Astrophysics Scientific Research

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of conducting research in Astrophysics without access to expensive telescopes. The participants suggest utilizing publicly-published data and data from survey-type observations to conduct research. They also provide links to various resources and databases for Astrophysics research. One participant also shares their personal experience of entering an Astrophysics paper in a competition and being selected as a finalist with limited resources. Overall, the conversation highlights the availability of data and resources for conducting research in Astrophysics and encourages the individual to pursue their research for the competition.
  • #1

I'm interested in learning just how scientific research is done—specifically for Astrophysics. I would like to start some preliminary research for the Siemens-Westinghouse competition in October, but I'm wondering if research can be done in Astrophysics without a multi-billion dollar telescope. :approve: Although, to be honest, it seems that projects done for the Westinghouse competition are quite ground-breaking and require specific instruments, so something such as this might not work very well. (Besides theory, I suppose, but I'm not sure that's covered by the Westinghouse competition)

Does anybody have some links for beginning research or some tips? I have so much time that I waste away on this infernal machine that I'd like to put forth into something productive.

Thanks to anybody that helps :smile:
Astronomy news on
  • #2
You have access to a lot of publicly-published data from projects funded by various governments and agencies. Certainly, few of us can command observation time on Hubble, or any large ground-based telescopes, but there is lots of data from survey-type observations and narrower-but-deeper observations that are in the public domain. If you're clever about formulating your research program, you might be able to accomplish a LOT with someone else's observation allocation.
  • #3
I'm sure there's plenty of work to be done on the SDSS data.
  • #4
It is quite possible. At the risk of sounding immodest, I entered an astrophysics paper in that competition and was selected as a finalist in 19... er, as a HS senior armed only with a six inch Newtonian and a library card. Of course by todays standards, my project was quite naive. But now that we are in the information age, even the rankest amateur has access to much of the same data used by world class researchers. Here is a good place to data mine:
  • #5
most teloscopes have public data archives which anyone can get data from eg. chandra, xmm-Newton, 2dFGRS, SDSS etc.
  • #6
A belated welcome to Physics Forums requiem!

IIRC, there was some quite nice work done recently - on the axes of rotation of bright asteroids, leading to another handle on asteroid collisions and evolution - using nothing more than a tiny (25cm?) telescope and a cheap CCD camera (and analysis software, of course). You don't always need a Keck.
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  • #7
Numerical Cosmology.

There are several data sets that are available here.

These are some medium to very large simulations of the clustering of dark matter in the universe. The files are fairly large, but managable on a desktop computer bought within the last few years or a modern notebook. The nice thing is that while you need a super computer (I think these were done on a cluster in Germany) to do the simulations, you just need a regular old home computer to analyze the data. Figuring out what would be interesting to analyze is a little trickier...

Note: Figuring out the specific formatting that is used by this group (or other publicly available data) is usually the hardest part about getting started.

Good luck
  • #8
Astrophysics Research

Here are some more urls that, I hope, might be helpful.

Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University has pretty good overview on some astrophysics research areas. Below is the url.

You can get survey information, Archives, astrophysics journals at Columbia university’s portal.

You can also search NASA’s database on astrophysics at

There were websites (on astrophysics) that had lots of focus on high-red shift galaxies, gamma ray sources, high-energy astrophysics, particle astrophysics etc. But you can always keep your options option.
Good luck with your research for Siemens-Westinghouse competition.

- Trivikram Nallamshetty
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FAQ: Astrophysics Scientific Research

1. What is astrophysics scientific research?

Astrophysics scientific research is the study of celestial objects and phenomena in the universe, using principles and methods from physics and other branches of science. It involves observing, measuring, and analyzing data to gain a deeper understanding of the physical processes and structures of the universe.

2. What are some examples of astrophysics scientific research?

Some examples of astrophysics scientific research include studying the formation and evolution of galaxies, investigating the properties of stars and planets, and analyzing the behavior of black holes and other cosmic objects. Other areas of research may include the search for exoplanets and the study of dark matter and dark energy.

3. What techniques are used in astrophysics scientific research?

Astrophysics scientific research utilizes a variety of techniques, including telescopes and other instruments for observing and collecting data, computer simulations for modeling and analyzing complex systems, and mathematical and statistical methods for interpreting and understanding the data. Collaboration with scientists in other fields, such as chemistry and biology, may also be involved in certain research projects.

4. How does astrophysics scientific research contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Astrophysics scientific research plays a crucial role in expanding our knowledge of the universe. By studying the physical properties and processes of celestial objects, we can gain insights into the origins of the universe, the formation of galaxies and planetary systems, and the fundamental laws of physics that govern the cosmos. This research also helps us to answer fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the possibility of other forms of life.

5. What are some current challenges in astrophysics scientific research?

One of the primary challenges in astrophysics scientific research is the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data from various sources, such as ground-based and space telescopes, satellites, and computer simulations. Another challenge is developing new technologies and techniques to explore and observe the universe in greater detail and from different perspectives. Additionally, understanding and explaining unexplained phenomena, such as dark matter and dark energy, continues to be a major challenge in astrophysics research.

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