Asymptotic Expansions for Root Equations | Two-Term Expansions for ε → 0

  • Thread starter squenshl
  • Start date
In summary, we are finding two term asymptotic expansions for the roots of three equations as ε approaches 0. For the first equation, we get x ≈ 4ε and x ≈ -1-4ε. For the second equation, we get x ≈ 2+ε^2/2 and x ≈ -2-ε^2/2. For the third equation, we can determine x0 by setting ε=0 and solving the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find two term asymptotic expansions for the roots of the following equations for ε → 0.
$$x^2+x-4ε = 0, \quad x^2+cos(εx)=5 \quad \text{and} \quad εx^3-x+9=0$$

Homework Equations

The 2 term asymptotic expansion is $$x\approx x_0+εx_1.$$

The Attempt at a Solution

Plugging the asymptotic expansion into the first equation gives $$(x_0+εx_1)^2+x_0+εx_1-4ε=0$$
Equation constant and order ε terms one gets $$x_0^2+x_0=0 \quad \text{and} \quad 2x_0x_1+x_1-4=0.$$
$$ x_0 = 0,-1 \Rightarrow x_1=4,-4.$$
Thus our 2 term expansions are
$$x \approx 4ε \quad \text{and} \quad x \approx -1-4ε.$$
First we expand the cos term as a power series
$$\cos(εx) = 1 - \frac{(εx)^2}{2}+\cdots \approx 1.$$
Plugging the asymptotic expansion into the second equation gives $$(x_0+εx_1)^2+1=5$$
Equation constant and order ε terms one gets $$x_0^2-4=0 \quad \text{and} \quad 2x_0x_1=0.$$
$$ x_0 = \pm 2 \Rightarrow x_1=0.$$
Thus our 2 term expansions are
$$x \approx 2 \quad \text{and} \quad x \approx -2.$$
Plugging the asymptotic expansion into the third equation gives $$ε(x_0+εx_1)^3-x_0-εx_1+9=0$$
Are the first 2 correct and not too sure on how to continue with the final one.
Please help!
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  • #2
You can determine x0 if you set ε=0 and solve the equation.
Your expansion of (x0+εx1)3 is wrong. The right expansion will make the following steps easier.
  • #3
So I take it the first 2 are good.

  • #4
squenshl said:
[[itex]x^2 + \cos(\epsilon x) = 5[/itex]]
Thus our 2 term expansions are
$$x \approx 2 \quad \text{and} \quad x \approx -2.$$

I'm not sure that "[itex]x \sim \pm 2[/itex]" really qualifies as a "two-term expansion".

Here the appropriate expansion is in powers of [itex]\epsilon^2[/itex], since changing the sign of [itex]\epsilon[/itex] does not change [itex]\cos(\epsilon x)[/itex], and so should not change the values of [itex]x[/itex] which satisfy the equation [itex]x^2 + \cos(\epsilon x) = 5[/itex].

Try again with [itex]x \sim x_0 + x_2 \epsilon^2[/itex].
  • #5
Thanks for that.

Using the new asymptotic expansion i get
$$x \approx 2+\frac{\epsilon^2}{2} \quad \text{and} \quad x \approx -2-\frac{\epsilon^2}{2}.$$

Can someone confirm this.

  • #6
squenshl said:
Thanks for that.

Using the new asymptotic expansion i get
$$x \approx 2+\frac{\epsilon^2}{2} \quad \text{and} \quad x \approx -2-\frac{\epsilon^2}{2}.$$

Can someone confirm this.


That is correct.
  • #7
mfb said:
You can determine x0 if you set ε=0 and solve the equation.
Does that remain true for singular perturbation problems such as the third problem here?
  • #8
x0 is by definition the solution for x at ε=0.
If you do not get a converging taylor expansion around ε=0, the whole method is not feasible anyway.

FAQ: Asymptotic Expansions for Root Equations | Two-Term Expansions for ε → 0

1. What are asymptotic expansions?

Asymptotic expansions are mathematical tools used to approximate the behavior of a function as its input approaches a particular value or limit. They are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields to simplify complex mathematical expressions and make them easier to analyze.

2. How are asymptotic expansions different from Taylor series?

While both asymptotic expansions and Taylor series are used to approximate functions, they have some key differences. Taylor series are based on a single point, while asymptotic expansions consider the behavior of a function as its input approaches a limit. Additionally, Taylor series provide an exact approximation, while asymptotic expansions are typically used for rough estimates.

3. What is the purpose of using asymptotic expansions?

The main purpose of using asymptotic expansions is to simplify complex mathematical expressions and make them easier to analyze. They can also be used to approximate functions that are difficult to evaluate directly, or to provide insight into the behavior of a function as its input approaches a limit.

4. Can asymptotic expansions be used for any type of function?

No, asymptotic expansions are typically used for functions that are smooth and well-behaved near the limit of interest. They may not work well for functions with discontinuities or other irregularities near the limit, as they are based on the assumption of smoothness.

5. How do you determine the accuracy of an asymptotic expansion?

The accuracy of an asymptotic expansion can be determined by comparing it to the exact value of the function at the limit of interest. Typically, the larger the order of the expansion, the more accurate the approximation will be. However, the accuracy may also depend on the specific function and the behavior near the limit.
