Astrophysics or Aerospace Engineering (Princeton University)

In summary, the conversation revolves around choosing a major between astrophysics and aerospace engineering, with the underlying concern of balancing work and free time. The advice given is to choose a major that is truly enjoyable and to not try to cram in too much free time, as it may affect grades or understanding of the material. It is also mentioned that the job market for astrophysics may not be as strong as that for aerospace engineering, but a minor in finance may open up more job opportunities. The differences between aerospace engineering and space engineering are also discussed, with aerospace engineers designing aircraft, spaceships, and potentially satellites. They may also work on other structures involving fluid dynamics.
  • #1
Hi! I don't know what to pick as a major. I am extremely interested in both fields (moreso than any other major at the school), however, I don't want either discipline to occupy my entire life as an undergraduate (I'd like to have some free time). I already satisfied most of the freshman/sophomore year requirements. I'm currently a freshman and I don't think I have room to shop both majors next year. I'm not thinking about job opportunities, I plan to go onto grad school in any case.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Welcome to physics forums,

I suggest pick neither? The reality is unless you are a perfect machine, these degrees will in fact take up most of your life. Now there is some relief, because the first 2 years life is a 'breeze' - at least in comparison to the others. After that, life will presumably be dedicated to getting 'decent' grades, depending on how difficult you find classes.

I have seen people who try to 'stuff' free time into an AE degree and find that their either their grades suffer or they lack a fundamental understanding of the material.

My advice is do it if you truly like it. You will probably find nice things like on campus clubs which you can enjoy.

P.S. its not all impossible but depending on your definition of free time, (lots of parties? traveling?) during your junior and senior years that stuff is not recommended in order to stay on track especially for engineering and science degrees.
  • #3
I would say pick astrophysics if you want to have fun and learn about the secrets of the universe. Pick aerospace engineering if you actually want a job. Don't worry, you'll get an intellectual challege out of this too. I'm saying this just to warn you that that the job market in astrophysics isn't all that great. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun major (otherwise I wouldn't be doing my PhD in it). But from what I see, you're way more employable with an engineering degree.
  • #4
in any case, i expect to get a certificate (kind of like a minor) in finance for versatility. would this, when combined with a hard science or engineering major where there's a heavy emphasis on quantitative analysis, open up more jobs for me?


by free time, i don't mean "go out and party like crazy". right now i do a lot of things on campus like clubs and activities and i don't want to forfeit those things (maybe some of them, but not all of them).

what do you guys think?

thanks in advance!
  • #5
do you do plasma physics in aerospace engineering. and is it different from space engineering where you build satelittes and stuff.
  • #6
Okki2 said:
do you do plasma physics in aerospace engineering. and is it different from space engineering where you build satelittes and stuff.

No plasma physics sorry =(

AE's do not design sattelites. Think of them as specialized Mech E's. They design aircraft and spaceshuttles.
  • #7
djeitnstine said:
No plasma physics sorry =(

AE's do not design sattelites. Think of them as specialized Mech E's. They design aircraft and spaceshuttles.

Aerospace Engineers can design satellites should they pursue that path.

They won't be working on the space shuttle for long as it's retiring basically in a year or so.
  • #8
AE's also design ships and submarines. A submarine is essentially a blimp in a more viscous fluid.
  • #9
Hah, if we're going to broaden the field, then they also can be involved in cars, or pretty much any sort of vehicle or structure that deals with fluid dynamics.

FAQ: Astrophysics or Aerospace Engineering (Princeton University)

1. What is the difference between astrophysics and aerospace engineering?

Astrophysics is a branch of physics that studies celestial objects and phenomena, while aerospace engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the design, development, and testing of aircraft and spacecraft. Astrophysicists use principles of physics to study and understand the universe, while aerospace engineers apply engineering principles to design and build aerospace systems.

2. What kind of career opportunities are available in astrophysics or aerospace engineering?

Career opportunities in astrophysics include research positions in universities, government agencies, and observatories, as well as teaching positions. In aerospace engineering, career opportunities include working for aerospace companies, government agencies, and research institutions in roles such as design engineer, systems engineer, or project manager.

3. What is the curriculum like for astrophysics or aerospace engineering at Princeton University?

The curriculum for astrophysics at Princeton University includes courses in physics, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as specialized courses in topics such as cosmology, planetary science, and astrophysical techniques. The aerospace engineering curriculum includes courses in engineering fundamentals, mathematics, and specialized courses in topics such as aircraft and spacecraft design, propulsion systems, and dynamics and control.

4. What kind of research opportunities are available for students in astrophysics or aerospace engineering at Princeton University?

Students in both astrophysics and aerospace engineering at Princeton University have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects with faculty members. These projects may involve data analysis, computer simulations, or hands-on experiments. Students may also have the opportunity to present their research at conferences and publish papers.

5. Can I pursue a graduate degree in both astrophysics and aerospace engineering at Princeton University?

Yes, Princeton University offers both graduate programs in astrophysics and aerospace engineering. Students can pursue a Master of Science or a Doctor of Philosophy in these fields, with the option to specialize in specific areas of research. Students may also have the opportunity to work on interdisciplinary research projects that combine aspects of both fields.
