics seem to be much more theoretical than astrophysics. Empirical astrophysics leads to unknowns such as missing mass in the universe. to a layman (me) it seems that astrophysics and quantum physics should be a continuation.

I assume that the missing mass in the universe was produced in the big bang. The LHC states they are working at energy levels near the big bang. will the LHC data every produce dark matter or dark energy?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
The LHC states they are working at energy levels near the big bang. will the LHC data every produce dark matter or dark energy?
There are searches for dark matter at the LHC, indeed.
Dark energy... if (!) it has some associated particle, the LHC might be able to produce it.

In theory, everything should follow quantum physics - but you do not want to describe the motion of a car by looking at all its 1000000000000000000000000000000* particles inside!

*lower bound
  • #3
What do you have in mind by "continuation". Astrophysicists studies certain things, quantum physicists study other things, but there is no real conflict (except below). For example, how stars work (an astrophysics questions) requires a lot of quantum theory to explain.

The only problem area is what is going on when general relativity and quantum theory are both needed, such as what is happening inside black holes?
  • #4
mfb said:
There are searches for dark matter at the LHC, indeed.
Dark energy... if (!) it has some associated particle, the LHC might be able to produce it.

In theory, everything should follow quantum physics - but you do not want to describe the motion of a car by looking at all its 1000000000000000000000000000000* particles inside!

*lower bound

Thanks for the heads up. Lhc was interesting reading.
  • #5
I was wondering a similar question, yet nobody answered. Can you write theoretical astrophysics papers focusing on quantum mechanics? Perhaps gravity can be brought into the speculations, like Penrose sugggested, to account for quantum phenomenons.
Why does the study have to be at just stars, and not electrons as well?

"The Origin and <Evolution> of the Universe"

"the unity of basic physical law; and the connection between the subatomic properties of nature and the observed macroscopic universe."

It does not seem to explicitly prohibit Quantum physics from any form of theoretical astrophysics.
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FAQ: Astrophysics in a quantum universe

What is astrophysics?

Astrophysics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of the physical properties and behavior of celestial objects and phenomena in the universe.

What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. It is based on the principles of quantum theory, which states that energy and matter can exist in both particle and wave-like states.

How does quantum mechanics apply to astrophysics?

In astrophysics, quantum mechanics is used to understand the behavior of subatomic particles in cosmic objects, such as stars and galaxies. It also helps explain phenomena such as black holes and dark matter.

What is the role of astrophysics in a quantum universe?

Astrophysics plays a crucial role in understanding the fundamental laws of the universe, including the principles of quantum mechanics. It helps us understand the behavior of matter and energy on a large scale, such as the formation and evolution of galaxies and the origin of the universe.

What are some current research topics in astrophysics and quantum mechanics?

Some current research topics in this field include studying the effects of quantum mechanics on the behavior of black holes, investigating the role of quantum entanglement in the formation of large-scale structures in the universe, and exploring the possibility of quantum gravity in the early universe.
