Astrophysics: nuclear reactions orbital period spectral class equivalence principl

In summary, the star in question has a spectral class of M5, a bolometric correction of 0, and an effective temperature of approximately 2000K. Additionally, when taking into account the negative mass associated with gravitational binding energies, the total mass of the sun is decreased by a factor of approximately 0.8, assuming the sun is a constant density sphere. This raises concerns about the validity of the equivalence principle, as the total mass of the sun should theoretically be less than the sum of its material parts.
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Homework Statement

1. Suppose you are told that a star has been observed with a UBV color index of B-V=1.6 and that interstellar reddening is negligible. In addition, its apparent visual magnitude is 9.8. Detailed spectroscopy also reveals that the star has all the characteristics of a main sequence star (luminosity class V).
A) what is the spectral class of the star?
B) What is the bolometric correction?
C) What is the effective temperature?

2. An article in the Feb 2000 issue of SciAm on the equivalence principle suggests a problem. Gravitational binding energies are negative, but by mc^2 arguments, so should the mass associated with this energy be negative. Thus ,for example, the total mass of the sun should be less than the sum of its material parts when that negative mass is taken into account. Assuming the sun to be a constant density sphere, or anything else that is reasonable, by that fraction is the sun's mass decreased when gravitational binding energies are included?

The Attempt at a Solution

1. The textbook didn't cover this (it explicitly mentioned that you have to refer to another book to solve this). I looked up that other book, and couldn't find a table anywhere with B-V=1.6 IIRC. But it had a value close, about 1.57 I think, and mentioned that a star with 1.57 is red (cool). I then saw that red (cool) stars are Spectral Class M5 (from Table 3-3 in 'Galactic Astronomy' by Mihalas and Binney. Is this the right Spectral class?

2. I set the 'negative' mass equal to E_bind/c^2 = (3/5)*(G*M_sun^2)/(R_sun*c^2), as E_bind = (3/5)*(GM^2/R). Is that right? Then I set the 'new' mass = M_sun + M_negative
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, and the 'original' mass = M_sun. Then I solved for the fraction by dividing new mass by original mass, which was quite simple. Is this the right approach?

FAQ: Astrophysics: nuclear reactions orbital period spectral class equivalence principl

1. What are nuclear reactions in astrophysics?

Nuclear reactions in astrophysics refer to the processes in which atomic nuclei undergo changes, resulting in the release of energy. These reactions are responsible for the formation and evolution of stars, as well as the creation of elements in the universe.

2. What is the orbital period in astrophysics?

The orbital period in astrophysics refers to the time it takes for an object to complete one full orbit around another object. This is a fundamental concept in understanding the motion of celestial bodies, such as planets, moons, and stars.

3. What is spectral class equivalence in astrophysics?

Spectral class equivalence in astrophysics is a system used to categorize stars based on their spectral characteristics, such as temperature, luminosity, and chemical composition. This system, known as the Morgan-Keenan (MK) classification, assigns a letter to each star depending on its spectral features.

4. What is the equivalence principle in astrophysics?

The equivalence principle in astrophysics is a fundamental concept in understanding the behavior of gravity in the universe. It states that the effects of gravity are indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration. This principle is essential in theories of gravity, such as Einstein's general relativity.

5. What is the significance of astrophysics in our understanding of the universe?

Astrophysics plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, as it helps us unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, such as the origin and evolution of the universe, the formation of galaxies and stars, and the search for extraterrestrial life. It also has practical applications, such as the development of new technologies and materials based on our knowledge of astrophysical phenomena.
