Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution

In summary, adding mass to one side of the Schwarzschild wormhole would result in the hole looking heavier on the heavy side and lighter on the light side.
  • #1
The Schwarzschild solution to the EFE has the (possibly not physical) 'two sided' view (aka wormhole). Anyone know what would happen in a thought experiment if you added mass to one side of the wormhole?

So say mass was M (which is seen from both sides). If you add dM to one side, (say 50%) what will happen? I mean after everything dies down.

It seems that it must be that from the heavy side the hole would look heavy (1.5M), and from the the lighter side nothing would change (mass still at M).

If this is the case, does this mean that the Schwarzschild solution from both sides somehow neatly meshes together? Can this solution be written down - or visualized - perhaps in Kruskal-Sekeres coordinates?

Or is it more complicated?

--Tom Andersen
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

I think that one of the initial assumptions which allows us to derive the Schwarzschild solution is the symmetry. If we break it then the solution can no longer be applied with the same accuracy. This might explain your seemingly contradictory result.
  • #3
The Schwarzschild solution is a completely static solution it does not apply to situations where additional mass is involved.
  • #4
Modified Schwarzschild "wormhole"?

Hi, knobsturner,

knobsturner said:
The Schwarzschild solution to the EFE has the (possibly not physical) 'two sided' view (aka wormhole). Anyone know what would happen in a thought experiment if you added mass to one side of the wormhole?

Depends upon what you mean by "add mass to one side". One possible interpretation would be a modification of the Oppenheimer-Snyder collapsing dust ball model, in which one studies a collapsing vacuole; that is, an "interior" spherical bubble of vacuum, modeled by a portion of the Schwarzschild vacuum solution, matched across a contracting sphere to an "exterior" dust region, modeled by a portion of the FRW dust solution. I some long ago post to sci.physics.research I discussed such a scenario in detail, giving a Carter-Penrose "block diagram".

knobsturner said:
Can this solution be written down - or visualized - perhaps in Kruskal-Sekeres coordinates?

Yes, block diagrams are basically a "compact" version, dimensional reduced for extra clarity, of a global chart like the K-S chart.
  • #5
The Schwarzschild solution is indeed static, that's why I said 'after everything dies down'. The 'no hair' theroem tells me that the hole should look exactly like every other black hole after I throw mass in.

Another way to ask the same question: Is the Schwarzschild solution able to smoothly mate with another one of a different mass? ie: in the typical embedding diagram (cf MTW fig 31.5, page 837 or" ), what would it look like if the mass on both sides of were different?

I am not interested in trying to travel through one! I thought of this question, did a little searching on the web, and looked in my old GR text, and I could not figure it out myself.

One way, I guess would be to get the two line elements for the black holes as seen from both sides with different masses - in for instance kruskal coords, then to see if GR 'holds' across the boundary between the two solutions.
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  • #6
Different masses on each side?

knobsturner said:
Another way to ask the same question: Is the Schwarzschild solution able to smoothly mate with another one of a different mass? ie: in the typical embedding diagram (cf MTW fig 31.5, page 837 or" ), what would it look like if the mass on both sides of were different?

I am having increasing trouble understanding your question, since in the maximal analytic extension of the usual Schwarzschild vacuum solution, (sometimes called the "Kruskal vacuum", although I prefer to call it the (eternal) "Schwarzschild vacuum"), the mass is of course the same as measured in either exterior region.

OTH, I already indicated that by broadening the type of model you are willing to consider, you can get other results. For example, if you are willing to be sufficently outrageous in your thought experiment, you could imagine an internal hole modeled by an exact "null dust" solution, in which a spherical shell of incoherent massless radiation in exterior universe I which collapses onto the hole. Then in exterior universe II, the mass is m eternally, while in exterior universe I it is initially m and after a time certain, if you like, the Kepler mass is m' where m' > m. Here the "extra mass" represents the total energy of the shell which came in from "past null infinity I".
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  • #7
I missed that last reply. By three years.

Yes that is what I mean. You have a static solution, with mass m as seen from U I and U II and then in UI you toss in dust, so anyone orbiting that hole would see m + m'.

Now after that all dies down, how do you write the solution? The mass 'm' is everywhere in the kruskal description. So you take two solutions, one in U I and the other in U II and they should mate smoothly along the null light cone lines in the KS diagram. But it does not look like they will.

Thanks for the thoughtful replies. Tom

FAQ: Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution

What is the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution?

The Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution is a mathematical solution to Einstein's field equations in general relativity, which describes the gravitational field around a spherically symmetric, non-rotating mass. It is an exact solution that was first derived by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916.

How does the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution differ from the Symmetric Schwarzschild solution?

The Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution takes into account the effects of anisotropy, meaning that the mass distribution is not uniform in all directions. In contrast, the Symmetric Schwarzschild solution assumes a uniform mass distribution. This makes the Asymmetric solution more realistic for describing real-world objects such as stars and planets.

What are some applications of the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution?

The Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution has been used to study the gravitational field of stars, planets, and other astronomical objects. It has also been used to investigate the properties of black holes, as it is one of the simplest solutions that describes a black hole. Additionally, it has been used in cosmology to model the large-scale structure of the universe.

What are the limitations of the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution?

One limitation of the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution is that it only applies to spherically symmetric, non-rotating masses. This means it cannot be used to describe objects such as spinning black holes, which require more complex solutions. Additionally, it does not take into account the effects of quantum mechanics, so it is not applicable at very small scales.

Are there any observable effects of the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution?

Yes, there are observable effects of the Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution. One example is the deflection of light by the gravitational field of a massive object, which was famously observed during a solar eclipse in 1919 and provided evidence for the theory of general relativity. The Asymmetric Schwarzschild solution also predicts the phenomenon of gravitational time dilation, which has been observed in experiments with atomic clocks.

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